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PEP 五年级上册导学案Unit 3 What would you like?l 教材分析本单元的内容是以前学过的食物知识的拓展与延伸。因为食物这一题材与学生的实际生活有着密切的联系,加之学生之前也已经学过一些相关内容,并有一定的知识基础,所以学生对这一单元的内容应该会很感兴趣,学起来也会更加得心应手。也正因如此,这一单元的Lets talk部分精炼了许多,对话内容也比较集中。在本单元中,学生将学习更多关于食物以及形容食物的词汇,教学过程中应注意教育学生养成良好的饮食习惯。l 学情分析食物是小学生最感兴趣的话题之一,兴趣是最好的老师,老师可以充分利用学生的兴趣来进行教学,一定会起到事半功倍的效果。l 教学目标1、掌握A、B部分Lets learn和Lets talk环节中的单词和句子。2、能就“食物”问题进行提问和回答,如What would you like to eat? Id like 3、能和他人谈论自己最喜爱的食物。4、在学习中简单了解一些西方国家的就餐礼仪,帮助学生形成良好的就餐习惯。5、能用一些常用的形容词简单描述食物。6、学习双元音/ / 。7、能听懂、会唱歌曲What would you like to eat today?8、能听懂Story time 部分的故事。9、激发学生的学习兴趣,鼓励学生在日常生活中多用英语进行交流。l 重点难点l 重点1、掌握A、B部分Lets learn和Lets talk环节中的单词和句子。2、能就“食物”问题进行提问和回答,如What would you like to eat? Id like 3、能和他人谈论自己最喜爱的食物。l 难点1、双元音/ /的读法。2、单词delicious的读音。3、单词hot除了可以表示“热的”,还可以表示“辣的,辛辣的”。l 教学方法任务型教学法、情景法、视听法、全身反应法、交际法等。第一课时(A. Lets try & Lets talk)l 课时目标1.能听、说、认读单词drink和thirsty 。2.能询问别人想吃(喝)些什么并作出相应回答。3.能听懂Lets try部分的录音并完成填空。4.提高学生合作学习的能力,能灵活运用所学句型和他人谈论关于“饮食”的话题。l 重点难点l 重点1.能听、说、认读单词drink和thirsty 。2.能询问别人想吃(喝)些什么并作出相应回答。l 难点1.能灵活运用所学句型和他人谈论关于“饮食”的话题。2.单词thirsty的发音。l 教学准备多媒体课件、课文听力录音、歌曲What would you like ?录音 文中人物头饰、作为奖励的小礼物。l 教学过程一、课前热身(Warm-up)1.课堂口语练习T: Good morning, everyone .How are you today?Ss: Good morning, Mr/Miss/MrsT:How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you .T: What do you have for breakfast?Ss: I have for breakfast.T: Its time for our class. Here we go!设计意图:利用已学过的简单对话进行师生交流,便于帮助学生更好进入英语课堂的学习。2. Lets sing: What would you like ?老师播放歌曲What would you like ?录音,学生一起跟唱设计意图:从四上与本课相关的歌曲出发,让学生在轻松愉快的歌声中开始新课,同时也为本节课做好准备。二、新课呈现(Presentation & Practice)1.师生一起复习句型What would you like ? Id like T:Look ,heres a table. Lets see whats on the table.(老师出示课件,引导学生观察课件)Ss:挨个读出table上的食物egg,Coke,chicken,rice,bread,juice,fish,cake,vegetables,noodles,beefT:Id like some vegetables and fish . What would you like?S1: Id like T:Work with your partners, ask and answer. 同伴之间,相互问答。S1: What would you like?S2: Id like 2.给单词分类(根据eat和drink给上面的单词分类)T: Look, boys and girls. Heres something to eat and heres something to drink. Do you know what they are? Please divide the words into two groups ( eat & drink)设计意图:复习相关的食物、饮料单词,通过课件展示让学生进行单词分类,帮助学生理解句型并做相关回答。3.教授句型Im hungry. Id like./ Im thirsty. Id likeT: Im hungry. Id like someS:根据分类情况进行补充。T:(做口渴状)Now,Im thirsty,Id like some(教授单词thirsty,注意学生的发音) S:根据分类情况进行补充。T:(简单小结)If we are hungry, we can say “Id like some to eat. ”(引导学生参与总结并结合单词补充句子。)And if we are thirsty, we can say “Id like some to drink. ”设计意图:利用课件和肢体动作帮助学生感知thirsty的意思,在巩固单词后逐步引出核心句型,从易到难,层层递进。4.教授句型What would you like to eat/drink?T:(出示课件) Look at this man .Hes very thirsty. He says: Im thirsty. Id like someSs: Act as the man and try to say Im thirsty. Id like someT:What about this woman,Ms Red? Lets ask: What would you like to drink, Ms Red?(引出句型What would you like to drink?你想喝点什么?)Ss:(齐读)What would you like to drink?T: Now Ms Red says: Im hungry, too. How can we ask?(根据上面的句型和单词eat,引导学生自己说出) What would you like to eat,Ms Red?5.师生对话:T:Im hungry/thirsty.Ss: What would you like to eat/drink?T: Id like someto eat/drink.学生之间也可进行对话,互问互答。设计意图:通过以上各种铺垫逐渐引出核心句型,借助师生对话帮助学生巩固句型。6. Lets tryT:(PPT课件出示Sarah 的照片)What about Sarah? Shes hungry, too. Guess, what would she like to eat?(引导学生打开课本 Lets try部分)Now lets listen and fill in the blanks. (待学生完成后,师生核对答案)7. Lets talkT:(The ring of the door bell)Listen , whos coming? (出示课件)Oh, its Sarahs father. Hes back from work. Is he hungry or thirsty? (学生打开课本 Lets talk部分)T: If hes thirsty, what would he like to drink? And, if hes hungry, what would he like to eat? Now lets watch the flash and get the answers.Hes thirsty. Hed like to drink water. Hes hungry. Hes like to eat a sandwich.(教授单词sandwich)设计意图:带着问题看课文动画,让学生更有目的地看,有目的地听,找出相关信息。三、巩固提升与操练(Consolidation & practice)1. Listen and repeat.T:Play the flash again。Ss: Read follow the tape sentence by sentence.2. Role playSs: Act the conversation out with their partners.设计意图:学生跟读对话,模仿语音语调,并表演出来,巩固对课文的理解和掌握。四、作业(Homework)1. 跟读对话五遍。2. 完成导学案和长江全能学案上的相关题目。设计意图:作业是课堂的延伸,通过作业,学生进一步巩固所学知识。五、板书设计Unit 3 What would you like?Im hungry. Id like, please.Im thirsty. Id like, please.
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