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致敬疫情前线医护人员英语日记致敬疫情前线医护人员英语日记在这场无硝烟的战场上,是谁_在病毒前线?是谁舍命去挽救那些不幸被感染的病人?是白衣天使们!他们过年不能与家人团聚,有的医护人刚刚结婚,有的家里还有幼小的孩子需要照顾。可她们黑白奋斗在一线!我在网上看到有个90后大哥哥为了挽救病人,被传染上了病毒,献出了年轻的生命!Who is the Anti Japanese war on the front line of the virus in this battlefield without gunpowder? Who gave his life to save those unfortunate infected patients? Angels in white! They cant be reunited with their families during the Spring Festival。 Some doctors and nurses are just married, and some families have young children to look after。 But they struggle in black and white! I saw on the Inter that a big brother of the post90s was infected with a virus and gave his young life in order to save the patients!你们尽着最大的努力和时间赛跑,饿了吃碗泡面,累了就蜷缩在值班室里眯一会儿,有的女护士为了带防护帽方便,把自己心爱的长头发剪短,你们的手被汗浸的皱巴巴,脸上被长期戴口罩勒得深深的印记。你们无私的奉献,让我由衷佩服!You do your best to race with the time。 When you are hungry, you eat bowl of noodles。 When you are tired, you curl up in the duty room and squint for a while。 Some female nurses cut their beloved long hair short for the convenience of wearing protective caps。 Your hands are wrinkled by sweat, and your face is deeply marked by wearing masks for a long time。 I sincerely admire your selfless dedication!我想对你们说:“你们很伟大,你们舍小家救大家,是这场无硝烟战斗中真正的战士,是中国百姓的救星,你们辛苦啦!白衣天使们!相信在你们的努力下,我们团结一心,这场战争很快就会成功的!”I want to say to you: you are great。 You are the real fighter in this battle without smoke of gunpowder and the Savior of the Chinese people。 You are working hard! Angels in white! I believe that with your efforts, we will unite and win the war soon! 第 页 共 页
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