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中学教师英文读书随笔如果教师不想方设法使学生进入情绪高昂和智力振奋的内心状态,就急于传授知识,则,这种知识只能让人产生冷漠的态度,而不动感情的脑力劳动就会带来疲倦。从书中,老师们可以学到很多,教会学生很多,也可以让学生学会如何读书,如何做得更好。下面是随笔网小编整理的?中学教师英文读书随笔,欢迎阅读。中学教师英文读书随笔【第一篇】:Reading notes of junior high school teachersWhen books are used, they hate little。 Xue Ji said, it is a solid teaching, and then a knowledge of difficulties, and then a lack of knowledge。 For our teachers, there are too many things to learn, and I know too little。 Some people say that teachers should have a bucket of water to teach students a glass of water。 There is a reason for this, but when a bucket of water is no longer added, it is also useful。 I think that teachers should not only have a bucket of water, but also have tap water and long running water。 Ask where the canal is clear。 Therefore, in teaching, books are silent teachers, and reading is the greatest pleasure in my teaching。Knowledge is more important than knowledge, and there are ways to succeed。 Todays teachers learning is not to memorize a lot of knowledge, but to master the way to learn - knowing why to learn。 Where do you learn from? How do you learn? If a teacher does not master the method of study, even if he teaches the door homework very well, he is still a failure learner。 Parents often listen to their parents saying, my children only listen to their teachers, and their teachers are more intelligent than the imperial edicts。 When they return home, they will not listen to anyone。 As a result, as a teacher, I think of the nature of the students, this is a pure and beautiful psychological quality, we should be used and developed as a teacher。 Especially after learning the educational theory of Mr。 Wei Shusheng, I also used to imitate the rules in the class: when teachers or students have made mistakes in the course of teaching and learning, I have to perform a program on the spot。 I did not expect that this measure made me gain the prestige that I could not think of。 In the course of teaching, I deliberately or inadvertently made the mistake, and the students will point out to me in time。 I also consciously obey the rules and sing a song for the students every time。 Such punishment has won the favor of the students, not only the harmonious relationship between teachers and students, but also the class atmosphere is very active。Perhaps, this is the embodiment of the democracy of education, in the eyes of students, teachers can be equal to them, their psychology is also a balance, such teachers can be most respected by the students。 The students are willing to come close to me, often tell me the words, tell me the trouble, tell me the difficulties, every time I express their gratitude and respect to me, my feelings are indescribable, I always feel a deep value of my own。 It is not a taboo to say that this sublime is the greatest gain I have gained in reading projects, and it is a concrete manifestation of my continuous learning and continuous improvement。 Individual learning in a learning society is like walking into a cafeteria。 What you want to eat is completely free。 Individuals can choose and decide what to learn, how to learn and how to learn, according to their actual needs。More important than the method is the direction。 In the tide of knowledge economy, as a peoples teacher, we should recognize our own life coordinates and find our own value space。 Confucius, an ancient educator of ancient times, was happy with teaching and learning and indefatigable teaching。 At last, his benevolent thought was passed on。 Meng Zi taught by students in accordance with their aptitude, with the principle of teachers do not have to virtuous their disciples, their disciples should not be inferior to teachers, and finally became a great university。 Xunzi advocated the idea of green, blue and blue as the idea。 For use and perseverance, the great teaching theory of Amy is more content and foresight; and Tao Xingzhi, Zhu Yongxin, Li Zhenxi, Wei Shusheng, and so on。 These educationists, their research and discovery in the education work, have given them the greatest success and happiness, which is the fruit of their approaching students。 After reading these theoretical works, my heart is more thorough, because I draw more confidently to my students, and let me study my students more consciously, to find out the advantages of them, to find a bridge to communicate and communicate with the students, to open the pure mind of the students and to study the students。 The sparks of raw wisdom are lit。 Especially in the classroom, I often do the same thing with students, and even take the lead in being an example。 For example, my demonstrative reading, my affectionate hydrology, won the warm applause of the students, and drew the distance between me and the students in the classroom。 Let students live in joy and learn in happiness。 This is the biggest pursuit of my life from teaching。More important than direction is attitude。 Perseverance
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