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OPI练习材料第一套 emergenciesWarm-upFrom this group of pictures I can see the aircraft is encountering several abnormal situations. In the upper right picture, the aircraft is taking off. Its after V 1, I believe. The left engine is on fire while the plane is rotating. I can see fire and flames coming from the left engine. As the aircraft continues taking off, the fire from the left engine has been put out but a new situation is developing. I can see smoke coming from the right engine leaving a long plume of smoke behind. The attitude of the aircraft shows it has not reached cruising altitude and is still climbing. In the lower left picture, the aircraft has a landing gear problem. It is leveling off but its nose wheel cannot be retracted. Now I am looking at the last picture. There is smoke in the cockpit but I cant see any pilots. Perhaps they left the aircraft after they had evacuated all the passengers. Through the window of the cockpit I can see some people on the life raft so the pilots must have successfully ditched on water.1. How are you doing today?Very well, and Im in the good mood to pass the test today. 2. How did you get here? By taxi, bus or did you drive?I came here by car. 3. Is todays weather good for flight? Why/why not?It is sunny today and the wind is calm. Visibility is good. It symbols a good flight. I think we are going to have a smooth ride. I like to fly in such kind of weather. 4. What kink of weather do you prefer for flight? Why?As I said just now, I like to fly on sunny days because visibility is good. It is safe to fly in such weather. 5. Have you ever encountered severe weather during a flight? (turbulence, windshear, thunderstorm, heavy rain, snow, icing condition)Yes, I remember I encountered a severe thunderstorm last summer. We were flying from Beijing to Guangzhou. From the onboard radar I could see thunderstorm ahead of us. I knew it was dangerous to fly through it, so I contacted ATC and requested to divert to our alternate airport. 6. Have you ever encountered an in-flight emergency?Yes, I have. Several years ago I had a medical emergency situation. An old passenger was having a heart attack while we were flying from Beijing to Shanghai. Luckily, we had a doctor, who came immediately to attend the sick passenger after I made a PA. I contacted ATC to report the situation and required priority landing.7. Does your company have recommendations for selecting a suitable airport?When selecting the airport, we consider endurance of the plane, distance, and weather at the airport. 8. Do you have specific procedures to follow during an emergency?Yes, we follow the standard procedure.9. Do you consider potential diversion airport before each departure?We usually have the diversion airport in our flight plan. We also consider the weather information of the airport before departure. 10. Have you ever had to divert? When, where, what were the reasons? What specific conditions may lead to a diversion?Yes, I remember I encountered a severe thunderstorm last summer. We were flying from Beijing to Guangzhou. From the onboard radar I could see thunderstorm ahead of us. I knew it was dangerous to fly through it, so I contacted ATC and requested to divert to our alternate airport. 11. Who do you need to contact when you need to divert?Yes, we contact ATC. This is required by regulations.12. What are some considerations in making a decision to divert (distance, fuel)When selecting the airport, we consider endurance of the plane, distance, and weather at the airport. Questions concerning diversionThere are a number of factors that can cause diversion. They include bad weather, such as thunderstorms, visibility below minima at the destination airport and so on. When diversion is necessary, we have to consider several things, for example, the amount of fuel we have, the distance to the alternate airports. If there is an emergency situation, we have to take the facilities of the airport into consideration. If possible I prefer to fly to the airport I am familiar with. Of course, before diversion, I have to contact controllers, who will be able to provide me with weather information and other assistances we need upon arrival. This is very important, as a matter of fact, required by regulations.13. Do you review emergency procedures during simulator training?Yes, this is the standard practice in such kind of training. 14. Do procedures change according to aircraft type and local environment?Yes, different aircraft follow different procedures. 15. Which emergency procedures do you review?Engine failure procedure, cockpit fire procedure and so on. 16. Choose one emergency situation and describe it. Explain some of the checklist procedures in the Simulator trainingDuring simulator training, we try to practice as many situations as possible. You see we do simulator training twice a year, each time with different traini
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