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大学英语短语()PhrasesTranslationExplanations and/or Examplesin no case无论如何不,决不In no case shall we surrender(投降).catch on1.受欢迎,流行起来; 2理解,明白1.The new song caught on really quickly. 2. Hes always the last to catch on.catch up with追上,赶上Will we catch up with Japan in industrial production?in the face of1.在前面; 2.不顾,即使1.=in opposition to; 2=in spite ofmake a face做鬼脸in fact 实际上,事实上He doesnt mind. In fact,hes very pleased.matter of fact实际情况,真相fall behind落后to fall behind with ones workfall back on求助于,转而依靠Even if he is not successful as a singer,he has his training as a teacher to fall back onfall in with +sb/sth1.偶遇; 2. 同意1.=happen to meet; 2=agree to : He fell in with my views at once.fall out吵架,失和Jean and Paul have fallen out with each other again.fall through落空,失败The plan felt through.as far as / so far as 到.程度; 远至by far.得多by far the smallest/heaviestfar from决不,与非=rather than; instead ofso far1.到目前为此; 2. 至某一指明地点1.=until now : So far we have learned five lessons. 2.=up to a certain pointfind fault埋怨,挑剔,找毛病Shes always finding fault with the way I do things.in favor of赞成,支持; A有利于Are you in favor of workers control of companies?feed in输入,进(料)feed on 靠吃.维持生命The horse feeds on grass.be fed up with对.感到厌烦I am fed up with your empty promises.feel like想要Do you feel like a coffee? feel like doing sthfigure out 算出,估计,推测find out发现,查明,找出at first最初,首先flare up突然烧起来,突然发怒catch fire着火,烧着The pile of papers caught fire.set fire to使燃烧,点燃Someone must have set fire to it/ set it on fire.on fire起火,着火The house is on fire!in force大批地The police were out in force to stop any trouble.come/go into force开始生效and so forth等等=and so onset free释放He opened the cage door and set the birds free.make friends交朋友,友好相处He made a lot of friends in Chinabe friends with对.友好,与.交上朋友make fun of 取笑,嘲弄It is wrong to make fun of the disabled.in (the) future将来,未来the immutable when used in giving a warningget across解释清楚,(使)被了解Our teacher is clever, but not very good at getting his ideas across.get along/on with1. 1. 进展; 2.继续干;3.与.友好相处1. 2=go on well 3. have a friendly relationship (with.)get around/round1.=be able to move again after illness 2. =travel 3. =spreadget around/round to找时间做,开始考虑After a long delay, he got around to writing the letter.get at够得着,触及; 意指,意思是1.Put the food where the food cant get at it. 2.What are you getting at? 3. Stop getting at me!get away逃脱,离开1. The thieves got away .2.How did he get away with cheating?get by通过,过得去,过活1.She cant get by with so little money. 2. Your work will get by, but try to improve it.get down1.咽下;2写下;从.下来1.Try to get the medicine down. 2.Get down every word he says. 3. This continual wet weather is getting me down.get down to开始,着手to get down to work / businessget in1.到达,进站;2.进入;参加;收回;插入(话)1.The plane got in late.2.=come in(4) 3.Get the doctor in 4.May I get a word in? get into对.发生兴趣;卷入;(使)进入1.They got into the car and drove off. 2. Ive got (myself) into trouble. 3.Ill soon get into the way of things.get off1.动身,开始;2.离开,下车3.逃脱惩罚1. When do you get off (work)? 2.Get off (the bus) at the hospital.get out of逃脱,改掉1.He tried to get out of helping me.2.to get out of a bad habit 3. The police got the truth out of him. 4.I cant understand why people smoke. What do they get out of it?get over克服困难,解决问题,从(病,失望.震惊)中恢复过来1.Youll be glad to get your operation over (with). 2.to get over an illnessget the better of占上风,胜过get through1.2接通电话;3.完成;4.通过(如考试);花光金钱等,克服困难,解决问题1.I tried to telephone you, but I couldnt get through. 2.I cant get (it) through to him that he must rest. 3.When you get through with your work,lets go out. 4.to get through an examination.get together (with sb)集会,聚会When can we get together?get up1,起床,起立;2.振作,奋发; 3.到达; 4.专心于1.What time do you normally get up? 2.get up steam 3. What page have you got up to? 4.The children are very quiet; I wonder what theyre getting up to.give away1.赠送,捐献 2.出买,泄露,暴露1.She gave all her money to the poor. 2. Mary was given away by her father. 3.He tried to pretend that he wasnt worried, but his shaking hands gave him away.give back送还,恢复1.Give me back my pen. 2. Give me my pen back.give in1.认输,让步,屈服; 2.交上,呈上1.The boys fought until one gave in. 2.Give your examination papers in (to the teacher) when youve finished.give off发出,放出to give off steamgive oneself away泄露,露马脚give oneself up自首,投案,投降He gave himself up (to the police).give out1.分发; 2.耗 尽1.Give out the examination papers. 2.His strength gave out.give up停止,放弃,辞去1.to give up ones studies 2.Give your seat up to the old lady.give way to让位于,被.代替; 给.让路,对.让步go after追逐,追求to go after a job / girl/
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