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七级英语下册ModuleLostandfoundUnit2Aretheyyours同步练习2外研课件Unit 2 Are they yours 一.翻译下列词组。 1.匆忙地_ 2.寻找_ 3.数以百计的_ 4.在火车上_ 5.与.交谈 _ 6.两千 _ 二.翻译下列句子。 1.人们在旅行时或是匆忙时经常丢东西。 People often lose things_theyre traveling_ _they are in a hurry. 2.他们把东西落在飞机,火车,公交车和出租车上? They _ _on planes,or trains,on buses_in taxi. 3.那就是为什么在机场和车站有失物招领办公室的原因。 _ _there are lost and found offices at airports and stations. 4.他们正在寻找他们的电话、相机、手表、电脑和许多其他的东西。 They_ _ _their phones,cameras,watches,computers and_ _ _. 5.拨打85749326找托尼吧。_ Tony_85749326. 三.阅读理解。 Lost Found (A)Do you see a red wallet?Theres my ID (A)I found a bag on my way to school.There are card,bank cards and some money in it.I left it some new books,crayons and pens in it.If you in the park.Please call Mary at 87854312. lost a bag,please call Liz at 83636217. (B)I lost my handbag on the way to work.There (B)Theres a black handbag with some money and is a pen,a key and a lot of money in it.Please a mobile phone in it on the school playground.A give it back to me when you see it.You can call student called Peter found it and gave it to Mr Li at 86753314.If you do so,Id like to give me.If you lost it,please call Mr Wu at 1 you a nice present. 1._lost a red wallet. 12345678321. A.Mary B.Liz C.Mr Li D.Peter 2.If you lost a bag,you can call_. A.87854312 B.83636217 C.86753314 D.12345678321 3.Theres an ID card in_. A.Marys wallet B.Peters handbag C.Mr Lis handbag D.Lizs bag 4.Mr Wu may(可能)be_. A.a teacher B.a student C. worker D.a driver 5.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Liz is a student. B.Someone left a black handbag on the school playground. C.Mary left her wallet in the park. D.Mr Wu lost his handbag. 2
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