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河北海兴中学高三英语Units1-16重点单词及词组教案Unit 1 That must be a record!一、本单元重难点单词及词组1conclude 推断(结论),缔结达成(协定);结束;终止(1)What can you conclude from the facts?从这些事实中你能得出什么结论呢?(concludefrom)(2)He concluded that the theory was right at last.他最后得出结论这个理论是正确的。(conclude that)相当于:It was concluded that the theory was right at last. 结论是(3)He concluded by wishing everybody a happy new year.他讲话结束时,祝大家新年愉快。(conclude by)(4)The programme conclude with the national song.节目以国歌结尾。(ended with)派生词:conclusion n. 结论相关搭配:2比较:hire/employ/rent(1)hire:租用(pay money to borrow sth)e.g. 主要搭配:hire sth out to sb. 把租给hire sth from sb. 从租用雇佣,相当于employ, 后接sb,反义词为fire (解雇)The company hired 200 workers last year.这家公司去年雇佣了200个工人。(2)employ:雇佣The factory employs 2,000 people worldwide.这家工厂在全世界雇佣了2,000名员工。使用,运用They employed this teaching method in the classroom.他们在课常上运用了这一教学方法。(used)be employed in doing sth. 忙于做某事Her days are employed in gardening.她的时间全花在搞园艺上。(3)rent:租用(常指土地,房屋,机器等) / 常用搭配:rent sth out to sb. 把租给rent sth from sb. 从租来例如:The landlady rent her rooms out to the students.女房东把她的房子租给学生。相当于:The students rent the rooms from the landlady.3fade的用法使褪色(vt. & vi)The sun faded the curtain.太阳把窗帘晒得变了色。(vt)相当于:The curtain faded in the sun. (vi)(使)凋谢,逐渐消失The flowers had faded.花早已经凋谢了。(vi)The sounds of the cars faded away in the distance.车的声音消失在远处。(fade away)Her smile faded.她的笑容渐渐消失了。(光线等)变弱,变暗The lights of the room fades as it gets darker and darker.室内的光线随着天慢慢黑下来而逐渐变弱。4account叙述;账目,账户I bought the car on account.我赊账买了这辆车。(on account 赊账)We couldnt go on account of the rain.因为下雨我们不能去。(on account of =because of 因为)We must take local conditions into account.我们必须把当地的条件考虑进去。(take sth into account 把考虑在内)相当于:We must take account of local conditions (take account of 考虑到)No one could account for the disappearance of the money.谁也说不清楚这些钱丢失的原因。(account for解释,说明)Smokers account for 20 percent of the whole population in the world.烟民占世界总人口的20%。(account for 占)5confirm vt.证实,确定,确认,批准The research has confirmed that the risk is higher for women.研究证实,这种风险对女性要大一些。(proved)Can you confirm the dates we discussed?你能确认我们讨论的日期吗?(make sure of)The king confirmed me in my possession of the land.国王批准我拥有这块土地。(批准)相关习语:a confirmed habit积习a confirmed disease痼疾6burst vi爆炸;爆破 (break open)过去式,过去分词分别为 burst, burst.The balloon burst suddenly.汽球突然爆炸了。It was so cold yesterday that many water pipes froze and burst.昨天太冷了,许多水管都冻裂了。突然发作(一般指突然发出某种声音,出现某种现象等)burst into tears突然哭起来=burst out cryingburst into laughter突然笑起来=burst out laughingburst into cheers突然欢呼起来burst into applause突然鼓起掌来burst into song突然唱起歌来burst into bloom 开花burst into view / sight景象/奇观突然出现burst into the room突然闯入房间7delight vt. 使高兴,使欣喜The news delighted the children.这消息使孩子们欣喜。(sth delight sb)相当于:The children were delighted at the news.(be delighted at 因而高兴)I will be very delighted to teach you a song.我将会非常高兴地教你一首歌。(be delighted to do sth)I am very delighted that you are all here on time.我很高兴你们都按时来了。(be delighted that)I have read your letter with delight.我高兴地读了你的信。(with delight)He takes great delight in teaching his students.他以教他的学生为乐。(take great delight in sth/ doing sth.以做为乐)8set down 写下,记下(write down, put down)Set down what you saw at that time.记下你当时所看到的一切。(司机等)让乘客下车(letget off the bus)Passenger should be set down and picked up at official stops.乘客应该在规定的站点上下车。规定,制定(give sth a rule)The standards were set down by the governing body.这些标准是由管理机构制定的。9bid vt.& vi (bid, bid)(拍卖时)喊价;投标主要搭配:bid (sb) money for sth. 为了某物出价They bid me 100 pounds for the Chinese Vase.为了这个中国花瓶他们向我出价100 英镑。bid for 投标争取Three firms bid for the contract on the new building.三家公司投标争取承包新楼工程。(bid for 投标争取)China once bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, and we won at last.中国一度竞争举办2008年奥运会,最后我们中标了。(胜利了)bid 还可以用作名词。Chinas bid for the 2008 Olympic Games is a great feat in Chinese history. (n.)中国对2008年奥运会的申办在中国历史上是一项伟大的创举。二、本单元重难点句子1In 1951, the then director of the Guiness Brewery, Sir Hugh Beaver, wanted to settle an argument about the fastest bird in Europe.1951年,当时任吉尼斯啤酒公司董事长的休比弗爵士想要解决一场关于什么鸟是欧洲飞得最快的鸟的争论。(1)the then director, 中的then在这里作定语,意为“当时的,那时的”。例如:The then president of America was Bill Clinton.当时的美国总统是克林顿。opppresent现任的The present president of China is Hu Jintao.中国现任主席是胡锦涛。(2)settle an argument意为“解决争端”,settle 在此处作“解决,处理”讲。如:Its time for you to settle your dispute with him. 现在该是你解决与他的争端的时候了。回忆settle的相关用法:定居,安家落户The old couple decided to settle in America at last.这对老夫妇最后决定在美国定居。在某处停歇或停留The bird settled on a branch那只鸟落在树枝上。The dust had settled over everything.到处是灰尘。使平静/镇静Wait until all the
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