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文秘英文求职信精选文秘英文求职信范文精选文秘英文求职信范文1 Der ir orm, I hav eaed from a advrtimnt t oompny isinee of a ectary. Iwoud lik you oonsidre or tepstin My is I am wentyhe ye ld. m stngusies managmnt iaenniversty. illgauat ths mmer I a falr with mputr peation and oce sofwars, whih cnhelp e do the office ork verywl. Ad Ihave larnedEnlish orte year.In th pat to years,I hve ben an ditor for theEnglish Paer f m deptment. ygr comeou top i my departent. Whatsmore, I k ofieokvery mucad I als think ha Ic e mpeten for the .If Icouldae he portnity toget the I wi be utppreiaive Thnk y for yourcondertio. Iloo frard thearin fromyou.ous aithully精选文秘英文求职信范文2 DearSi/Madam:Mnais , and I wll grate rm Xan Fan Universit ithe year202X, My ajor is secrtaryin nglih departmet. t y great plsr o have tis prut toimprov our mutauderanding.Duringthe three yea lleestudy,I tied ybes learnl kinds ofknledge, and eighthe hrd wrk oy teahrs andmsel; have mastered Enihleing,spekg, writiga rading skills Moreove, aveagood omd of business Engishand theasic thoy, pbli relaioni of secreay.enwhile, in orde tenlarg myknowldge, Ialways readsmenwaprsn agazinabot uinessadrade, nd I used to osome repesenttivof usns in mypartime. he e time, I learn coputerskl duri my summevacaton, n Im familiar wih Offce 202. It is my threyea college lfett masme for m li ttiude Al mythree-rcolege le thtakmerich inoede,andtsals r-yer cllege lfta kes me rmmy lifetitde. Honesty, Tut,Diligece is prcip f how to ba a Asa ollgegrauat, I live “wherthe i ail, there i a way”, and I wi y mybest o do a god n my bsiess. S Isncerey hoe tha Icnmake posiion i o companyso that I cn serve for hecompany inthefutue. Yours faihul,精选文秘英文求职信范文3 Dar M, Ms uangof ou companyha old m that you dept needsa maager assitant,and I ws o appl for thepoiio. I ill radate from cmmercial school n moth My utstding ecod shoolad som xprience in bsines as prepareef the wor you arecallig f. I a relly interested lerning businesspracti,nd also a diligen woreran afaseaer. f given a cnce, Iam sureI n pove y worh in our copanyIi be avilableuing the wekays in he mong for any inervews you may want o give. Encoedis m sm,and opgforyou imiate rely
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