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2007年专四答案解析PART IDICTATIONAdvertisingAdvertising has already become a specialized activity in modern times. /In todays business world, supply is usually greater than demand. /There is great competition between manufactures of the same kind of product /because they want to persuade customers to buy their particular brand. /They always have to remind their customers/ of the name and qualities of their products by advertising. /The manufacture advertises in newspapers and on the radio. /He sometimes employs sales girls to distribute samples of their products./ He sometimes advertises on the Internet as well. /In addition, he always has advertisements put into television programs that will accept them. /Manufactures often spend huge sums of money on advertisements. /We buy a particular product because we think that is the best. /We usually think so because the advertisements say so. /People often dont ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth/ when they buy advertised products from shops./附: 2007年专四听写评分标准1. 听写共分15小节: 每节1分. 扣分一律写在试卷右边的空白处. 大错误下面划线, 小错误用圆圈表示, 重复错误误用三角记号表示.2. 每节做多扣1分.3. 重复错误,仅扣一次.4. 错误共分两类: 小错误(minor mistakes)和大错误(major mistakes)A. 小错误:1) 词拼写错一到二个字母: 例: particular-perticular, competition-compertation, manufacturer-manufacturor, customer-custemer, advertisements-advertizements2) 大小写,标点符号错误: 例: because they want to-. Because they want to; when they buy-. When they buy; In addition,-In addition(缺逗号)3) 冠词,单复数错误: 例: There is great competition-There is a great competition; in modern times-in modern time; huge sums of money on advertisements-huge sum of money on advertisement4) 小错误扣分标准: 小错误在一节中出现一次,留作总计;出现两次,扣0.5分;出现三次,扣0.5分后留一小错作总计;出现四次(以上),扣1分.5) 未扣分小错误的扣分标准: 累计2-4个: 扣0.5分; 累计5-8个,扣1分.B. 大错误: 漏写, 加词, 造词, 换词(冠词作小错计), 大移位, 时态错误:例: specializedspecialize, advertisedadvertise, manufacturersmanufactures, employsemploy(漏第三人称单数), are tellingtell/tells, persuadepursue/purswe, usuallyusual, their productsthe products, say soseem so, that will accept themthat would/were accept them, has advertisements put intohas advertisements to put into大错误每个扣0.5分5. 一些特例的扣分标准:1) 下列情况不扣分: because-, because(加逗号不扣分), sales-girlssalesgirls, the Internetthe internet2) 下列情况扣分: demandthe mend/the man/the men(扣一个大错和一个小错), specializedspecial life/special line(算两个大错, 扣一分), manufacturersmany factories/menu factories/manual factories/many factors(算两个大错,扣一分), alreadyall ready(算两个大错,扣一分)6. 总分为0.5分时,以1分计算; 其余总分中如含小数点的,小数舍去,保留整数, 如: 12.5-12; 7.5-7. 通过通篇只有一个小错,忽略不扣,给15分.7. 空白卷一律打0分.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A CONVERSATIONS1. 正确答案为B). 男子报失数码相机后,对方先后询问和记录了他的名字,地址和电话号码. 对话中虽然提到了You mean in Britain or in the States?但是这只是在询问地址时进行确认,与国籍无关.2. 正确答案为D). 在询问到地址时,Mark问是英国的还是美国的地址,且说到自己还会在英国呆几个月Ive still got a few months in Britain,由此可以知道他是暂时呆在英国的美国人. Essex是他在英国暂时居住的地方.3. 正确答案为A). 对话结束前Mark说道:I will drop in the day after tomorrow to check out.后天会过来看结果. 4. 正确答案为C). 根据男士的话得知俱乐部的规定:必须登记带来的非会员. 俱乐部成员无需登记,如果要求出示会员卡,则需要拿出来. B选项呆三个非会员是权利而非义务.5. 正确答案为A). 女士问:How much do the lockers cost. 男士回答:四十分. 但接着又说:将寄存的东西拿出来后,硬币会退回来. 可见柜子是免费的. 其他三项可以从男士的话语:here are the changing rooms with shower and lockers for your clothes and things判断.6. 正确答案为D). 男士说:网球可以预约打半个小时或一个小时,但是如果预约时间到了之后,可以在后面打球的人来之前继续使用. 所以选D.7. 正确答案为B). 男士说:The club room is open until 11 oclock.所以B错误. 之后又说:打球者在十点之前离开courts.所以C正确. 从we have a club room which serves food and drink behind the reception可知A和D正确.8. 正确答案为C). geography, maths, physics他参加英国高中生结业考试(A-level)的科目,与专业无关.他介绍时说自己是毕业于曼彻斯特大学,获得水管理专业工程学位.9. 正确答案为A). 男子讲述自己的经历,毕业后在印度为印度政府工作. 因为曼彻斯特大学和印度一所工程大学有校际联系,于是他去那边工作.10. 正确答案为C). 对话最后提到回来之后在Latimer公司工作: Im working in water irrigation again. 男士回来后搬到Sheffield所以B错误,他回来后就一直在Latimer公司工作,所以A错误,在Latimer他是项目研发经理,所以D错误.SECTION B PASSAGES11. 正确答案为C). 就自行车安全问题给出的第一个建议是:买到车后,不管是新车还是二手车,要马上到指定地点去,在车上打上一个序列号. “注册序列号”和”将序列号登记在册”是随后做的事情. D是最后提到的措施.12. 正确答案为A). 文中提到如果买的自行车很贵,就需要买两把锁. 13. 正确答案为B). 文章一开始就提到讲到主题:an area of security or safetybicycle.所以B正确,A和D是细节,C未提及.14. 正确答案为A). 首先提到an 8-week conversation class. 上课时间是周二12:30-1:30,每周一次,每次一小时. 之后提到了周三晚上2小时的writing skills class和两小时的examination skills class.15. 正确答案为C). 说话人在提到conversation class时指出报名者需要在本周五之前在秘书那儿登记, writing skills class也需要注册.而examination skills class开班前,It is not necessary to enrol before the course starts.16. 正确答案为B). 文中明确说到: They concentrate on the writing skills needed for assignments in the departments of economics and social sciences.17. 正确答案为C). conversation class是八周,writing skills class是六周,examination skills class是五周. 可见examination skills class时间最短.18. 正确答案为B). 一开始就讲到达芬奇生于1452年,于1482年搬到Milan, 可以知道当时是30岁.19. 正确答案为D). 达芬奇搬到佛罗伦萨之后,画了,得知他是一名画家, 后又指出he had been working as an architect and engineer. 所以选D builder是他不曾做过的.20. 正确答案为A). 1515年,法国国王邀请达芬奇定居法国,他搬到法国的一座城堡里, He moved to a castle there where he spent his last years.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTS21. 正确答案为B). 首句:以色列军队进入Bank地区,撤
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