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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上江苏省镇江市2020年中考英语一模考试综合模拟卷(考试时间:100分钟 满分:90分)一、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. She was admired by all her friends because the famous university offered her _ extra chance after _ last weeks interview. A. /, the B. an, the C. an, / D. the , / 2. He made a serious mistake. But he took action to change that _ it got worse. A. until B. unlessC. when D. before 3. The exam he paid no attention to _ him the chance to go to college. A. being cost B. be cost C. costing D. cost4. _? The golden sand and delicious seafood. A. What do you think of the trip to the island B. How do you like the trip to the island C. What do you like best about the trip to the island D. How do you find the trip to the island 5. Have you finished the task? Yes. I _ four days on it and I hope the boss will satisfy it. A. spendB. have spent C. spentD. had spent 6. Marys coat is _ yours. If you feel cold, you can wear hers. A. different from B. the same size as C. just unlike D. the same colour 7. She _finishes her homework on time. She _ leaves it for tomorrow. A. always; never B. never; usually C. sometimes; always D. sometimes; never 8. Why did your family buy a second-hand car? We couldnt afford a new one, but even an old one is better than _. A. no B. None C. EitherD. neither9. -Put your best foot forward. Do you know _ you are to success? - Thanks a million. A. how farB. how longC. how close D. how much10. On the highway, drivers _ drive much too carefully and safely all the time. A. shouldntB. mustntC. needntD. cant11. We believe that the new Silk Road will provide more countries with a good _, to know about China. A. purposeB. chanceC. memoryD. level12. _ youre invited to speak, you should remain silent at the meeting. A. BecauseB. AfterC. IfD. Unless13. This March, the weather in Wuxi was really changeable. People still remember they have _ four seasons in a week. A. experiencedB. explainedC. described D. designed14. I knew only too well that plans could easily _. You just didnt believe me! Things change every minute. Just wait and see! A. go bad B. go missing C. go out D. go wrong15. How could I thank you enough? _. Any other man would have done that. A. As you like. B. Dont mention it. C. Its kind of you. D. Well, it depends.二、完形填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分) I ever worked as a volunteer in a nursing home. One day, a 90-year-old lady moved into the nursing home. Although she was nearly 16 , her hair and clothes looked very nice. Her husband passed away recently, 17 she had to move out of her old house. After many hours of 18 patiently in the hall of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when I told her that her room was 19 . In the elevator(电梯), I began to 20 her room, including the old sheets hung on her window. “I love it,” She smiled with the excitement of an eight-year-old girl who has just been given a new toy. “But you havent seen the room. Just wait.” “That doesnt have anything to do with it,” she replied. “Happiness is 21 you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesnt 22 the furniture. Its how I arrange my mind. I already decided to 23 it. Its a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have two choices: I can spend the day in bed complaining about the parts of my body that 24 work, or get out of bed and thank the ones that still do. If you want to be happy, please remember these five simple rules: free your heart from hate; free your mind from 25 ; live simply; give more; expect less. Then your happiness will increase every day.16. A. blind B. deaf C. homeless D. sad17. A. soB. if C. before D. because18. A. running B. talking C. jumping D. waiting19. A. open B. closed C. ready D. locked 20. A. enter B. describe C. tidyD. clean21. A. nothingB. something C. anything D. everything22. A. pick up B. care forC. depend on D. think about 23. A. leave B. forget C. love D. buy24. A. still B. always C. without D. hardly25. A. worriesB. works C. memories D. experiences三、阅读理解(共10小题:每小题2分,满分20分)A Would you like to improve yourself? Would you like to be a better person? Good news! Here weve got some tips for you. Tip 1 Be Kind Remember to be kind to yourself. You can do simple things to take care of yourself,like getting enough sleep to make yourself energetic. If you dont do like that, you will not bring anything good to anyone else. When you decide to show more kindness to yourself and to others, life cha
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