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沪教版小学六年级上册英语看图写单词假期专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图,写出下列过去式短语。123452. 根据句意和图片提示,写出单词。1. I go to school by_.2. My father has a_.3. Can I go there by_?4. You can go by No. 11_.5. We can go to school by_.3. 看图片,写句子。4. 看图片,写单词。1 23 45 65. 填空题。1.a kilo of p_ 2.Eat beef with a f_3.a w_ 4. a w_5.a b_6. 看图填词。1The_is on the teachers desk.2We put a_on our bed.7. 观察图片进行描述。例如:Sarah is younger than Miss White. Sarah is shorter than Miss White. 8. 看图,正确写出与图片对应的单词。1 23 45 67 89 109. 看图回答问题。1. Whats your mothers job? 2. Is it a cat?. . 3. Is it a bee? 4. Is it a bear?. . 10. 根据图片,写出问句或答语。(1).B: Thanks. Im very thirsty.(2)A: Is the boy hungry? B:(3)A: What would you like to drink?B:.11. 根据图片及首字母提示写单词。1The man is o_than the woman.2The ball is s_than the box.3The girl is t_than the boy.4Alan is t_than David.5The pencil is l_than the ruler.12. 读一读,为下列图片选择正确的一项。1()A.science museum B.bookstore2()A.Turn left. B.Turn right.3()A.by train B.by subway4()A.take a taxi B.go hiking5()A.police officer B.postman6()A.be angry B.be happy13. 看图片,填入合适的单词或短语,补全句子。1Myfatherisaworker.Heworksina_.2Turnleftatthe_.Youcanseethezoo.3Lilyfeelsvery_now.4Johnandhisbrotherusuallygotoschool_.5-WhatareyougoingtodothisSunday?-Imgoingto_a_.14. 根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。1There is a great science m_in our city.2Chen Jie likes l_to music.3Im going to buy a d_in the bookstore.4They are going to the c_to see a film.5My father works in a factory. He is a w_.15. 看图完成句子。1The monkey is_the door.2-Where is the clothes shop?-Its_.3-Where is the shoes shop?- Its_the park and the zoo.16. 看图,回答下列问题。A. B. C.D. E.1What does your father do? 2What does he do? 3What does he do? 4What does she do? 5What does your mother do?17. 看图写话。1.This is an_.There are_on it.What color are they?They are_,_,_,_and_.2.This is our_.There are_on it.What color are they?They are_.18. 看图写单词或词组。 页码 / 总页数
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