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2022年通信工程师-初级通信工程师考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Months of staying at home have changed our lifestyles. Online activities have boomed during the epidemic, from telecommuting and online education to online shopping and remote medical services.For employees, especially white-collar workers, telecommuting tools such as video conferences and online office software make working from home more feasible. According to China Daily, Alibaba s all-in-one mobile workplace DingTalk has served more than 10 million enterprises and over 200 million people. Tencent Meeting can provide free use for over 300 participants per audio or video conference.Meanhile, likeDingTalk, many apps have been used by students and their teachers for online “Cloud platforms” have also been provided by the Ministry of Eaucation approach to continuing education among students across the country.Internet companies,such as NetEase, recently opened a full chain of contactless recruitment through online resume submission and online interviews. The candidates can also sign contracts, attend training workshops, and even begin work over the internet.Many museums and galleries in China have also been closed to visitors,but they have launched various online exhibitions to provide a creative touring experience for the countrys vast number of stay-at home visitors.What is the main idea of this passage( )?问题1选项A.Adapting to remote workingB.Staying at homeC.Epidemic situationD.Peoples life is not convenient【答案】A【解析】2. 单选题根据电信业务分类目录,将电信业务分为( )和增值电信业务两大类。问题1选项A.基础电信业务B.补充电信业务C.附加电信业务D.基本套餐业务【答案】A【解析】电信业务分类目录(2015年版)将电信业务分为基础电信业务和增值电信业务两大类,其中基础电信业务又分为第一类基础电信业务和第二类基础电信业务,增值业务又分为第一类增值电信业务和第二类增值电信业务。3. 单选题国内多方电话会议服务业务、国内可视电话会议服务业务和国内互联网会议电视及图像服务业务均属于( )。问题1选项A.在线数据处理业务B.国内多方通信服务业务C.存储转发类业务D.呼叫中心业务【答案】B【解析】国内多方通信服务业务在电信业务分类目录(2015年版)中的编号为B22。国内多方通信服务业务是指通过多方通信平台和公用通信网或互联网实现国内两点或多点之间实时交互式或点播式的语音、图像通信服务。国内多方通信服务业务包括国内多方电话会议服务业务、国内可视电话会议服务业务和国内互联网会议电视及图像服务业务等。4. 单选题在卫星移动通信系统中,利用( )卫星移动通信可实现手持机个人通信。问题1选项A.高轨B.低轨C.同步D.静止【答案】B【解析】按照卫星的轨道分布,移动卫星通信系统可以分为高轨移动卫星通信系统和低轨移动卫星通信系统。国际海事卫星移动通信系统(Inmarsat)是高轨移动卫星系统的典型代表,基于同步轨道的移动卫星通信系统。具有服务范围大、流动性大、用户多、业务量小的特点。全球星系统是基于CDMA多址技术的卫星移动通信系统,是低轨移动卫星通信系统的典型代表。全球星系统主要由空间段、地面段、用户段三部分组成。5. 单选题阅读下面的短文,回答14题 5G stands for fifth generation, meaning the next step in the progression of technology to replace the current 4G system4G was the replacement for 3G, which came after 2G, and so on Earlier G systems were designed to improve mobile communication operationsEach new technology brought major improvements in speed and greatly increased network capacityThe new 5G system promises more of the sameIt is expected to permit more users to do more things - at a faster rate Wireless industry groups say 5G will help fuel future smart cities by connecting sensor networks Such networks will be able to control vehicle traffic and quickly identify streetlight outages 5G is also expected to connect self-driving cars and support new technologies involving virtual reality Higher 5G speeds could also permit doctors to commonly perform remote medical operations Factories and businesses could use 5G technology to increase automation and improve the collection of information(3)Compared with the maximum transmission rate of 4G network, the rate of 5G is _问题1选项A.lowerB.the sameC.higherD.unable to judge【答案】C【解析】5G代表第五代,这意味着下一代先进的技术将取代目前的4G系统。4G是3G的替代品,3G是继2G之后的,以此类推。早期的“G”系统是为了改善移动通信业务而设计的,每一项新技术都大大提高了速度和网络容量。新的5G系统也承诺会有类似的改进。预计5G将允许更多的用户以更快的速度做更多的事情。无线行业组织称,5G将通过连接传感器网络助力未来的“智能城市”。这样的网络将能够控制车辆流量并快速识别路灯故障。5G也有望连接自动驾驶汽车,支持涉及虚拟现实的新技术。更高的5G速度还可以让医生执行远程医疗操作。工厂和企业可以使用5G技术来提高自动化程度和改进信息收集。6. 单选题用调制信号去控制载波的特性参数,使其按照调制信号的规律变化,这种调制方法称为( )。问题1选项A.基带调制B.载波调制C.线性调制D.非线性调制【答案】B【解析】调制就是把信号转换成适合在信道中传输的形式的一种过程。即对信号进行调制以实现频谱的搬移。目前常用的调制方式是用调制信号去控制载波的参数,使载波的某一个或某几个参数按照调制信号的规律而变化,即载波调制。调制信号是指来自信源的基带信号,这些信号可以是模拟的,也可以是数字的。载波是指未受调制的周期性振荡信号。故本题选B7. 单选题In the field of computer, the concept of ( )is program designed to destroy data on your computer which can travel to“infect other computers.问题1选项A.informationB.messageC.virusD.hacker【答案】C【解析】8. 单选题网间互联规定指出,电信网间互联的目的在于实现( )。问题1选项A.接口互联B.降低能耗C.业务互通D.避免竞争【答案】C【解析】网间互联的目的在于实现业务互通。互联互通问题的解决对于在竞争中处于劣势地位的电信运营商有重要的意义,同时会大幅度提升小网络的价值。互联,是指建立电信网间的有效通信连接,以使一个电信业务经营者的用户能够与另一个电信业务经营者的用户相互通信或者能够使用另一个电信业务经营者的各种电信业务。互联点:两个电信网间直接相联时的物理接口点。网间互联规定的原则:技术可行、经济合理、公平公正、相互配合的原则实现互联互通。网间互联规定的适用范围:在中华人民共和国境内经营基础电信业务的经营者电信网间的互联的具体范围。故本题选C9. 单选题按( )分类,可将移动通信分为专用网和公用网,例如集群移动通信系统就属于专用网,主要实现某行业内部调度和指挥的通信。问题1选项A.使用环境B.覆盖范围C.服务范围D.业务类型【答案】C【解析】移动通信有以下多种分类方法。(1)按使用对象可分为民用设备和军用设备。(2)按使用环境可分为陆地通信、海上通信和空中通信。(3)按多址方式可分为频分多址、时分多址和码分多址等。(4)按覆盖范围可分
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