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张家港科灵灵芝地区市场营销策划案 张家港科灵灵芝地区市场营销策划案摘要此次营销策划的客户为张家港保健食品行业的新生品牌:科灵灵芝。所要进行的内容为科灵灵芝在张家港地区市场的营销推广。通过前期市场调查与二手资料的收集分析,诊断出目前科灵灵芝自身存在的问题。通过其竞争对手与消费者的分析,为科灵灵芝提出一个合适的定位,找到张家港地区市场的目标消费人群,提出一系列整合营销传播方案,为科灵灵芝明确营销目标和传播目标。最终使得科灵灵芝品牌知名度与美誉度在张家港地区市场得到提升,并由张家港地区市场走向苏锡常地区,再走向国内市场,逐步扩大销售范围,增加销售额。The client of the marketing plan is KELING Ganoderma, which is a new brand among the healthcare food industry in Zhangjiagang. The idea is to promote KELING Ganoderma within Zhangjiagang marketing area. By analyzing the pre-marketing research and collecting secondary source, we should diagnose the present problems of KELIN Ganoderma itself. By analyzing the competitors and consumers, we should provide an appropriate market orientation for KELING Ganoderma, find target consumers within zhangjiagang marketing area as well as provide strategies to integrate current market, so that we could establish Marketing & Communication target for KELING Ganoderma. Finally we could improve the popularity and reputation of KELING Ganoderma within zhangjiagang marketing area. Whats more, in order to expand sales range and increase sales, we are heading to Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou areas, and the whole domestic market in the end.张家港科灵灵芝地区市场营销策划案目录前言?1第一部分:项目简介一、客户项目基本情况?2二、毕业设计选题缘由?2三、工作思路与计划安排?2四、项目实施过程简述?3五、毕设总结评述?3第二部分:市场调研宏观环境?41.政策?42.经济环境?43.人口环境?54.文化环境?5保健食品行业诊断?6全国范围内保健食品行业现状分析?6张家港地区保健食品行业现状分析?6竞争者分析?8消费者分析?11消费者分类及特征?11消费者购买行为分析?12总结?14科灵灵芝SWOT分析?15优势?15劣势?15机会?16威胁?16总结?16第三部分:品牌营销战略?17品牌发展目标?17品牌发展战略?
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