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跨文化交际试题(附答案)Paper 1 Communication Analysis The following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding.Question 1 Case 1:Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist, Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are having dinner in a restaurant.Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of Chinas most famous dishes. Youll love it!Luke: No, thanks. I dont like duck. I prefer chicken.Question 2 Case 2:Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory.Feng Li: I dont know where it went wrong!Tom, Dont feel so bad. Cheer up, youve done your job.Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure.Tom: Relax for a couple of days. Ill face the music.Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing childrens games here. This is a scientific experiment.Tom, Ive never taken the experiment as child s play, and Im playing the game.Feng Li: You say youre playing the game! Its a rather important experiment!Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.Question 3 Case 3:This is a more complex situation where there are several things that require more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problems and explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were students together at Leeds University in Britain. A year later, after graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a years exchange.Jim had never been to China before. Li Zhen took him to a classical piano concert performed by a famous Chinese pianist. During the performance people were talking and at one stage someone ran up onto the stage and presented the pianist with a bunch of flowers during the playing of a particular musical item. This happened several times during the evening. It also happened when two singers were on stage singing some songs that he was playing. Jim thought all these things quite strange. At the end of the performance the audience applauded the pianist and he applauded them. The audience began to leave while the pianist remained on the stage.Paper 2 VocabularyChoose one word or expression from those in the box below to fill the gap in each of the sentences. Write the correct words in the spaces provided in your answer sheet. Do not change the forms of the words.Community white lies Dutch courage grey areaskin terms vocation below the belt buying a roundlive and let live trouble and strife foot the bill recreation4. After twenty five years working in the bank she decided on a different .5. Finally, after arguing about the meal for five minutes it was decided he would .6. Despite the circumstances of the accident there were still some that needed explanation.7. There are many different used when talking about peoples relationships in China.8. Mike! Meet Jane, the .9. Ok, the argument is over. Lets forget it, you know.10. People in English speaking countries also avoid losing face or hurting other people by telling .11. It is difficult for foreigners to understand British pub culture, especially the system of which all members of the group are expected to join in.12. It was a crushing blow to her, a hit when she received the news that her husband had left her for another woman.13. In China there is a real sense of in social situations.Paper 3 TranslationTranslate the following passage from English into Chinese. Please write your translation on the answer sheet.What do we mean by Intercultural Communications or IC? This is not a description of the popular trend toward talking about international things or going overseas. IC is actually an academic and applied discipline that has developed internationally since the 1950s. Sometimes called cross-cultural communications or comparative culture , scholars most often use the prefix inter with the word cultural to describe the interaction between cultures. On one level, IC is represented by culture studies, where we examine the political, economic and lifestyle systems of other countries. On another level, it is applied linguistics, where we seek to understand the relationship between language and culture. Many Chinese English teachers and professors have been interested in this aspect since the 1980s - How to teach English in ways that help students also learn the basic communication practices of Britain, the US or other English speaking countries.But the discipline of Intercultural Communications is actually a broad and well-developed field of study. IC is an
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