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Unit 2 lesson 4 New Words教学内容P19 Lets learn &lets chantP24 Good to know教学内容整合 整合理由及理论依据课型及教学模式vocabulary PPP主要教学目标检测方法1. Ss can L S R W new phrases and words.Activity 1.次要教学目标检测方法Warm-upFree talk: T:What day is it today?T: What day is it after Monday-Friday? S: Its (Saturday/Sunday)Listen to the chant (P19)T: What do you do on Saturday/ Sunday?教学重点及解决方法检测方法(设置任务)1.Ss can L S R W new words. 1. According to different category.(words / phrases)2. Syllable spelling3.make dialogue with new pattern What do you do onI often .A. Ask Ss to make dialogue.B. A goup shows their dialogue and others write down the date and the thing they do on a day.(before Ss do active 3 ,they should write every new words3 times) . Practice:T explain the way to practice,then T ask a group1 (Monday):What should you do?-ICQ1. 1st Ss say a letter of a word one by one, other Ss listen and write these letters then write the full word. 2. When they finish the word , they should say the word loudly.教学难点及解决方法检测方法(设置任务)教具教具使用情况及方法recorderLets chant作业1.collect phrases about your daily life.板书反思教学亮点教学不足
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