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rude的用法总结大全rude的用法总结大全rude的意思adj. 粗鲁的,简陋的,狂暴的,近乎下流的变形:比较级:ruder; 最高级:rudest;rude用法rude可以用作形容词rude作“狂暴的,惊人的,突然的”“简陋的,粗制的”解时,只能用作定语,且无比较等级。rude用作表语时系动词可用于进展体,表示短暂的动作或某种行动是成心做出来的。rude用作形容词的用法例句Its strange for her to be so rude.真奇怪,她竟然会如此粗暴无礼。Dont be so rude to your parents!别对你的父母这么没礼貌!Its very rude of her to leave without telling us.她不向我们打声招呼就走了,这是非常不礼貌的。rude用法例句1、Rude taxi drivers clocked up a total of 239 offences in 1990.1990年,出租车司机鲁莽驾驶导致的违章事件总共达239起。2、I was often rude and ungracious in refusing help.我回绝承受帮助的时候时常显得粗鲁无礼。3、I can be very rude to motorists who hoot at me.对那些朝我按喇叭的司机我会很不客气。权利的游戏精读:比rude更高级的粗鲁?Twilight deepened. The cloudless sky turned a deep purple, the color of an old bruise, then faded to black. The stars began to e out. A half-moon rose. Will was grateful for the light.暮色渐沉,无云的天空转为淤青般的深紫,然后没入黑幕。星星出来了,新月也升起。威尔暗自感谢星月的光辉。bruise, 擦伤淤青,即可以指伤痕(名词)也可以指碰伤(动词)。The incident has bruised his pride. 那个变故挫伤了他的自尊。“We can make a better pace than this, surely,” Royce said when the moon was full risen.“我们应该可以再走快点。”罗伊斯说。这时月亮已快升上天顶。“Not with this horse,” Will said. Fear had made him insolent. “Perhaps my lord would care to take the lead?”“你的马没这能耐,”威尔道,恐惧使他无礼起来。“少爷您走前面试试?”insolent,傲慢无礼。不仅粗鲁而且不尊重人。而rude ,粗鲁,指不礼貌,使人反感。显然insolent更“胜”一筹。Ser Waymar Royce did not deign to reply.威玛罗伊斯爵士显然不屑答复。deign, deign to do sth. 屈尊做某事。这种用法通常是幽默地说法。Tim called after her, but she didnt deign to answer.Somewhere off in the wood a wolf howled.树林深处传来一声狼嗥。Will pulled his garron over beneath an ancient gnarled ironwood and dismounted.威尔在一棵长满树瘤的老铁树旁停住,下了马。pull sb/sth. over, 把马驱赶到某处,古代拉缰绳控制马匹。如今主要交通工具变成了车,所以如今就是指把车停靠在某处。A cop signaled to him to pull over and gave him a ticket. 如今的警察开罚单都采用电子眼了(.。gnarled, nrld,这里的g 不发音。这个词是形容词,虽然长了一个ed 的尾巴,但是不是动词变形(过去式,和过去分词)。指粗糙长满老茧的。指树木的话,就是指粗糙多节,长满树瘤的。第 页 共 页
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