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【西城一模】二、完形填空(共8分,每题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。ylesc GoIn 982,hn I wcoahing the Raiers,he ownerof th ttaled wth me aot psible trae for le Alzado After wtching hion tape,Ididt ti was ta od, b te own twecolmae Lyle btter breatn the right eniroetlorh. Wemade th1.hat smerat traiig cam,L as hving a hrtie He hd hat look n iseys tat mny oung lyer and someod plyers et whe things ent ging 14One moig Lyle cme io myoffie an h look lie he ht set. Hr was ahuge mn, ith s hd abut s 15 as icoud g. Wetaled, oraher, I listened. The mai pint ws tat Lylefelt hs arer(职业生涯)was a t wouldbebest or hm ndfr the team f he retie (退役)Heapologized for1 usice e a jusadedfor imLyleas alwys etina eson. hi is oneo h reasnse was a good laer. e7 all that motionalenergwith h, ready to irout thsnap ofthe bll(开球).o e ws infrnt ofme,lmost cryin. I touht for a moent, reali wa to keepthat 1 gingh wn thrugh my reason why e should no retir. t the e ofourtalk, Isai,“You go ou and pyyur very bst, and let s19f youstll he it Persoaly,I tinyu do”Inaary 14TapaBay Stadium. Sp Bowl XVIII. Wit ess than two minuteremining, eerelein3-. e wee thewol mpios o prfesion footl. Isw Lyle,cryng kea aby. ad otnawy icy,or I ould av jnedhm 20.I remembered tha ning i my ce, and whatyle, nwt teRaders, had chived sce hecam to u. Lyle aniven hi aree anth ot,he udnt hv athivicory. Mabe the Raide wldnt ave hthis vtoy. uring ht momt, I flt oneo the getest sasacions ofycoachin areer3. A. eal B. lan C. agument D. istake14. .away over C.el D. fas. lo B.col C. clear D hey 16.A. pushng B.efung C. cheatg D. dpong7. face B carred C. eceed D. imained1. Abl B.ire C. time . al1 A. gues .wondr C. decide . predict20. A. heers B ai C.peace D. tears二、完形填空. A14. C1. 1.D1. B18. B19.0.【东城一模】二、完形填空(共8分,每题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。The ey to succe One, when I wasa youg y,Iboated (吹嘘)th I deterined (下决心) to win first plae a oming 13copettin,et Iwthis goal wasearly mpossble Everyyar, thees players frm all ver thestatoo prt ihis ompetitn. Itas auge al, escalyr bgnelike me. ut myom as my numb e1. very day afte cool, she ol si dwn igh nex to me while issGen wasgivinmepino lessonsr I was15ypiano iee. en couldt nd wodt payny logr,se oud ws sy,“If ou detemine wi, thenactlke i. Dont gie upAfter every prctice,m whoe bodywas inpainforum (麻木的)ngrsan (僵硬的)bck. Hoeer,I did wat to 16 mmom, sI kep onratintil I finll felaslep o te aokeys. inal,h bg ayrrvd. ight bfore y turn to peror, my mom ad, “ Iknowy wntt win, o istnto :e her fr th7 nt frthe succes,okay?” I manged to Whn I alked oo e stage, I wasafri tha e dgeold hearthe baing of my eatisteadofhe usiCarfuly, I ook seat bfor thpao and begantopay Slowly, I bega to 18 the world aroude. I just letmyself fall eper and eper into mus 9,Ireallon firstplace. heexeriencemademeralie that deeiation int jus ayng tt you will w; when you have olved dicuties ankpt 20,u catrulysyyou detrmie. As my mo alwas said,“tsard to beat he person ho is the bes, but it is hardr to beatt perso wh ver givsu.3 A. ootballB.violinC. pianoD.bakebl1.A. supoterB. teachrC.lisenerD.prter1. . writingB. pacisinC.snggD. eoing16. A. frigtenB.ru. chetD diapoin17. iseB. rcor.poieD. experienc18. A understand oeC.frgetD. change19. A. NaturallyBSurprisinglyCClery. opfull20. A ogB. sayinC. arigD repeating-20 CBDDCBA【海淀一模】完形填空(共分,每题分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的、B、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Bobopend he box ad rw te two shs rot. put thm o quikl fl ow they fltonhi feet Onc teywre on,h j
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