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Unit 2Are they yours?1.关键词:take photos. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子中的单词2.关键词:The plane1. Bob loves animals very much.He often uses his camera to take photos of them at the zoo.3.These are为复数,后方名词用复数(+s)2. We are waiting for Miss Fan at the airport. The plane is landing soon.3. There are two kilos of sausages(香肠) in the fridge. 5.hundred thousand 前有数字,后无来者( s和f)4. The boy often asks his teachers some strange(奇怪的) questions. 5. There are two thousand(千) students in the school.1.后方名词为单数,用单数There is. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. There is (be) a pair of gloves on the desk.2.be+v.ing2. What are you looking(look) for? 3.hundred thousand 前无数字,后有s和of Im looking for my eraser. 4.量词有复数 (数词1) 量词+s 数词+量词(s)+of3. Thousands(thousand) of people visit the Great Wall every day. 4. I want to buy five kilos(kilo) of apples. 5. 主语为第三人称单数,谓语动词用三单形式(+s)leave sth./sb. +地点 把某物/人遗忘在某地 5. Tom often leaves(leave) his homework at home when he goes to school in a hurry. . 单项选择(B) 1. The boy lost his favourite dog. Thats _ he looks sad(不高兴的). 1.Thats why.(说明理由)“这就是.的原因”, 常用于句首,后面跟的是结果。 A. what B. why2. other +名词(复数)其他的others 不接名词 “其余的”the others 不接名词 “(一定范围)其余的”another +名词(单数),又一;再一 C. because D. how(A) 2. There are vegetables, fruit, meat and many _things in the supermarket. A. other B. the others 3. be+v.ing look for 寻找,强调动作 find 找到;发现,强调结果C. another D. others (A) 3. Simon is _his lost dog. Can you help him_it?A. looking for; find B. finding; look for C. look for; find D. find; look for 4.leave sth./sb. +地点 把某物/人落在某地 forget sth. 忘记某件事 (A) 4. May I use your dictionary, Mary? I always _mine at home. A. leave B. choose 选择 C. save 节省D. forget 5.hundred thousand 前有数字,后无来者(s和of )前无数字,后有s和of (A) 5. Its very cool in Harbin in summer, so _ people come here for vacation. A. thousands of B. thousands of C. two thousands D. two thousand of . 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词1. My fathers mobile phone(移动电话) is very expensive. 2. The man lost his wallet when he was in a hurry(匆匆忙忙). 3. Hundreds of(成百上千) people lose their things on planes, on trains and on buses every day. 4. Tony is looking for(寻找) his gloves in his room. 5. You can go to the lost and found office(失物招领处) from Monday to Friday. . 句型转换1. The boys and girls are now singing and dancing in the classroom.(改为同义句)1.now=at the moment现在2.be动词中(is是单,are是复)疑问句和否定句中用any,肯定句或表请求的疑问句用someAt the moment the boys and girls are singing and dancing in the classroom.2. Is there a pet dog in your home?(改为复数形式)Are there any pet dogs in your home?3.含be动的句子变否定句,在be动后加not有some把some改为any3. There are some things in the lost and found box. (改为否定句)There arent any things in the lost and found box. 4.含be动的句子变一般疑问句,把be动提到句首these gloves为复数,用复数代词they代指4. These gloves are my fathers. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)Are these gloves your fathers?lose-lost v. lose sth. lost and found box/officehurry n. in a hurrypurple adj.gloves, phone n. No,_they arent. . 用方框中所给单词填空,完成短文动 (主+谓动+宾)名 (a+名)When people are in a _1_,/ they often _2_ things. Some are lucky to find their lost things, but some are not lucky. 名 (a+名)形 (a+形+名)名 (of+名)In order to help students, the lost and found office was set up(成立) in our school last month. Now, there are lots of things here. You can see fifteen pens, seven school ID cards, three pairs of _3_, two pairs of glasses, a _4_ wallet, a football and a _5_.Are these things yours? If you lose something, you can come here. 1. hurry2. lose3. gloves4. purple5. phone. 完形填空This is the lost and found office at No. 3 Middle School. If you lose something, you can come here and _1_ it.There _2_ a pen, a set of keys, an English book and an ID card today. The ID card is a _3_. There is a girls photo on it. _4_ name is Linda. The _5_ of the pen is black. The English book is about the eighth grade, _6_ its an eighthgrade students. There are _7_ keys in the key ring, two long and two short. I lost my maths book this morning. But I found _8_ in the lost and found box. Im very _9_.Mr Lee and Mrs Brown work in the office. If you want to find your things, you can call them _10_ 6638835.1. look for寻找 look at 看 look after 照顾 look like 看起来像关键词:lose something(A) 1. A. look forB. look atC. look after D. look like2.There be(is/are) 与 have/has “ 有”两者不共用,即无There have/has的用法There be就近原则:be 后紧跟的是单数be用is(C) 2. A. has B. haveC. is D. are3.名词所有格表(s)所属关系 “.的.” The ID card is a _3_ (card).关键词:a girls photo(D) 3. A. boy B. boysC. girl D. girls 4. 关键词:a girls photo, LindaHer+name; Hers+name(B) 4. A. His B.
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