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美国智能电网的标准体系目前IEEE致力于制定一套智能电网的标准和互通原则(IEEEP2030),主要内容在于以下三个方面的标准和原则:电力工程(powerengineering);信息技术(informationtechnology);互通协议(communications)。除IEEE外,国际电工委员会(IEC)也在发挥重要作用,美国国家标准与技术研究院NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology)协调各部门之间的合作。参与标准制定的15家机构分别负责标准制定的不同环节。IEEE主要致力于互通入网过程的标准,例如各个能量源头如何与整个智能电网链接,计量设备的接入(如电表)和时间同步性的标准等。美国机动车工程师学会(SAE)则主要关注机动车接入网络的标准,IEC则负责信息自动化的模式和环境标准。2009年5月18日,美国商务部长骆家辉和能源部长朱棣文联合宣布了美国智能电网建设的第一批16个智能电网行业标准(见表1)。表1标准应用AMI-SEC系统安全性需求先进的量测基础设施(AMI)和智能电网端对端的安全性Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and Smart Grid end-to-end securityANSI C12.19/MC1219Revenue metering information model收费计量信息模型BACnet ANSI ASHRAE 135-2008/ISO 16484-5Building automation楼宇自动化DNP3变电站和馈电设备自动化Substation and feeder device automationIEC 60870-6 / TASE.2控制中心之间的通信Inter-control center communicationsIEC 61850变电自动化和保护Substation automation and protectionIEC 61968/61970应用层能源管理系统接口Application level energy management system interfacesIEC 62351 Parts 1-8电力系统控制运行的信息安全Information security for power system control operationsIEEE C37.118相量测量单元(PMU)通信Phasor measurement unit (PMU) communicationsIEEE 1547 1)9)电力公司与分布式发电(DG)之间的物理与电气互联Physical and electrical interconnections between utility and distributed generation (DG)IEEE 1686-2007 智能电子设备(IEDs)的安全可靠性IEEE Standard for Substation Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) Cyber Security CapabilitiesSecurity for intelligent electronic devices (IEDs)(智能电子装置的安全性)NERC CIP 002-009大型电力系统的网络安全标准Cyber security standards for the bulk power system(主干电力系统的网络空间安全性)NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53, NIST SP 800-82Cyber security standards and guidelines for federal information systems, including those for the bulk power system(包括主干电力系统的联邦信息系统的网络空间安全性标准及指南)Open ADR(开放自动需求响应)价格反应灵敏和直接负载控制Price responsive and direct load control(价格支持和直接负载控制)Open HAN家庭区域网(HAN)设备通信、测量和控制Home Area Network device communication, measurement, and controlZigBee/Home Plug Smart Energy Profile家庭区域网设备通信和信息模型Home Area Network (HAN) Device Communications and Information Model 注: 1)IEEE 1547-2003 Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems 2) IEEE Std 1547.1-2005 IEEE Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems 3)IEEE 1547.2-2008 IEEE Application Guide for IEEE Std 1547, IEEE Standard for Interconnecting DistributedResources with Electric Power Systems 4)IEEE 1547.3-2007 IEEE Guide for Monitoring, Information Exchange & Control 5)IEEE 1547.5-200x Technical Guidelines for Interconnection of Electric Power Sources Greater than 10MVA to the Power Transmission Grid (DRAFT STANDARD) 6)IEEE 1547.6-200x Recommended Practice For Interconnecting Distributed Resources With Electric Power Systems Distribution Secondary Networks (DRAFT STANDARD) 8)IEEE 1547.7-200x Guide to Conducting Distribution Impact Studies for Distributed Resource Interconnection(DRAFT STANDARD) 9)IEEE 1547.7-200x Guide to Conducting Distribution Impact Studies for Distributed Resource Interconnection(DRAFT STANDARD) 10)IEEE 1608-200x Application Guide for IEEE Standard 1547, Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems (DRAFT STANDARD) 11)UL 1741-1999 (Ed. 1) Standard for Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources
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