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2012年中考英语动词一、 连系动词、助动词1.(福州)-I often listen to the song Rainbow. -So do I. It _ beautiful. A. feels B. smells C. sounds 2.(重庆) I called you, but nobody answered. Where _ you ? A. is B. are C. was D. were 3.(威海)-Mom, when can I go out to play football ? -Finish your homework, or I _ let you go out. A. dont B. didnt C. wont D. havent 4.(安徽) If you want to go to see the movie this evening, so _ I. A. do B. am C. will D. should5. (安徽) The food here smells good, but what does it_ like? A. taste B. touch C. seem D. feel6.(江西)-Excuse me, have you got an eraser ? -Sorry, I havent. Why _ you ask Mary ? Perhaps shes got one . A. do B. dont C. did D. didnt 7.(四川德阳) Physics _ more difficult than Chinese, do you think so? - Yes, I think so.A. isB. areC. has8.(四川德阳) Do you know who cleaned the blackboard, Tina? - Yes. John _.A. doB. doesC. did二、 情态动词1.(福州)-Mom, must I finish my homework now ? -No, you _. You may have supper first. A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant 2.(重庆) -Mr. Wang, can I finish my homework tomorrow ? - No, you _. A. cant B. dont C. neednt D. wont 3.(滨州) -Must I get up early tomorrow morning ? -No, _. A. you mustnt B. I dont think you have to C. you cant D. you need 4.(山东菏泽) Will you stay for some more days?Sorry, I_. My mother called to ask me to go back at once. A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. wouldnt5.(浙江湖州) -Who is singing in the next room ? is it Lucy ? -It _ be her. She has gone to New York. A. cant B. must C. shouldnt D. can 6.(杭州)-Will the new iphone cost a lot ? -I _ think so. Apples products are usually expensive. A. shouldnt B. neednt C. would D. must 7.(温州)-Dad, can I go to the movie tonight ? -Sure, but you _ come back home before 9 oclock. A. can B., must C. may D. might 8.(宁波)-May I take the magazine out of the reading room ? -No, you cant. You _ read it here. It is the rule. A. must B. would C. may D. might 9.(聊城) As everyone knows, rubbish _ everywhere. A. need be thrown B. mustnt be thrown C. cant throw D. may throw 10.(烟台)-I think the man over there must be Bob? -It _ be him. He has _ to Australia. A. cant ; gone B. cant; been C. may not; been D. mustnt; gone 11( 南宁) The room is big enough. It _hold 100 people. A. can B. must be C. need D. have to12. (南京市) Must I go with them tomorrow?No, you _ .A. mustnt B, shouldnt C. neednt D. cant13. (威海) -Have you decided where to do for your summer vacation ? -Not yet. We _ go to Qingdao . It is a good place for vacation. A. may B. should C. need D. must 14. (安徽) - May I go out now. Dad? - No. You _let your mother know first. A. can B. may C. need D. must15. (上海) Cars, buses and bikes _ stop when the traffic lights change to red. A. can B. may C. must D. need 16.(江西) I have my own room in my house, so I _ do what I want in it. A. must B. have to C. need to D. can 17.(泰安)-Must I learn all these words by heart ? -No, you _. Itll be fine if you copy them in your exercise books. A. neednt B. cant C. shouldnt D. mustnt 18.(浙江丽水) Must we clean the classroom now? No, you neednt. It after school.A. may clean B. must clean C. need be cleaned D. can be cleaned19.(贵州铜仁) _ we clean the classroom at once? No, you _. You _ clean it after school. A. Must; neednt; may B. Must; mustnt; can. C. Shall; cant; must D. Need; mustnt; may20. (四川德阳) Whose notebook is this? - It _ Tom. I saw he used it just now.A. must belong toB. cant belong toC. might be belonged to21.(枣庄) You _ wear sports shoes when you climb a mountain. A. cant B. shouldnt C. mustnt D. have to 22.(济宁) -Would you come to my birthday party tomorrow evening?-Im afraid I _. I have to look after my sister. A. wouldnt B. cant C. wont D. mustnt23
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