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启东市紫薇小学五年级英语备课 执教者:单元:Unit1 课题:Goldilocks and the three bears 课时: 1 课型: 新授 【教学内容】 Story time【教学目标】(一)知识目标1. 通过老师的引导阅读故事,理解故事。2. 在故事中学习,通过查阅单词表、查字典、猜测词义等方式听懂、会说、会读单词:afraid, hard, soft, beside, between和in front of 。3. 初步感知There be句型,并能简单运用There be句型。(二)能力目标1. 能够语音语调正确地朗读故事,复述故事。2. 能够结合故事中所学的语言,续编故事。(三)情感目标 1. 能够在阅读过程中体验到阅读的乐趣,喜爱阅读英语绘本故事。【教学重点】1. 在品读细节的过程中,掌握六个新单词:afraid, hard, soft, beside, between和in front of。2. 初步感知There be句型,并能运用句型复述课文。【教学难点】通过有步骤地阅读掌握绘本内容,并能运用所学语言续编故事。【教学准备】PPT课件、单词卡片等。【课前先学】 1. Learn the new words by yourselves. 查阅单词表和字典,写出以下单词的中文意思,并跟着磁带读一读: forest _ afraid _ hard _ soft _ beside _ between _ in front of _ 2. Listen to the tape. Guess whats the story talking about? 听录音,猜一猜故事讲了什么?【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整Step 1. Preparation1. Greeting.2. Sing a song Three bears.唱完歌曲之后揭题。Step 2. Presentation & PracticePre-reading1. 出现场景以及故事的主人公:Three bears和Goldilocks。T: The story happens in the forest. (教授新单词forest)2. Begin the storyT: Look, Goldilocks is in the forest. It is very beautiful.T: Oh! There are many trees and flowers in the forest.Q: What else are there in the forest?(利用图片的方式,让学生说一说)3. Guess: Whats in the house?There is a beautiful house in the forest.最后一张图片出现在Goldilocks的面前,是一座房子。While-reading1. Watch the cartoon.Q: Whats in the house?Teach the new word: some soupTheres some soup on the table. There are three beds in the house.2. Which soup does she like?Teach the new phrases: too cold, too hot, just right.3. Which bed does she like?Teach the words: hard, soft4. How is Goldilocks? Why is she afraid?Open the books and read the story.Teach the new words: afraid, in front of, between, beside.Step3 Production.1. Look and order.Turn to page8 and order the pictures according to the story.2. Read the story.1) Read after the tape.2) Read in roles.3. Try to retell the story根据图片及提示复述课文。T: Now children. There are some pictures. Discuss in your group, and try to retell the story. Step4 Progress.After-reading1. Whats the story ending?课文故事是没有结局的,老师给出提示,请学生续编故事。 Would the bears be angry? What would they do? What would they say to Goldilocks? Would they be friends at last? 唱完歌曲之后老师顺势揭题The three bears are so cute. Do you love them?Today I bring a story to you! The name is Goldilocks and the three bears. forest是一个新单词,在教授时要注意提醒学生其发音。引导学生用There is/ There are 来描述森林里所看见的东西,初步让学生感知这个句型。学生可能会单复数不分,如:There is many birds in the forest.老师可以提醒学生应该这样说:There are many birds in the forest.让学生体会到复数用are,单数用is 。引导学生猜想屋子里面有些什么,用There be 句型阐述。看完卡通回答问题:房子里有什么?结合书本第8页Think and say部分让学生说一说。通过听的方式,了解Goldilocks对这三碗汤的评价,教授新词组:too cold, too hot, just right.并请学生模仿金发女孩,表演一下。引导学生Goldilocks is not hungry and thirsty. She is tired. 进入第三幅图的教学。用听音效的方式让学生辨别床是soft还是hard。学生阅读最后一幅图,教授新单词:afraid和in front of 。同时通过单词卡片教授beside和between这两个介词。如果学生不能理解的话,就利用教室内学生座位安排用这几个介词来描述,帮助学生理解。 跟读的过程中要注意重读以及语音语调的指导。复述课文的形式:小组一起复述、小组分角色复述、演一演。学生自选一种形式。这个环节请学生发挥想象力,小组合作,根据现有的故事内容续编故事。在学生小组讨论时,老师要适时地给出帮助,最后以小组为单位,将续编的故事展示出来。作业设计1. Read the story.2. Try to tell this story to your friend.3. Read more English stories after school.教后反思1
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