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北京语言大学21秋英语国家概况在线作业二答案参考1. Abraham Lincoln is the sixteenth president of the USA from 1861 to 1865.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B2. Britain&39;s service sector produces 65% of the UK&39;s wealth with 70% of its workforce.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A3. The Greensboro students “sit-in” was believe to be the beginning of the civil rights movement.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A4. One important agreement between Canada and U.S. is FTA, which means _.A.Federal Tariff AgreementB.Free Trade AgreementC.Finance Tax Agreement参考答案:B5. Ireland had long been dominated by Britain, but Irish desire for an independent IrishIreland had long been dominated by Britain, but Irish desire for an independent Irish state was never lost. In late 19th century, there was a campaign in parliament called “home-rule”-Irish political control of Irish affairs.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B6. In the 1945 general election the _ Party returned to power with a huge majority.A.DemocraticB.RepublicanC.CommunistD.Labor参考答案:D7. Adolf Hitler was a fascist dictator. He advocated that the _ was superior and the Jews and the Slavic people were inferior.A.Roman raceB.fascis raceC.Saxon raceD.Germanic race参考答案:D8. Traditionally, people gave Christmas gifts or money to their staff or servants on Boxing day, which is the day after Christmas.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B9. Which Canadian prime minister referred to the two world wars as “the vortex of European militarism”?A.Lester PearsonB.Wilfred LaurierC.Pierre TrudeauD.Brian Mulroney参考答案:B10. Britain&39;s main cereal crop is _ .A.riceB.barleyC.wheatD.corn参考答案:B11. Between the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Rocky Mountains there is a large area of desert, of which Death Valley is the lowest and hottest place in America.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B12. The vital power lies in the Prime Minister and his _. They make the real decisions, lead the departments of the government and manage the affairs at home and abroad.A.CabinetB.wifeC.sonD.administration参考答案:A13. The King or the _ is the head of state, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the head of the Judicature in the UK, and the temporal head of the Established Church of England.A.the son of the KingB.QueenC.PrinceD.Princess参考答案:B14. The Stevens family was known for their contribution to which of the following?A.AirplaneB.SteamboatsC.Cotton gin参考答案:B15. The national flag of the United States is known as _.A.the Star-Spangled BannerB.Uncle SamC.Hot DogD.Union Jack参考答案:A16. The Australian Day falls on _.A.April 25B.Jan.1C.Jan.26参考答案:C17. Which of the following provinces is the home of most French-speaking people in Canada?A.ManitobaB.SaskatchewanC.OntarioD.Quebec参考答案:D18. What are the major mineral exports of Australia?A.Bauxite, alumina, and coalB.Bauxite, gold and mineral sandsC.Crude oil, diamonds and liquefied natural gasD.Crude oil, alumina and coal参考答案:A19. 一( )一 You d better not do that! You know how the job market is these days.A. I一( )一 You d better not do that! You know how the job market is these days.A. I start making mistakes when I work really late.B. Sometimes I think I should just quit this job.C. Never mind. I can make it.参考答案:B20. The U.S.A. is known as a “Melting Pot” for it&39;s _.A.mixture of religionsB.mixture of nationalitiesC.mixture of climatesD.mixture of habits参考答案:B21. The death blow to the Irish language was Ireland&39;s accession to the EU.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A22. Niagara Falls is not in New York City.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B23. There is hardly _ rain here in summer. A) some B) any C) no D) muchThere is hardly _ rain here in summer.A) someB) anyC) noD) muchBhardly具有否定意义,在含有疑问和否定的句子中只能用any。some用于肯定句中。句意:“夏季这几乎不下雨”。24. The Great Charter was essentially a feudal document.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. This superb steak house has been a ( ) forover fifty years.A. selectionB. B.locationC. lThis superb steak house has been a ( ) forover fifty years.A. selectionB. B.locationC. landmarkD. footmark参考答案:C26. The library in the school isn&39;t large. There are only _ books in it. A) six thousand, fiveThe library in the school isnt large. There are only _ books in it.A) six thousand, five hundred and forty-oneB) six thousands and five hundreds and forty-oneC) six thousands, five hundred forty and oneD) six thousand, five hundreds and fourth-oneA注意千位数和百位数的读法和写法。27. 150 cases of hardware are shipped from Dalian to Alexandria, Egypt. The measurement of the case is 2150 cases of hardware are shipped from Dalian to Alexandria, Egypt. The measurement of the case is 20cm x 30cm x 40cm;gross weight is
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