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2023年空调销售岗位职责篇 书目 销售中心空调岗位职责 中心空调销售 百诚网络 浙江百诚网络科技发展有限公司,浙江百诚网络,百诚网络,百诚 岗位职责: 1、在杭州线下和天猫,京东平台从事家居舒适系统(中心空调、地暖、净水、新风,全屋大家电等)整体解决方案的询问与销售; 2、线上组织全国各地的楼盘团购活动(微信,qq); 3、线上各大家装装修论坛发帖引流客户,促成销售; 4、线上发起与各大装修公司的合作,建立长期战略合作; 5、通过其他线上渠道(微博等),引流到天猫店铺,促成销售。 任职要求: 1、暖通、空调、制冷或其他相关工程类专业者优先; 2、有家装做小区活动策划阅历者优先; 3、一年以上相关行业销售工作阅历; 4、抗压实力强,有从事销售工作的主观意愿,肯吃苦耐劳; 5、良好的沟通协调实力及团队合作实力; 6、有肯定的机电工程、中心空调,地暖类工程销售管理、安装、修理阅历的优先录用。 空调销售主管岗位职责 1、负责实行公司的营销策略 、政策和安排; 2、负责市场调研和需求分析; 3、负责年度销售的预料,目标的制定及分解; 4、确定销售部门目标体系和销售配额; 5、负责对行业市场的目标客户进行攻关,并帮助经销商进行市场开拓; 6、负责销售安排 的分解、落实,并进行跟踪与评估。 中心空调销售经理岗位职责 1、负责实行公司的营销策略 、政策和安排; 2、负责市场调研和需求分析; 3、负责年度销售的预料,目标的制定及分解; 4、确定销售部门目标体系和销售配额; 5、负责对行业市场的目标客户进行攻关,并帮助经销商进行市场开拓; 6、负责销售安排 的分解、落实,并进行跟踪与评估。 中心空调全国销售代表岗位职责 东芝开利全国销售代表 1.完成公司既定的出货目标和中标目标。 2.负责甲方客户及设计院的探望与沟通。 3.帮助和管理经销商的市场开拓和项目跟进。 4.帮助和管理经销商的市场开拓。 5.开拓行业内经销商,维护已认证经销商。 6.帮助完成项目管理,销售出货管理。 7.收集市场信息。 8.确定项目方案,投标文件的编制,签订合同,供货协调及回款。 1. 有2年及以上中心空调销售阅历。 2.优秀的沟通技巧,良好的团队合作意识。 3. 娴熟运用office软件的运用(word excel ppt 等)。 4. 能够承受肯定工作压力。 空调销售岗位职责 空调软件销售 菱感电子商务 菱感电子商务(上海)有限公司,菱感,菱感电子商务,菱感 岗位职责: 1、针对家用中心空调安装管理软件的功能,完善业务支持。 2、针对渠道制定相应的软件推广规划。 3、负责面对家用多联机市场,完成软件的推广及反馈收集。 4、负责协作软件开发部门,完成软件的迭代优化。 任职要求: 1、具备家用多联机的销售阅历。 2、熟识家用中心空调从客户下单到进场安装,以及交付验收全流程。 3、3年以上工作阅历。 4、有渠道工作阅历者及渠道资源者优先。 空调销售员岗位职责 中心空调销售业务员 福州扶通电器设备有限公司 福州扶通电器设备有限公司,扶通 职责描述: 1、负责本市场内的客户开发与铺市; 2、负责本市场内的渠道建设与拓展; 3、维护客户并推动销售额的增长; 4、刚好反馈市场信息,与其他相关部门刚好沟通; 5、完成上级领导临时交给的工作任务 任职要求: 1、有肯定的家装建材,家用或商用中心空调销售工作阅历优先; 2、专业学历不限; 3、性特别向、反应灵敏、表达实力强,具有较强的沟通实力及交际技巧,具有亲和力; 采暖空调销售岗位职责 销售工程师_采暖通风与空调 oem_上海 格兰富水泵(上海)有限公司 格兰富水泵(上海)有限公司,格兰富水泵(上海)有限公司,格兰富水泵 organizational description grundfos is a global leader in advanced pump solutions and a trendsetter in water technology. we contribute to global sustainability by pioneering technologies that improve quality of life for people and care for the planet. the hvac oem sales unit is responsible for providing a full line of intelligent system solutions for the hvac oem industry. contribute our competencies and experience to develop highly efficient and sustainable hvac oem systems in close cooperation with oem customers. create customized solution for any hvac application from our broad product platform portfolio. job functions - achieve goal through effective and efficient sales in specific region or market under companys strategy and policy. hvac oem business in east of china, mainly with gas boiler industry. maintain mature existing gas boiler customers, improve market share; develop new boiler customers, especially the boiler manufactures who take part in the coal to gas projects; major tasks include, but not limited to: - to accomplish companys sales needs and plans in the market through systematic fieldwork and long term relationship build up with customers; - according to sales target, to work out sales strategy and sales budget in the specific region or market. after review and approve by the key account manager, carry out the qualitative and quantitative tasks in respect of policies and the authority assigned; - to visit customers according to weekly/monthly programs and stand by for customers request; - to participate in market analysis referring to the market assigned; - to prepare the quotation based on the insurance of customer solvency as well as the effective follow up afterwards; - to establish and maintain long-term good relationships with customers, authorities and relevant parties; - to establish and update customers data file containing visiting dates, arrangements agreed on, particulars about customers, relevant figures, sales turnover, etc. - to search for and consider new possibilities and prospects for increasing the sales; - to provide advice and suggestion to the customers on products and their performances, new product, products modifications, system solutions, application, term of sales, service concept, service kits, etc. - to search for information on customers and competitors line of conduct and market trends as well, and in cooperation with the management to consider actions that might be taken; - to carry out assignment/tasks other than above given by superior - to provide sales reports timely. qualification and experience - diploma or degree holder in thermal energy and power engineering or mechanical and/or electronic related field. - 3 to 5 years sales experience in hvac field-sales experience with gas boiler market will be an advantage. - the one with experience in oem customer development and management will be a
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