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AbstractEnglish is a global language, and is widely used around the world. Therefore, English teachers focus a lot on developing students ability of oral English. Since New Curriculum Standard was put into effect, students main positions in the classroom have become more and more outstanding. In English teaching in middle school, teachers need to train students abilities from different aspects such as listening, speaking, reading and writing rather than just focus on the college Entrance Examination as before. But training students oral English abilities has not been given the same attention in many middle schools. This paper mainly focuses on the problems of current oral English teaching in middle school and analyzes the causes from the perspectives of teachers, students and teaching environment s. The author puts forward that the application of the Communicative Approach into oral English teaching in middle school can partially resolve the current problems. The author also introduces the basic principles and strategies of the Communicative Approachs implement in oral English teaching in middle school in hope that it will help students lay foundation for their better development in the future.Key Words: oral English teaching; middle school; the Communicative Approach; communicative activities摘 要英语是一个全球化的语言,在世界上的使用范围极其广泛。因此,英语教师非常注重对学生口语能力的培养。新课程标准实施以来,学生在课堂中的主体地位越来越突出。在英语教育方面,要培养学生的听说读写各个方面的能力,而不只是像以前一样专注于升学考试。但是在许多初中,训练学生的口语能力没有得到同等的重视。本文主要针对现在初中英语口语教学存在的问题,从老师,学生及教学环境角度分析产生问题的原因。作者提出在初中英语口语教学中应用交际法缓解现存问题的观点。作者也介绍了交际法在初中英语口语教学中实施的基本原则和策略,希望这样可以为学生今后更好地发展奠定良好的基础。关键词:英语口语教学;初中;交际法;交际活动ContentsTOC o 1-3 h z u 1. Introduction 12. Middle School Students Poor Performance in Oral English 33. The Causation of the Poor Performance 43.1 From Teachers Perspective 53.1.1 Backward Teaching Ideas 53.1.2 Teachers lack of Strategies 63.1.3 Teacher-Centered Classroom 63.2 From Students Perspective 63.2.1 Students lack of Opportunities to Speak English 73.2.2 Students lack of Confidence 73.3 From Teaching Environments Perspective 73.3.1 Too Much Focus on the College Entrance Examination 83.3.2 Large Student Number in One Classroom 84. The Application of CA to Middle School Oral English Teaching 84.1 Definition of the Communicative Approach 94.2 The Basic Principles in Using Communicative Approach 94.2.1 Classroom Should Be Learner-Centered 94.2.2 Activities Should Be Created for Communication 104.3 The Strategies in Using CA in Middle School Oral English Teaching 114.3.1 Stimulating Students Learning Motivation 124.3.2 Promoting Activities Outside the Classroom 124.3.3 Expanding Cultural Background Knowledge 135. Conclusion 14Bibliography 15The Application of Communicative Approach to Middle School Oral English Teaching1. IntroductionIn recent years, China has more and more opportunities to communicate with other foreign countries. Many international conferences are held successfully in our country. G20 Hangzhou Summit has confirmed the important position of China in the world. Therefore, English is used frequently and widely. It also can be used to communicate among countries. Learning it and making a good use of it is definitely significant to every one of us.As a language, the function of English is mainly to express. It can transmit all kinds of information through oral English in our daily life, and it can help us to communicate with foreigners. So in English teaching, Chinese Ministry of Education has performed some educational reform. “The outline of Nine-Year Compulsory Education in Junior Middle School English Teaching” stipulates that the aim of English teaching in middle school is making students learn the basic English knowledge, forming the elementary application of the English ability for communication, developing their healthy learning habits and laying a foundation to the further study by the training of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Since the promulgation of the New Curriculum Standard, teaching at school is no longer limited to the knowledge in the text books. It means more parts such as students autonomic learning and communicating with their schoolmates. As for middle school English teaching, oral English teaching has been ignored in the past few years. In oral English teaching, the frequently-used method is still reciting. Teachers dont give students enough chance for active interactions and speaking. Therefore, their oral ability is in a lower level and students make little progress in speaking English. This is not good news for our countrys development. Most of middle school students are afraid of speaking English. They dont trust their spoken abilities and are afraid of making any mistake when speaking English. They can only write but cant express orally. Therefore, “dumb English” is a very phenomenon in middle school. It is a realistic issue which teachers are very worried about. On the one ha
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