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七年级英语阅读大赛试卷一 、完型填空(每题2 分,共30分) On Sunday morning, Helen usually gets up very late. She washes her face and then goes out to _1_morning exercises. It is about 8:20 a.m. After eating her_2_,she goes to a shopping center called Times Shopping Center_3_her mother. The shopping centre is not far_4_their home. It only _5_them about 20minutes to get there_6_,so they like walking there. Helen enjoys shopping_7_there very much. It is new _8_ big._9_many things, such as TVs, fridges, bikes, computers, clothes, books, food and drinks. There are many_10_too. There are men and women, old and_11_. Parents must _12_their children. The shopping centre is so big. Young children may get lost in it. _13_do so many people come here to buy things? Do you know? Helen said that things there are usually good and_14_. The workers there are always nice and friendly. She also said that she would take_15_there and have a look if you come to her home.( ) 1. A. play B. do C. run D. make( ) 2. A. dinner B. lunch C. supper D. breakfast( ) 3. A. with B. to C. for D. of ( ) 4. A. to B. into C. at D. from( ) 5. A. takes B. makes C. spends D. costs( ) 6. A. by foot B. use foot C. on foot D. with foot( ) 7. A. in B. / C. at D. to( ) 8. A. but B. with C. and D. or( ) 9. A. Theyre B. There are C. There be D. There is( ) 10. A. students B. people C. teachers D. children( ) 11. A. tall B. short C. young D. small( ) 12. A. look for B. look like C. look at D. look after( ) 13. A. What B. Who C. Why D. When( ) 14. A. cheap B. expensive C. big D. new( ) 15. A. you B. them C. him D. Her二、 阅读理解 (每题2分,共40分)(一) Last Sunday,I sawtheworststorminyears.Itcamesuddenlyandwentonforthreehours.Afterlunch,Iwentintomyroomandhadarest.Theairwashot.Allwasquiet.Thenstrongwindstartedblowingintomyroom.Piecesofpaperonmydeskflewhighintotheairandsomeflewoutoftheopenwindow.AsIrantocatchthem,bigdropsofrainbegantofall.WhenIcamebackintomyhouse,itwasrainingharderandharder.Itriedhardandmanagedtoclosethewindow.ThenIheardaloudsoundfromthebackofthehouse.Iranoutofmyroomtofindoutwhathadhappened:abigtreehadfallendownandbrokenthetopofthebackroom.( )16.Thestormhappened_. A.inthemorningB.whilehewasinthebackroom C.intheafternoonD.whilehewasinthegarden. ( )17.Beforethestormcame,theweatherwas_. A.coldB.coolC.hotD.warm ( )18. Thestormlastedfor_. A.threehoursB.morethanthreehours C.threedaysD.lessthanthreedays ( )19.Thestrongwindblewsomeofthepaper_. A.alloverthefloorB.intothebackroom C.outofthedoorD.outofthewindow ( )20.Thetopofthebackroomwasbrokenbecauseof_. A.thestrongwindB.theheavyrain C.theloudsoundD.thefallentree(二)Thisisreallyaveryfastgame.Bothsidesarefightingfortheballallthetime.Weareenjoyingeveryminuteofit.Loudshoutscanbeheardhereandthere.Willishastheballnow.ThisisonlyhisthirdgameforEngland,buthesplayingsowellthatitwontbehislast,Imquitesure.WillispassestheballtoCotton.CottonkicksitovertheheadsoftheFrenchmentowardsthegoal.Buthestoofaraway.DupontpicksitupeasilyandthrowsittoPaton.FranceandEnglandstillhaveonegoaleach,andthereareonlytwominutesleft.Atthismoment,anythingcanhappen.PatonkickstheballacrosstoCrozat.Itsabeautifulkick.ButStevensjumpsandjuststopstheballwiththesideofhishead.ButMenieristhere.HepassesittoCrozat,andCrozat,withoutanyhesitation(犹豫),putsheballintothebackofthegoal.Itsagreatsurprisetous.Iveneverseensuchagoallikethis.Andthegameisover.Francehaswonthecup.( )21.ItwouldntbeWillislastgameforEnglandbecause_.A.hehadplayedthreealreadyB.thiswasonlyhisthirdtimeC.hewasagoodplayerD.hehadkickedthreegoalsforEngland( )22.WhycouldntCottonkicktheballintothegoal?_.A.Williswastoofarawayfromhim.B.Hewasntnearthegoal.C.Dupontpickedtheballupeasily.D.TheFrenchmenstoppedtheballwiththeirheads.( )23.Atthismoment,anythingcanh
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