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本科毕业论文(设计)题 目: 论小学英语教学中 体态语的应用专 业: 英 语 THE APPLICATION OF BODY LANGUAGE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ENGLISH TEACHING BYXXXA THESISSUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS TO THE SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGESXXX UNIVERSITY MAY 2012AcknowledgmentsFirstly, I am extremely thankful to my supervisor, Ma Junxiao, for his insightful and invaluable advice, without which I could not have completed this thesis. My genuine gratitude is also extended to other professors in the School of Foreign Languages, who taught me in the past three years. Their lectures laid a solid foundation for my further study in English My heartfelt thanks also extend to my parents and my best friend who always back me up to go further my studies and to finish the thesis. Abstract Body language plays a very important role in elementary school English teaching. Body language can promote mutual understanding between teachers and students, arouse students interest, enrich the content of English teaching, diversify teaching methods and add vividness to the classroom atmosphere. In this article, the accessibility and necessity of Body language are expounded, emphasizing the proper use of body language in English education, including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and posture. This paper argues that in elementary school English class, for a wide range of reasons, teachers should pay enough attention to body language and properly use it as a teaching tactic.Key words: body language; English teaching; elementary school 摘 要体态语在小学英语教学中扮演着举足轻重的角色。体态语能够促进教师和学生的相互交流、激发学生学习兴趣、丰富教学内容、使教学方法多样化、令课堂充满生趣。本文在阐释它的可行性和必要性的同时,重点强调了如何正确运用体态语,包括目光接触、面部表情、手势语、和体态姿势。因此,在小学英语教学中,教师应把体态语作为一种有效的教学手段,重视并且合理恰当的运用。关 键 词:体态语;英语教学;小学 IntroductionAs far as the English teaching in elementary school is concerned, teachers have to face the issue of how to arouse students interest and increase teaching efficiency. Body language, a kind of non-verbal behavior that can express emotions, exchange ideas and transmit information through eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and posture and so on, plays an indispensable role in helping students learn effectively. Proper application of body language can improve teaching quality and efficiency and make the class vivid and colorful.There are some publications which propose the importance of body language in the field of education. They mainly discuss body language from the angle of the teachers. For instance, Shen Minxian wrote The Use of the Body Language in Elementary School. In this book, the author mentions the artistry of body language, including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and posture. Shen argues the body language has the function of attracting students attention and complementing spoken language in classroom teaching. (Shen Minxian, 1999: 126). Providing another example, Wang Qiangs Elementary School English Teaching Methodology emphasizes the practical aspects of teaching English, particularly practical activities and techniques for teachers to apply in the classroom. In this book, the importance of body language is considered to help childrens understanding and create a happy, light and more comfortable classroom atmosphere. (Wang Qiang, 2002: 78). In this article, the author mainly argues that teaching English with the help of body language has a great effect to achieve teaching goals and teachers should pay adequate attention to proper application of body language. This paper can be mainly divided into three parts. The first part provides some definitions of key body language given by some famous experts and the author herself. In the second part, the author attempts to explore the concrete application of body language through eyesight, facial expressions, gestures, and posture in elementary school English teaching, combined with the analysis of the accessibility, necessity, and principles of using body language. The last part shows the significance of applying body language in elementary school English teaching.1. The definition of Body LanguageMany definitions of body language have been formulated by experts. Some definitions are general. For example, body language is defined as a language without words; or body language indicates all communicative symbols except oral speech. (Harrison, R, 1974: 133). Some definitions are specific. For instance, Samovar and Porters definition is such case: Body language is the specially, biologically, psychologically or culturally framed exchange of valuable messages which are not verbally spoken out but
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