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2019-2020年冀教版英语四年级下册Lesson10First,Second,Third最新导学案设计一学习目标:1.能记住单词 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 2.会运用 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth3.会运用 What day is it ? Its_ 进行英语对话二1.重点:(1)基数词变序数词的方法以及序数词的用法 (2)What day is it ? Its_ .的运用2.难点: 基数词变序数词的方法以及序数词的用法三知识链接:基数词 one-twelve四学法指导1.利用课本的图片感受first second third 的含义 2.分组讨论基数词和序数词的区别以及写法有何规律 3.尝试讨论星期几是一周中的第几天,会运用_is the _day of the week . 4.学会询问日期What day is it ? Its_五自主学习分组练习序数词的用法以及日期的问法六合作探究Whats the date? Its_七巩固检测: first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth eleventh twelfth练习:1. Sunday is the _day of the week.2. Monday is the _.3. Tuesday is the _.4. Wednesday is the _.5. Thursday is the _.6. Friday is the _.7. Saturday is the _.八通过这节课的学习,我的收获:。附送:2019-2020年冀教版英语四年级下册Lesson11Whenisit?最新导学案设计学习目标:1:学习掌握句式When is _ ? _ .学会并掌握生词 yesterday , today , tomorrow 2:了解怎样用英语表示新年、春节、国际劳动节、教师节、儿童节、国庆节等节日。学习重、难点:重点:学习掌握句式When is _ ? _ . 以及生词 yesterday , today , tomorrow。难点:正确使用句式 When is _ ? _ .进行问答。一、 课前准备1 能够准确读写下列单词:New Years day,Spring Festive, International Workers day, Childrens Day, Teachers Day, National Day, yesterday , today , tomorrow.2 除了本课要学的这些节日之外,你还知道哪些节日?想一想,写下来。 3 熟读课文,注意读音、声调和节奏。4 写出下列单词的序数词,想一想,写出来如:one-first two- four- five- eleven- twenty- 二、 学习探究:(一)利用日历演示:When is it ? 指着今天的日期,引导学生进行对话。教师:What day is it ?学生:_ .教师:Today is _ . When is _ ? Today . When is _ ? Say it please , class .学生:When is _ ?教师:When is _ ? Today . When is _ ?学生:Today .教师:When is breakfast/lunch/supper ? In the _ .学生:_ morning/afternoon/evening .学生模仿练习2、看图片,说句子。3、展示一下你的收获。(二)When is it?A:听录音,读课文,完成下列问题。1 When is Childrens Day? 2 When is Spring Festive? 3 What day is it? 4 What day was yesterday? 温馨提示:B 组长安排组内成员之间交换批改。C:组长看一下组内成员的练习,找出大家容易做错的地方。三、 训练反馈,巩固提升。(相信你是最棒的!)同学们,根据所学内容,和你的伙伴创编一个有关When is it?的小对话。(1) 两人或多人一组创编对话。(2) 组内展示交流。(3) 把你们创作展示给全班同学们。四、 盘点收获:将你的收获写在下面横线上。
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