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If Ishodhavadught, istead ofMom, shesgonna alme Poin , beas th way sh k tht no mat wa happes,eat shecan awas find er way to . And mgingtopainta stes on the ak o her hands, so sehas t ler the entreunivese bore sh cnsay, O, Iow that lkethe backof yhd Anhes goin to lern tht hsle will i yu hard i heface,ait fr youto get bkpjust s it can kic youin he somh. Butgeting hewinnockedout f ous the only way t remind you lns how m thy likethetste of air Tee ihur he tha canot b ixe n-Ads r oer So thefrst tieh realizes that Wder Woman intcomn, l kere s knows sh doent have t earte cape all b heslf. ase omater how wide you stretchur igers,you hans will alwaye too smal atchal the pain ouwant toeal. Beliee me,Ie tied. And, baby, Illtel, dotkeep yournosup i h air like a. knw tha trick;Iv done ita million timesYor just sellig f moe so youcan followhe tal bak o a burnig house, so you can fi the bo who lo everythingin te fir tsee ifyou nsvehim. Or else find the boywho lt t ire efirstpace,to see f youcan cange him. Btknow she wl ayway, so iead Ilalway eeaetrapplyo chocolate a rainbots nary, beae ere iatbrak thatchocolate cntfix Oay, hre a ew herteaks thatchcolat anfx ut thts hat theain bt ar for Becuser wll hawayeverythin,f ou le it. I ant herto ook at te wold hrg heuderside of a gls-bottom boat, toothruh a microsope at he galaxies thtexis on the pinont uman mind, becase thts te wa my o taughtme. Tt terll be dys ike tis Teell be dayslke his, my mmmsai. Wheou oen y hando at and inwith nly biters ad buises; wheyou tepot of te phoneboothad try tofly ante vrypel yu nt o sere he nes standing on ou cape; e boots wil fillwih ain, adoll be up to yourknes idisappitent.And the re t ery daysyou haveall there reasno ay thnyou.Bease teres nothing oe beautiful than thwa th ocean reuss t stopkissing teshorline,omtte howma tme i swept wa. ou illthe wind inwindsome, lose som You ill put he a i tarover, an overA n mattr w mny land ne erupt n a mnute, bsure yur mind landson the beauty of is funn placecaled ife.Ands, oa scale from one tooer-trustig, am ptt damn nae. But wnther toknwas world is mdeuto sugar.It cacruble o easiy, bu be afa t sic our ongue ouand tast itBay, Ill tell er, rememb,you omma isarier, and yo ppp is warrior, and youare thegl wth smllands and bigyes wo ne stsskg or moe. Reember hat good tng coe in thre andso do bad tings. A lwaysapogize wheyoue done somethngwg. Bu ont you evr apologize for heway youeys efus t stoshinig Your vce is small, bt dot evr stop singinAd when theyinaly hand ou heartah,whn they slip war and hatr under odoor and offe y anu on sret-coners f icim and efet, ou tell tem that thy ealyought t meet you mohe.ll rigt, so I want you ttake a moent,and I want youtoink of the ings t you kw t b true.Theycan e bou whate yo wat -technology, etrtainmnt, dsgn,ourfaily,hat u d fo bakfast.The onyrule is dnt titoo hard. kay,rady? Go. Oky S heerthe thingknow to b true I nthtJn-Lc ard as rigt when said tha,a godstr as a bining, amddle adn ed, althouhnot ncessarly in that orr.Iknow tha Imicreibly eous and ecitd obephee, whi sgretlinhiitng y ability ke itcol.(auhter) ndI kno thtIhavben tngal wek to tell i oke. (aht)Why was tescacrow ivted o TED?Becaue he wasout stndng nis ield.(Lauhte)Im .Oka,she arethree things I kot e true. But thee ae pleny of thing I have toubl understandg SI wripmsto fgue igs Somties th lywy nowhow to wok throughsomehingis ritin a poem. Andmetimes I tto thnd of the poemndlk bak adg, O,thats wht thi is allabu. n smtmes I get theed of the poe andhavetslvd nytn, t a leat ha aew poem out of t. Spoe wodper is the art of prformaneetr I el pepl it ivlvescreatig petr adoent justn sit onpapr, thatsometing about it demandstb hado lud or tnesed nrson. When I wa a freshmanhighchool, I
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