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Environmental Health Indicators for New Zealand 2008Care and diligence have been taken to ensure the information in this report is accurate. The Ministry of Health accepts no liability for the accuracy of the information nor its use or the reliance placed on it. If you suspect an error in any of the data contained in this report, please contact the authors.Citation: Ministry of Health. 2009. Environmental Health Indicators for New Zealand 2008. Wellington: Ministry of Health.Published in August 2009 by theMinistry of HealthPO Box 5013, Wellington, New ZealandISBN 978-0-478-31955-2 (print)ISBN 978-0-478-31954-5 (online)HP 4904This document is available on the Ministry of Healths website:http:/www.moh.govt.nzForewordInformation is an essential tool for public health policy and decision-making. The Ministry of Health, in particular, is making an effort to improve and share information on environmental health. As such, the annual report Environmental Health Indicators for New Zealand 2008 plays a critical role in providing reliable and up-to-date information on aspects of environmental health.This document focuses on three key environmental health issues: air quality, water quality and biosecurity. The analysis is based on data sourced from existing data collections within the health sector as well as other government agencies a reflection of the wide diversity of agencies involved in promoting the various aspects of environmental health in New Zealand.This report will be of interest to the wider health sector, including public health units and District Health Boards, local government, other central government agencies and the general public. Comments about the report are welcomed and should be sent to the Environmental and Border Health Team, Population Health Directorate, Ministry of Health, PO Box 5013, Wellington.Janice Wilson (Dr)Deputy Director-General, Population Health DirectorateMinistry of HealthAuthors and AcknowledgementThis report was written by Kylie Mason, Paul White, Dyfed Thomas and Paul Moth of Health and Disability Intelligence, Health and Disability Systems Strategy Directorate, Ministry of Health.The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of the following people in the Ministry of Health for their help and comments during the development and writing of this report: Jinny Gunston of the former Ministry of Healths Public Health Intelligence Unit (now Health and Disability Intelligence); Erin Holmes and Aloka Bhattacharya of Health and Disability Intelligence; Frances Graham and Sally Gilbert of Environmental and Border Health; and Bronwyn Croxson of the Strategy Unit.All Health and Disability Intelligence publications are subject to peer review by experts in their fields. This report was peer reviewed by internal and external reviewers, who provided valuable insight and contribution to this document. The following peer reviewers are acknowledged and thanked for their input into this report: Li-Chia Yeh, Paul Prendergast and Te Miha Ua-Cookson of the Ministry of Health; Simon Kingham of the University of Canterbury; Doug Lush of Biosecurity New Zealand; Rapunzel Mulawin, Louise Wickham, Mike Thompson and Amanda Hunt of the Ministry for the Environment.ContentsForewordiiiExecutive SummaryxiChapter 1: Introduction1Overview1Environmental health2Environmental health indicators3Purpose and scope of this report4Chapter 2: Data and Methods7Framework for environmental health indicators7Selected indicators9Data sources10Data presentation10Key pointers for interpreting the results11Chapter 3: Driving Forces13Introduction13Overview of indicators13Driving force indicator: population growth13Driving force indicator: population density17Driving force indicator: Number of passenger arrivals into New Zealand19Actions relating to driving force indicators21Discussion22Chapter 4: Pressures23Introduction23Overview of indicators23Pressure indicator: energy consumption24Pressure indicator: number of vehicles27Pressure indicator: average age of vehicle fleet30Pressure indicator: use of wood and coal for domestic heating33Pressure indicator: number of livestock38Pressure indicator: amount of imported cargo44Actions relating to pressure indicators48Discussion50Chapter 5: Air Quality and Health52Introduction52Overview of indicators54State indicator: exceedance of national environmental standards for air quality55Exposure indicator: exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke in the home65Effects indicator: respiratory disease67Actions relating to air quality and health indicators69Discussion72Chapter 6: Water Quality and Health76Introduction76Overview of indicators77State indicator: exceedances of guidelines at recreational marine and freshwater beaches78Exposure indicator: estimated number of
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