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西南大学21春英国文学史及选读离线作业1辅导答案1. The “dark comedy” refers to those written by Jonson in his third period of dramatic career.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A2. 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品。兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品。This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under- mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:3. Although the city is small, its library is as complete_. Aas a large city BlikAlthough the city is small, its library is as complete_.Aas a large cityBlike a large cityCas that of a large cityDlike in a large cityC4. _A.beforeB.afterC.in front ofD.as_A.beforeB.afterC.in front ofD.as正确答案:A5. expire ( )A.at the beginningB.come to an endC.help others参考答案:B6. “英雄传说”的神话隐含了人性理解的原始形态,是原始初民对人性及其善恶本质的稚拙而浪漫的诗意理解与表达。( )T.对F.错参考答案:F7. Politically these nations tend to be _, with very high birth rates but poor education and very low levels of literacy.A.unsteadyB.unstableC.rationalD.reluctant参考答案:B8. Over the last few decades there has been a tremendous growth in information technoloOver the last few decades there has been a tremendous growth in information technology and its impact on everyday life. Complex software systems have become criticalto the operation of many systems in areas such as banking, communications, manufacturing,power generation, and transportation. Progress in computer science and accumulated experience with industrial production of software have led to the emergence of software engineering as a separate discipline. The software engineering discipline has been defined asthe application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approaches to the development,operation, and maintenance of software. that is, the application of engineering to software.参考答案在过去的几十年间,信息技术有了巨大的发展,并且影响着我们每天的生活。复杂的软件系统已经成为许多领域的关键,如银行,通信,制造业,电力,交通等。随着计算机科学的进步和工业生产经验的积累.导致软件工程作为一个独立的标准出现。软件工程规范已经被定义为应用系统的、规范的、量化的方法开发、操作和维护软件。也就是说,使用工程的方法开发软件。9. About ( ) Aboriginal and European parentage-were taken from their parents from 1910 until the 1970s.A.10,000B.100,000C.1,000,000D.1,000参考答案:B10. “For a week after the commission of the impious and profane offence of asking for mor“For a week after the commission of the impious and profane offence of asking for more, Oliver remained a close prisoner in the dark and solitary room.”Dickens, Oliver Twist What did Oliver ask for?_A.More time to playB.More food to eatC.More book to readD.More money to spend参考答案:B11. _ believes that mans fate is predeterminedly tragic, driven by a combined force of “nature”, both inside and outside.A.Thomas HardyB.George EliotC.Charles DickensD.Bernard Shaw参考答案:A12. The bank refused to _ him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house.A.loanB.borrowC.leaseD.credit参考答案:A13. You will help,_you? A. cant B. will C. wontYou will help,_you?A. cantB. willC. wont参考答案C14. Children who stay away from school do _ for different reasons.A.themB./C.itD.theirs参考答案:D15. _ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A.I was and always will beB.I have to be and always will beC.I had been and always will beD.I have been and always will be参考答案:D16. We had the case opened and the contents examined by a local insurance _ in the presence of theWe had the case opened and the contents examined by a local insurance _ in the presence of the shipping companys agents.AsurveyorBsurvivorCserverDservantA17. Some day software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could _.A.descendB.declineC.deteriorateD.depress参考答案:B18. “Justice was done; and the president of the Immortals had ended his sport” is a part of the quotation from _.A.The picture of Dorian GrayB.The Forsyte SagaC.Tess of D UrbervillesD.Jude the Obscure参考答案:C19. Utterance meaning in a facetoface communication refers to ( )。A. what the speaker hasUtterance meaning in a face-to-face communication refers to ( )。A. what the speaker has intended to convey in what is saidB. what the hearer has understood on the basis of what is saidC. what what is said normally meansD. the associative meaning words have参考答案:C20. If the managers or organizations find their get just fine without the vacationing employee, the employee will be ( ).A.paid moreB.promotedC.given more vacationD.insecure参考答案:D21. Economic development depends on that local government must keep his or her doors to every visitor.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B22. He is too young to be able to _
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