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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!圣诞颂歌读后感篇一:读圣诞颂歌有感做一个懂爱的人-读圣诞颂歌有感 2020071126 钟玉梅 2020级英语5班一个如此自私、刻薄、吝啬的守财奴,一个如此不懂得施舍和关爱他人的守财奴,在任何时候,看到这样的形象人物,我都会忍不住要唾骂一番。但是看完圣诞颂歌后,我却忍不住要对他竖起大拇指。他的名字是斯克鲁奇。正如他的名字一样,他花钱吝啬又不懂得关心他人。就算是在圣诞节如此欢乐的日子里,他还坚持要他的办事员加班,而不增加任何薪水。如果不是因为死去的马利他的合伙人的鬼魂的出现,他一辈子也意识不到自己该做一个善良有爱的人。就像社会上很多吝啬的公司老板一样,他们想要工人干多点活,却舍不得掏出口袋里多一分钱。工厂闹罢工讨债出事了,拍拍屁股就走人了。反正工人如何也是要不到钱的。钱是那些老板的命根子。你把他们的命根子硬要夺走,他们怎肯?虽说那些钱里大多数是工人的血汗钱,但是,他就能活生生地把自己当成不懂事的孩子一般,抢了别人的玩具,硬是不肯松手,还坚称,是他的。与 这样孩子气的人讨工资,你只能够变成和他一样孩子气的人,要么,就算是他伟大的母亲出现,他也是不会松手的。因为他能有今天,多少是得靠着他伟大的母亲的。他宁愿相信,他的母亲是永远维护他的。所以,我太同情城市里千千万万的打工者了。所以,我太痛恨那样的吸血老板了。因此,我很高兴看到马利鬼魂的出现。马利的鬼魂说:“每个人,都应当使自己内在的心灵到人们之间去活动,到四面八方去旅行;如果在世的时候他的心灵不到外面去,那么死后就要罚它这么做。它将注定要到全世界去流浪咳,好苦啊!而且要亲眼看到他在世时本来可以分享得到的、并且从中得到幸福的事物,现在他却没有资格分享了。”马利说的这一番话多有悔意啊。在世的时候不懂得体会人间的疾苦,只懂得盘算自己的钱袋子,这样子的人,就算是死后也不能安宁啊。他的心灵必须接受上帝的惩罚,流浪各地,没有休息,疲劳悔恨!可惜,他是在死后才有这样的机会知道自己的过错。对于社会上的许多人而言,“事不关己高高挂起”早已经不是新鲜事了。“只管自己门前雪,哪管他人瓦上霜。”这在中国的文化传统里也是根深蒂固的。怪不得如今社会人性的冷漠和无情。只要一想到人性的冷漠和无情,有一张脸深深地印在我的脑海里。她就是小悦悦佛山一家五金店老板的孩子。我不知道她犯了什么错,也不知道上帝在做什么为什么会让诸多路过的行人瞎了眼!他们竟然看不到一条鲜活的生命在他们的车轮底下无助地哭泣死去!比起那匆匆而过的车轮,人的冷漠更能碾碎一个人的生命和灵魂。镜头里前后路过的十几个人啊!我不批判你们,我只是祈求,也能有一个像马利鬼魂一样的东西,或许叫小悦悦鬼魂去唤醒你们的良知和爱,让你们也能够看到过去的自己,现在的自己和未来的自己,从此不再怀抱一种侥幸和看热闹的心理,而是带着一颗爱人的心,让善行生根发芽!斯克鲁奇实现了自己的诺言,变成了一个善人。他做了许多事情,为人所知的善事;也做了一些其他的不为人知的小事。上帝保佑了他!他的余生不再是独自冷清地守在自己的钱窖里,而是走上大街,走进小巷,去帮助那些他能帮助的人。我多么希望也能有这样的奇迹发生在那些像斯克鲁奇一样的人身上。有什么办法能让他们感受到帮助他人,施与他人的快乐和值得呢?噢,我实在没有办法。因此,我的心为斯克鲁奇而开心兴奋,却为千千万万的斯克鲁奇而担忧皱眉。如何能够做一个懂爱有爱的人,这绝对不是简单地进行思想教育或营造某种社会氛围就可以达到的。斯克鲁奇的转变,是因为有马利的鬼魂和三个幽灵的指引,他能在过去清楚地看到自己曾经的天真和善良,能在现在看到自己的冷漠和自私,以及在未来看到自己悲惨的下场。任何人在那种情况下,内心深处最柔软的地方都会被触动。没有人希望看到自己未来死去时是如此悲凉和凄苦。所以,为了放手一搏,为了不重蹈马利的覆辙,他做出了转变。 但是对于社会中的人而言,要让他们转变为真正懂爱有爱的人,需要较长的时间和刻骨铭心的事件让他们觉悟。它也许是一部电影,也许是一部电视剧,也许是一本书,也许是一首歌,也许是某一个在他生命中起重要作用的人。我们没法设定一个标准,正如我们没法将马利的鬼魂引渡到当今一样。但是我确信,圣诞颂歌是那些书中的其中一种。读一本书不会让你立刻变得富有,也不会让你立刻智慧或美丽,但是却会让你对现今的社会和人有一个对比和思考。不断地思考,才不至于让自己的脑袋生锈,以至于自己失去了原始的爱的能力和愿望,也不至于自己变得如斯克鲁奇一样的人。我希望,在我遇到一个像斯克鲁奇的人的时候,我能把这本书介绍给他,并叮嘱他做个懂爱有爱的人。篇二:A Christmas Carol狄更斯圣诞颂歌大意及读后感A Christmas Carol狄更斯圣诞颂歌大意及读后感General Idea(大意): Scrooge was an old man who was hard, clever and mean. There was nothing warm or open about him. He lived a secretive, lonely life. One Christmas Eve, his nephew wish him a Merry Christmas, but he said crossly, “Christmas is humbug”. The spirit of his parents Marleg, who died seven ago came and called on him. He told Scrooge that he had done lots of bad things, and told him to save himself from what was happened to him. Next three spirits visited him. They showed his past, now and future. He saw he would had a sad future and he realized that he was wrong. So he changed, he made himself be kind to others. He offered help to people in need, and lived a happy life.Feelings and thoughts(读后感): Money cannot buy everything. In our life, many things are more important than money. Without them, our life will lose its point. The meaning of life is giving, but not taking. Money cannot buy a happy life.Beautiful Sentences(优美句子):The spirit of every man who dose not help other people in life has to travel endlessly through the world after his death.We have to carry the chains that we made for ourselves in our lifetime.The happiness that he gives is just as valuable as money.Money cannot buy a happy life, or a peaceful death.篇三:圣诞颂歌 读后感A Christmas Carol高俊杰 1230100033 文学二班Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the worlds most memorable frictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. His works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. Charles Dickenss writing style is florid and poetic , with a strong comic touch. Through his works, Dickens retained sympathy for the common people and skepticism for the fine folk. Anyway , he was the greatest English realist of the time with a striking force and truthfulness to bourgeois civilization and sufferings of the common people.A Christmas Carol is a ghost story that happened on Christmas Eve. It was divided into five staves. The protagonists name is Scrooge. In the first stave, Scrooge was a greedy and stingy businessman who has no place in his life for kindness, compassion and charity. Even when he was facing the corpse of his business partner, Marley, he also thought his money in his mind. In the next three staves, there were three spirits visited Scrooge. This three spirits represented the past, the present and the future. Three spirits took Scrooge to the scenes of hisboyhood, nowadays and the future. They helped Scrooge recognized the happiness of philanthropism and the bad effect of stingy and selfish. At last, Scrooge started with a new slate.The success of this novel is benefited from the doctrine of Christianism. For example, every people have the soul, and the soul can separate from the body, even can remain forever. Except this one , there also have the transmigration, the Karma and the Gods omnipotence. Whats essential is
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