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黑龙江省安达市第七中学2019-2020学年高一英语下学期第二次网络检测试题一、阅读理解.IAf youd like to go sightseeing, the following World Heritage sites(世界遗产保护地)may be your best choices.Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest AreaJiuzhaigou Valley, which lies in the northern part of Sichuan Province, China, reaches a height of more than 4,800m, with a series of different forest ecosystems (生态系统). Its particularly famous for its narrow landforms and excellent waterfalls. Some 140 kinds of birds also live in the valley, as well as a number of endangered plants and animals, including the giant panda. Jiuzhaigou Valley was recognized as a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1992. Khami Ruins National MonumentThe city of Khami, which developed after the capital of Great Zimbabwe had been given up in the mid-16th century, is of great archaeological (考古的) interest. The discovery of objects from Europe and China shows that Khami was a major centre for trade over a long period of time. It joined the World Heritage List in 1986. Henderson IslandHenderson Island, which lies in the eastern South Pacific, is one of the few atolls (环礁) in the world whose ecology (生态) has been untouched by humans. It is particularly famous for the 10 plants and 4 birds that can only be seen on the island. It was recorded in the World Heritage List in 1988. Old City of JerusalemAs a holy (神圣的) city for three different religions in the Middle East, Jerusalem has always been of great religious importance. It was given a World Heritage Status in 1981 and placed on the “World Heritage in Danger List” the following year.1.Which of the following is TRUE about Jiuzhaigou Valley?A.Wonderful waterfalls can be seen there.B.It is famous for many ancient objects.C.It has been untouched by human beings.D.It lies in the eastern South Pacific.2.From the passage, we can learn that Jerusalem.A.was ruined in the mid-16th centuryB.was once business center for tradeC.has over 140 kinds of birds living thereD.is a holy city for three major religions3.According to the passage, which World Heritage site was most recently set?A.Henderson Island.B.Khami Ruins National Monument.C.Old City of Jerusalem.D.Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area.4.In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?A.Industry. B.Travel. C.Science. D.Business.B The Winter Olympics is also called the White Olympics . At this time , many colorful stamps are published to mark the great Games . The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25 , 1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics . From then on , publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule . During the 4th Winter Olympic Games a group of stamps were published in Germany in November 1936 . The five rings of Olympics were drawn on the front of the sportswear . It was the first time that the rings appeared on the stamps of the White Olympics . In the 1950s , the stamps of this kind became more colorful . When the White Olympics came , the host countries(东道国)as well as the non-host countries published stamps to mark those Games .China also published four stamps in February 1980 , when the Chinese sports men began to take part in the White Olympics .Japan is the only Asian country that has ever held the White Olympics . Altogether 14,500 million stamps were sold to raise money for this sports meet .Different kinds of sports were drawn on these small stamps . People can enjoy the beauty of the wonderful movements of some sportsmen .1.The White Olympics and the Winter Olympics_.A.are the same thingB.are different gamesC.are not held in winterD.are held in summer2.The world made it a rule to publish stamps to mark the great world games_.A.after the year 1936B.after the 3rd White OlympicsC.before the 3rd White OlympicsD.before the year 19323.The Winter Olympics is held once_.A.every two yearsB.every three yearsC.every four yearsD.every five years4.Which of the following is TRUE ?A.Only the host countries can publish stamps to mark those Games .B.Only the non-host countries can publish stamps to mark those Games .C.All the countries can publish stamps to mark those Games .D.Japan cant publish stamps to mark those Games .C In Kansas City,Missouri,a computer helps firefighters.The computer,which works very fast,has information about all the 350,000 street addresses in the city.Within two or three seconds after a call is received,the computer provides necessary information for the firefighters.The information is then sent to them by radio from the computer centre in the City Hall.The exact place of the burning building and its size,type and any other details are clear to them. The Kansas City computer system also has a medical record of each of the citys 900 firefighters.This kind of information is especially useful when a firefighter is in
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