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Section Learning about Language & Using Language重点单词写作词汇1.escape vi.&vt.逃脱;逃走;避开2.beg vi.请求;乞求3.relative n.亲戚;亲属4.reward n.报酬;奖金vt.酬劳;奖赏5.sentence vt.判决;宣判6.president n.总统;会长;校长;行长7.opinion n.意见;看法;主张拓展词汇8.educate vt.教育;训练educated adj.受过教育的;有教养的educator n教师;教育学家education n教育;教育学;训练9.terror n恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动terrorism n恐怖主义;恐怖统治terrorist n恐怖分子10.cruelty n残忍;残酷cruel adj.残忍的;残酷的11.beg vi.请求;乞求beggar n乞求者阅读词汇12.quote n引用语;语录13.release vt.释放;发行14.blanket n.毛毯;毯子重点短语1.lose heart丧失勇气或信心2.be in prison蹲监狱3.come to power当权;上台4.set up设立;建立5.be sentenced to被判处(徒刑)6.in ones opinion依之见7.stop. from doing.阻止做8.the first time第一次重点句型1.should have done sth.本应该做某事(实际上未做)He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep(我们本应该睡觉的时间).2.did加强语气They were not cleverer than me, but they did pass their exams(他们确实通过了考试).3.the first time第一次,引导时间状语从句I felt bad the first time(第一次) I talked to a group.Read the passage and choose the best answer.1Elias story tells us that _AMr Mandela was a great leader and was ready to help othersBblack people in South Africa lived a hard life beforeCElias was a brave, clever black man and he suffered a lot in prison Dall the above2Why did Mr Mandela allow the prison guards to study too?ABecause he needed the guards help.BBecause he thought the guards had their rights to study.CBecause the guards were black people too.DBecause the guards could pass their exams.3Why did Elias study on Robben Island?ATo kill time.BTo help Mandela.CTo fight against the government.DTo get a degree.4How does Elias feel now when he works on Robben Island?AFrightened. BProud.CExcited. DUpset.答案:14.DBDBimagineImdInv.想象;设想imagine后可跟名词、代词、v.ing形式或从句作宾语。escapeIskeIpvi.& vt.逃脱;逃走;避开breakbrekn.间歇;休息should have done sth.本应该做某事(实际上没做)blanketblkItn.毛毯;毯子stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事(此处用了被动语态)degreedrin.学位;程度;度数did 为助动词,表示强调,意为“确实,的确”。feel good about oneself 自我感觉不错in prison表示“坐牢”,prison 前不加冠词。educatededkeItIdadj. 受过教育的;有教养的find out 查明白;弄清楚 come to power 当权;上台begbevi.请求;乞求relativereltIvn.亲戚;亲属terrortern.恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动fearf(r)n.恐惧beatingbitn.狠打;揍crueltykrultIn.残忍;残酷rewardrIwdn.报酬;奖金vt.酬劳;奖赏6be proud to do.因做而自豪【核心素养链接文化采风】罗本岛(Robben Island)位于南非西开普省桌湾中,是南大西洋上的一座小岛,面积13平方公里,距南非立法首都开普敦11公里。从17世纪开始,罗本岛成为殖民者关押土著反抗运动首领的地方。 罗本岛先后关押过3 000多名黑人运动领袖和积极分子。1964年6月,曼德拉被当时南非白人政府判处终身监禁,开始在罗本岛服刑,直至1982年才被转移到波尔斯摩尔监狱。THE REST OF ELIAS STORYYou cannot imaginehow the name of Robben Island made us afraid. It was a prison from which no one escaped. There I spent the hardest time of my life. But when I got there Nelson Mandela was also there and he helped me. Mr Mandela began a school for those of us who had little learningHe taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep. We read books under our blanketsand used anything we could find to make candles to see the words. I became a good student. I wanted to study for my degree but I was not allowed to do that. Later,Mr Mandela allowed the prison guards to join us.He said they should not be stopped from studying for their degrees. They were not cleverer than me, but they didpass their exams. So I knew I could get a degree too.That made me feel good about myself.from which在此引导定语从句,修饰先行词a prison, from与从句的谓语动词escaped搭配。escape from表示“从逃走”。who在此引导定语从句,修饰先行词those of us。when在此引导定语从句,修饰先行词the lunch breaks and the evenings。we could find是省略了关系词that的定语从句,修饰先行词anything。因为此处先行词anything为不定代词,故关系词应用that。made me feel good about myself为“make宾语宾补”结构。When I finished the four years in prison, I went to find a job. Since I was better educated, I got a job working in an office. However, the police found outand told my boss that I had been in prison for blowing up government buildings. So I lost my job. I did not work again for twenty years until Mr Mandela and the ANC came to powerin 1994. All that time my wife and children had to begfor food and help from relativesor friends.Luckily Mr Mandela remembered me and gave me a job taking tourists around my old prison on Robben Island. I felt bad the first time I talked to a group. All the terrorand fearof that time came back to me. I remembered the beatingsand the crueltyof the guards and my friends who had died. I felt I would not be able to do it, but my family encouraged me. They said that the job and the pay from the new South African government were my rewardafter working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks. So now I am proud to6 show visitors over the prison, for I helped to make our people free in their own land. Since I was better educated为since引导的原因状语从句,since意为“因为,既然,由于”。主句中的working in an office作job的同位语,解释说明job的内容。本句包
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