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wordSection Use of English Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.( 10 points ) In the past few decades, remarkable findings have been made in ethology, the study of animal social behavior. Earlier scientists had 1 that nonhuman social life was almost totally instinctive or fixed by genetics. Much more careful observation has shown that 2 variation occurs among the social ties of most species, showing that learning is a part of social life. That is, the 3 are not solely fixed by the genes. 4,the learning that occurs is often at an early age in a process that is called imprinting. Imprinting is clearly 5 instinctive, but it is not quite like the learning of humans; it is something in between the two. An illustration best 6 the nature of imprinting. Once, biologists thought that ducklings followed the mother duck because of instincts. Now we know that, shortly 7 they hatch, ducklings fix 8 any object about the size of a duck and will henceforth follow it. So ducklings may follow a basketball or a briefcase if these are 9 for the mother duck at the time when imprinting occurs. Thus, social ties can be considerably 10, even ones that have a considerable base 11 by genetics. Even among the social insects something like imprinting 12 influence social behavior. For example, biologists once thought bees municated with others purely 13 instinct. But, in examining a dance that bees do to indicate the distance and direction of a pollen source, observers found that bees raised in isolation could not municate effectively. At a higher level, the genetic base seems to be much more for an allpurpose learning rather than the more specific responses of imprinting. Chimpanzees, for instance, generally 14 very good mother but Jane Goodall reports that some chimps carry the infant upside down or 15 fail to nurture the young. She believes that these females were the youngest or the 16 child of a mother. In such circumstances, they did not have the opportunity to observe how their own mother 17 for her young. Certainly adolescent chimps who are still with their mothers when other young are born take much interest in the rearing of their young brother or sister. They have an excellent opportunity to learn, and the social ties that are created between mother and young 18 Goodall to describe the social unit as a family. The motheroffspring tie is beyond 19;there is some evidence to 20 that ties also continue between siblings of the same sex, that is brotherbrother and sistersister. 1AassumedBadoptedCbelievedDsurmised 2AconsiderateBconsideratedCconsiderableDconsidering 3AstatuesBstatusesCstatutesDstatures 4AWhats moreBHenceCButDHowever 5AnotBonlyCbutDsolely 6AclarifiesBclassifiesCdefinesDoutlines 7AthanBbeforeCwhenDafter 8AonBwithCinDwithin 9AappropriatedBsubstitutedCassignedDdistributed 10AvariedBdeviatedCdifferedDaltered 11AfashionedBmodifiedCinfluencedDaffected 12AmayBshouldCmustDcan 13AbyBout ofCfromDthrough 14AproveBmakeCturnDcreate 15AotherwiseBstillCyetDeven 16AoneBsoleCsingleDonly 17AlookedBattendedCcaredDprovided 18AguideBcauseCdirectDlead 19AlimitationBimaginationCdoubtDexpectation 20AadviseBhintCimplyDsuggestSection Reading prehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1(40 points) Text 1 New figures from France,Germany and Italy-the three biggest economies in the 12 country Eurozone -suggest the continents economic woes may have been exaggerated.In France, evidence emerged that consumer spending remained solid in July and August,rising 1.4%and 0.6%respectively.Forecasters had generally expected the July figure to show a 0.1% slippage,with August unchanged.But the figures were flattered slightly by a down grade to the June figure,to 0.7% from1.5%. With manufacturing in the doldrums across Europe and the US,consumer spending has been increasingly seen as the best hope of stopping the global economic slowdown from turning into a recession.The French government said the news proved that the economy was holding up to the strain of the slowdown. Meanwhile in Germany,new regional price figures went someway towards calming fears about inflation in Europes largest economy-a key reason for the European Central Banks reluctance to cut interest 15 states said consumer prices were broadly stable,with inflation falling year on year.The information backed economists expectations that inflation for the country as a whole is set to fall back to a yearly rate of 2.1%,pared to a yearly rate of 2.6% in August,closing in on the Eurowide target of 2%.The drop is partly due to last years spike
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