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最新人教版英语 七年级英语下册选词填空专题复习练习(含解析)一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1从方框中选择恰当的短语填空 turn off switch on be careful with a packet of at last think of(1)My aunt gave me _sweets. (2)Where did you decide to go_? (3)Please_the light before you leave. (4)My son, please _thieves when you are out by yourself. (5)When I come back home, the first thing is to_the television. (6)What do you_the dishes here? 【答案】 (1)a packet of(2)at last(3)turn off(4)be careful with(5)switch on(6)think of 【解析】【分析】 turn off 关闭;switch on 打开;be careful with 小心,当心;a packet of 一袋子;at last 最终,最后;think of 想起,想到 (1)句意:我婶子给了我一袋糖。根据sweets,糖,可知要表达的是一袋水果,故答案是a pocket of。 (2)句意:你最后决定去哪里?根据句子结构可知,句子缺少的是状语,能够作状语的只有at last,故答案是at last。 (3)句意:你离开之前请关上灯。根据before you leave,可知是要关上电灯,要节约能源。故答案是turn off。 (4)句意:孩子,当你一个人在外的时候,请当心小偷。根据 when you are out by yourself,可知是要提防小偷,故答案是be careful with。 (5)句意:当我回到家的时候,第一件事就是打开电视。根据television和已知选项可知是要打开电视,故答案是switch on。 (6)句意:你认为这里的饭菜咋样?what do you think of,用来征求一个人的意见和看法,属于固定句式。故答案是think of。 【点评】根据语境和所提供选项确定句子的意思,最后做出正确的选择。2用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 rock dolphin push scare step(1)A _can play a ball. (2)We sat on the _listening to the sound of waves. (3)I was too _to move. (4)They _him into the car. (5)She _on my foot and said sorry to me. 【答案】 (1)dolphin(2)rock(3)scared(4)pushed(5)stepped 【解析】【分析】 rock,岩石,dolphin,海豚,push,推,scare,惊吓,step,踩 (1)句意:海豚会玩球。根据不定冠词a可知是名词单数,根据play a ball可知此处填海豚符合玩球的语境,故填dolphin。 (2)句意: 我们坐在岩石上听海浪的声音。根据定冠词the可知此处是名词,根据提示词和sat on可知是坐在岩石上,故填rock。 (3)句意:我吓得都不能动了。too+形容词或副词+to do,是固定搭配,太而不能做某事,scare的形容词,害怕的,故填scared。 (4)句意: 他们把他推进车里。push sb into,固定搭配,把某人推进,描述过去用一般过去时,push的过去式是pushed,故填pushed。 (5)句意: 她踩到我的脚,然后对我说“对不起”。step on sb,固定搭配,踩到某人,根据and said可知时态是一般过去时,step的过去式是stepped,故填stepped。 【点评】考查单词在语境中的运用,注意词性,时态的变化,同时熟记固定搭配。3从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其适当的形式完成短文,每词只能用一次。 show come minute study cold listen teacher woman strange have Henry is a fifteen-year-old boy. He _ in a middle school. He often watches TV and likes the trendy(时髦的) hair style. His parents and _tell him not to do so, but he doesnt _ to them.One Sunday afternoon his mother bought a beautiful shirt for him and he loved it very much. The next morning it was _outside. But he wanted to _ it to his classmates and put it on. That evening he caught a bad cold. He went to a hospital. The doctor looked him over and told him to be in hospital. A nurse brought him to a_ ward (房). He felt _ but couldnt ask her why. About ten _later the nurse came back with a red face. Im sorry, Henry, said the woman. I didnt know you were a boy because you_ too long hair. Then she brought him to a mens ward. This time the men began to look at each other. They _to ask, Why has she brought a girl to our ward?【答案】 studies;teachers;listen;cold;show;womens;strange;minutes;had;came 【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍Henry,一个5岁的男孩,喜欢时髦的头发。一天生病了,护士和病友都误以为他是女孩,产生了误会。 show,给看,come,来,minute,分钟,study,学习,cold,寒冷的,listen,听,teacher,老师,woman,女人,strange,奇怪的,have,有 (1)句意:他在中学学习。分析句子可知,缺少谓语动词;study学习,动词;根据前文Henry is a fifteen-year-old boy. 可知时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数he,故谓语是单三式,故答案是studies。 (2)句意:他的父母和老师告诉他不要这样做,但是他不听。此空填与parents表并列的主语,teacher老师,可数名词,用复数,故答案是teachers。 (3)句意:他的父母和老师告诉他不要这样做,但是他不听。助动词doesnt后缺少一个动词原形,listen to,听.,故答案是listen。 (4)句意:第二天早上外面很冷。Be动词was后缺少形容词做表语,根据 outside可知表示天气,cold冷的,形容词,作表语,故答案是cold。 (5)句意:但是他想把衬衫给他同学看,于是他就穿上了。want to do sth想要做某事,此处填一个实义动词,结合句意show sth to sb把某物给某人看,故答案是show。 (6)句意:一个护士带他去了女病房。分析句子可知此处缺少一个定语修饰ward,其前是名词所有格,根据后文I didnt know you were a boy because you_9_ too long hair.可知是女病房womans ward,故答案是womans。 (7)句意:他感到非常奇怪,但是他没有问为什么。系动词feel后缺少一个形容词作表语,个护士带他去了女病房是很奇怪的事情,strange奇怪的,形容词,故答案是strange。 (8)句意:10分钟后,那个护士红着脸回来。基数词ten后是可数名词复数,故答案是minutes。 (9)句意:我不知道你是个男孩,因为你的头发太长了。分析句子可知此处缺少一个谓语动词,根据 too long hair可知,是留有长发 , have,有,实义动词;主句的时态是一般过去时,从句的时态也为一般过去式,have的过去式是had,故答案是had。 (10)句意:他们过来问:“为什么她带个女孩到我们病房”。分析句子可知此处缺少一个谓语动词,come to do,来做某事,根据前文可知时态是一般过去时,come的过去式是came,故答案是came。 【点评】考查选词填空,注意词性,时态和比较等级的变化,同时熟记固定搭配。4根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 be, friend, beautiful, shy, too(1)Elephants are very _ to people. (2)She likes pandas and I like them, _. (3)Lets _ quiet. The boy is sleeping. (4)My little sister is a _ girl. She is afraid to meet others. (5)I think this skirt is very _. 【答案】 (1)friendly(2)too(3)be(4)shy(5)beautiful 【解析】【分析】所给词的意思:be是;friend朋友;beautiful美丽的;shy害羞的;too也 (1)句意:大象对人很友好。此处指大象对人的太态度,friend朋友;be friendly to sb. 对某人友好。故答案为:friendly。 (2)句意:她喜欢熊猫,我也喜欢它们。too;too(也)用于肯定句和疑问句,一般置于句尾,too前加逗号。分析本题的句子结构可知,本题是肯定句,而且前面有逗号,故答案为:too。 (3)句意:我们安静点。那男孩正在睡觉。根据 The boy is sleeping. 可知我们要安静。be quiet安静Let sb. do
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