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雅思考试阅读教育类文章高频词汇 1. linguistic adj. 语言学的2. linguist n. 语言学家3. source n. 来源4. norm n. standard 标准5. scrupulous adj. 小心谨慎的6. bilingual adj. 双语的 n. 双语者7. way method approach 8. recording n. 录音9. body language gesture 手势10. social situation social background social setting 11. less self-conscious 自然一些12. generate vt. 产生13. mother tongue ancestral tongue 母语14. property n. 属性15. objective adj. 客观的、16. child speech baby talk 17. employ vt use adopt 18. accurate adj. 精确的19. paradox n. 矛盾20. ethical objection 道德反对21. where possible if possible 22. supplement complement 23. non-verbal adj. 非语言的24. context n. 语境;上下文25. facial expression 表情26. alter vt. 更改27. to a large extent 在很大程度上28. limitation n. 局限29. limit n. 极限30. transcription 听抄31. coverinclude 32. feed give provide 33. feedback n. 反馈34. corpus n. 语料库35. compile vt. 编纂36. unbiased adj. 公正的;无偏见的37. bias vt. 影响 = influence 38. corpus corpora medium media criterion criteria phenomenon phenomena 39. practical factors 实际因素40. dominate vt. 主导;主宰41. dominant adj. 占主导的42. reach vt. 接触到43. prominence importance 44. intellectual n. 知识分子45. revival n. 复兴;复活46. classical times 古典时期47. extend vt. 延伸48. emergent adj. 崛起的rising emerge vi. 出现 emergency n. 紧急状况49. explore vt. 探寻;探究50. exploration 冒险 = adventure 51. discovery n. 发现52. shooting star meteor 53. academy n. 学院54. society n. 学会55. arise vi. 崛起56. socially wider 57. preliminary adj. 初步的58. have dangers in doing sth 59. put into public domain sth replace a with b replace with b a 60. growing concern 增长的关注61. through via 通过62. about of 关于63. social distinction 社会差异64. a man of letters 作家all walks of life 各行各业65. common practice 常规做法66. obscure adj. 模糊的;不著名的67. seal vt. 封印 quill n. 鹅毛笔68. engage vi. 参与;参加69. foster vt. 培植;养育70. genre n. 风格;领域71. momentum n. 动力;势头72. establish vt. 建立establish oneself as . 73. establishment n. 机构74. leading adj. 统领的; 75. as opposed to whereas 76. substantial considerable 77. lexical adj. 词汇的78. dyslexia 诵读困难症剑四TEST2P3精读必备34个词汇: 1. Engross=indulge 沉溺2. Imaginary 假想的3. Cub 幼崽4. Tease 逗弄5. Carefree 无忧无虑的6. Exuberant 欢快活泼的7. Cost sb ones life 要命8. Juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪9. Fail to do sth. 没能够做某事10. Spot vt.发现11. hiccup 插曲12. Intelligent 聪明的13. Resemble =Simulate 模仿14. in earnest = for real 认真15. socialize 社交16. endurance 耐力17. permanent temporary 18. Optimum time Golden time 19. Peak 达到顶点Summit n. 顶峰20. A positive link 正比关系 21. The converse was also found to be true =Vice versa 22. Stimuli n.刺激23. Mould vt. 塑造24. Timing 时机25. Clue 线索26. Plot vt.用图表表示 n. 阴谋;情节27. window 阶段28. modify vt.更改ease 轻松自如29.a kaleidoscope 万花筒30. assess 评估31. reciprocity互惠32. flexibility 灵活33. Potential n. 潜力34.exam-oriented adj. 应试教育的剑五TEST1P2精读必备45个词汇: 1.Nature天性=Genetic 2. Nurture 后天3.Subject 试验对象4.All Walks of life 各行各业 5.distaste for sth.憎恶6.Cause 事业7.Positive积极的8.Range from 的范围; 从到 9.Administer 执行10.supposed = So-called Alleged 11.simulate doing sth. 模仿做某事 Stimulate刺激12.Emit 发出;放出n emitted n Emission 尾气13.A Spectrum of 一系列的 14.An Assortment of =A variety of各种各样的15.denounce谴责16.Balk at doing 迟疑=Hesitate 17.Be reluctant to do 18.Revulsion= Distaste 19.Overwhelming 20.concensus =Agreement 21.virtually=Basically 22.Anticipate 期待23.Lunatic fringe 极端狂热分子 24.Account for解释25.Discrepancy差异26.Built-in内在的=Genetic =Hard-wired =Innate 27.Pent-up Accumulated 28.Primal urge 原始冲动 29. hardcore Typical 30.Trait 特征31.be of survival value 生死攸关 n A is important. n A is +of +great importance. 32.Benevolent Malevolent 33.Context 上下文 环境 背景 34.In pursuit of 35.Evoke 唤起=spark 36.Merge 结合37.Moral 道德的38.code =rule 规则39.property 属性40.loyalty=Faithfulness忠诚41.Forgo 放弃42.two polar 截然不同的43.dictate=control 44.bias=influence 45.Basis=theory 剑四TEST4P3精读必备25个词汇: 1. Scarce Resource 稀缺资源 Rare species 珍稀物种 2.Just 公正的 justice Justify 使公正 Justification n. 公正3.efficient adj.有效率的 Efficiency 高效率Effectiveness 有效性4. illusion 幻想disillusion 幻灭;失望delusion 幻觉;错觉5. Priority 优先权 Top priority 当务之急6.Economic 经济的;实惠的 7. fossil fuel 石油 8.exhaustible 可用光的9. Sustainable 可持续的10.realization 意识Awareness Consciousness 11. economic progress经济发展 advance Technological advance 12. fundamental 基本的Foundation 13. personal liberty 个人自由14. poverty-stricken adj. 15.be deprived of basic education 16. a context of law and order Social context 社会环境Political context 政治环境17.state 州;政府Government Administration Authority 18. generate 产生Produce vt.生产19. obligation 责任 Duty 职责20. public purse 21.indispensable 22. stem from 23. dramatic rise 24.elderl
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