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课 题L1L3This is my mother.Shesa doctor.主备人李东会授课日期9.24教 法TPR ,Task-based teaching method课 型New学 法Pair work , group work课 时1教学准备Tape recorder, word cards, CD-Rom, CAI, stickers教情分析三维目标及处理方法知识目标:单词:认读father,mother, family,farmer, teacher, doctor.功能句:能够用新句型This is my 介绍自己的身边人,Hes/Shes a 介绍家人职业。技能目标:能够介绍自己的家人和朋友教学重点及处理方法用This is . .简单介绍自己的家庭成员。用Shes/ Hes a 介绍家人职业。通过歌曲,chant等来操练句型。教学难点及处理方法Mother,father,中th的发音。学情分析家庭成员和职业的单词有部分已经在牛津英语中学过,所以对学生来说很简单。教学过程Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Chant: Jenny,Jenny,this is Jenny. Friend,friend,shes my friend. Danny,Danny,this is Danny. Friend,friend,hes my friend.教学过程3. Sing a song. This is Jenny.Step 2 Presentation1. Show a picture.T: Look, this is my family.(教授family)Chant: Family, family, this is my family.T: This is my father. Teacher the new words: father(注意th的发音), 用同样的方法教:mother学生练习句型:This is my.呈现课文第一幅图片:This is Jennys family.师指着Jennys brother说If you were Jenny. You can say.?图片挖空。Watch and answer.Learn the new word: borther和mother, father一起总结发音规律Listen again. Learn the new word: sisterDrill the new words.Listen and repeat.Act it.学生用自己家人照片用句型This is my.作介绍。师用自己家人照片:This is me. Im a teacher.This is my mother. Shes a farmer.Learn the new words: farmer(father_farmer) teacher2. 出示第三课的图片.呈现第一幅图If you were Guo Yang. This is my.呈现第一幅图If you were Guo Yang. This is my.Watch and say.Learn the new words: grandpa, grandma呈现本课四幅图片:学生用This is my. 来说My mother is a farmer. What does grandpa do? (爷爷的职业是什么?)What does grandma do?(奶奶的职业是什么?)Check the answer.What does mother do? What does father do?Listen and answer.Learn the new word: doctorWhat does your mother do? What does your father do?S:Chant: “Lets chant.”Drill the new words.Listen and repeat.Act it.4. Play a game: Sharp eyes.5. Listen, point and repeat the text.Step 3 Practice1. Read the text in pairs.2. Lets chant.Teacher, doctor, farmer.Shes a super teacher.Hes a super doctor.Shes a super farmer.Teacher, doctor, farmer.Super! Super! Super!3. Lets talk.让学生拿着自己家人的照片进行介绍This is my Shes/ Hes a 教学过程4.Lets sing. Step 4 SummaryWhat have you learnt today?Step 5 Homework1. Listen and repeat the text for 3 times.2. 向那个学校介绍家人的职业。Blackboard design: Lesson 1 and Lesson 3This is my mother.Shes a doctor.This is my father.Hes a teacher.教学反思这两课串起来上,时间紧张。学生习惯了用句型This is my.来表述自己的家人,第二单元第三课也习惯了句型Hes my.所以在本课句型Hes a farmer. Shes a farmer.学生愿意说成Hes my farmer. Shes my farmer.再问学生的爸爸妈妈的职业时,由于学生只会这三个职业,导致学生不愿开口说,我应该提前调查学生家长的职业,给学生拓展这些职业,在这个环节学生会有话说。情感教育应用英语说。(360行 行行出状元,职业不分贵贱等等)个人要加强口语训练。本课还应让学生说说自己的Grandpa, grandma的职业。两节课内容在一节课讲,有难度,看似简单,可上起来就觉得时间太紧了,只能把一课详细的讲,那一课讲的就不细致。
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