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TED名人演讲稿 机会创造者点课台前言:雅思听力对于很多烤鸭来说都是一道难关,大家都在苦苦思索,怎样的雅思听力。今天,点课台老师给大家整理了TED演讲,附演讲稿与视频,希望可以帮助到正在备考的考生。TED是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。大家在锻炼雅思听力的时候,也可以学习一下里面的主角们的思维模式,论述方法,希望还能对大家的雅思写作有所启迪。I grew up diagnosed as phobically shy,我从小就有社交恐惧症and like at least 20 other people in a room of this size,这样的空间 大约20人I was a stutterer.就能让以前的我结巴语塞Do you dare raise your hand?更别提举手了 根本不可能And it sticks with us.这种困扰如影随形It really does stick with us,你走到哪 它就跟到哪because when we are treated that way,当大家对你的存在视若无睹we feel invisible sometimes,你会开始感觉自己是隐形人or talked around and at.而别人都在你背后窃窃私语And as I started to look at people,后来我仔细去观察周遭的人which is mostly all I did,一直以来我都只敢默默观察I noticed that some people really wanted attention然后发现有些人无法忍受被忽视and recognition.他们要得到大家的注意力和认同Remember, I was young then.当时我年轻、懵懂So what did they do? What we still do perhaps too often?渴望注意力的人会做什么? 也许现在太多人在做一样的事而不自知We talk about ourselves.他们谈论的常常都是自己And yet there are other people I observed who had what I called a mutuality mindset.但另一批人就不同了 我说他们的人际关系 往往有一种“互相”的心态In each situation, they found a way to talk about us and create that “us” idea.无论什么场合 他们的谈话里都会出现“我们”这个概念So my idea to reimagine the world is to see it one where we all become greater opportunity-makers with and for others.在我心目中的理想世界 每个人都能为自己和别人创造机会Theres no greater opportunity or call for action for us now就是现在 我们必须把握良机、采取行动than to become opportunity-makers who use best talents together more often for the greater good多去整合各种才能 尽可能的利益他人and accomplish things we couldnt have done on our own.一人做不到的 多人或许有办法And I want to talk to you about that,这就是我今天的重点cause even more than giving,比单纯给予even more than giving,施舍、捐赠更有影响力的is the capacity for us to do something smarter together就是人们学会集思广益for the greater good that lifts us both up共同合作 创造双赢局面and that can scale.其中的利益会一层层积累Thats why Im sitting here.这是我今天演讲的重点But I also want to point something else out.不过我还想说一件事Each one of you is better than anybody else at something.台下的你必定在某些事上比其他人都拿手That disproves that popular notion that if youre the smartest person in the room,和那句名言“你绝不是这里最厉害的人”youre in the wrong room.恰恰相反So let me tell you about a Hollywood party I went to a couple years back,我在几年前的一个好莱坞聚会上and I met this up-and-coming actress,遇见了位有潜力的女演员and we were soon talking about something that we both felt passionately about,我们很快就找到共同话题-public art.公共艺术And she had the fervent belief that every new building in Los Angeles她坚信洛杉矶的每栋建筑里should have public art in it. She wanted a regulation for it,都应该有公共艺术 她想要一套专属公共艺术的规范and she fervently started,所以她兴忡忡的着手进行What is here from Chicago?这里有谁是芝加哥人吗?She fervently started talking about these bean-shaped reflective sculptures in Millennium Park,她滔滔不绝的说着千禧公园里的云门雕塑and people would walk up to it人们好奇的上前一探究竟and theyd smile in the reflection of it,看着自己的映像微笑and theyd pose and theyd vamp and theyd take selfies together摆pose、赞叹、自拍留念and theyd laugh.然后笑成一团And as she was talking, a thought came to my mind.听着听着 我突然灵光乍现I said, “I know someone you ought to meet.我告诉她: “妳应该见见这个人Hes getting out of San Quentin in a couple of weeks再几周他就要从圣昆丁州立监狱出来了and he shares your fervent desire that art should engage and enable people to connect.”他跟妳一样 觉得艺术应该让人有共鸣、激发想像力”He spent five years in solitary,他被单独监禁了五年and I met him because I gave a speech at San Quentin,我因为在圣昆丁演讲 而与他结识and hes articulate他口条不错and hes rather easy on the eyes长的也不赖because hes buff. He had workout regime he did everyday.因为他是条热爱健身的汉子I think she was following me at that point.女演员大概还满有兴趣的I said, “hed be an unexpected ally.”我又说: “他会是个得力助手”And not just that. Theres James. Hes an architect除了他之外 我把詹姆也拉进来 詹姆是建筑师and hes a professor,也是个教授and he loves place-making, and place-making is when you have those mini-plazas他对地方营造很有兴趣 外头的小广场、and those urban walkways城市人行道and where theyre dotted with art,任何有艺术点缀的地方 都属于地方营造的范畴where people draw and come up and talk sometimes.许多人会在那儿画画、闲聊I think theyd make good allies.我想他们一定能合作无间And indeed they were.果真没错They met together. They prepared.他们碰面之后 就开始筹备They spoke in front of the Lost Angeles City Council.到洛杉矶市政府传达诉求And the council members not only passed the regulation,结果市议员通过了他们订的条例half of them came down and asked to pose with them afterwards.之后甚至半数议员还去与艺术品合影They were startling, compelling and credible.他们给人的印象是震慑、具说服力、可靠You cant buy that.全都是用钱买不到的What Im asking you to consider is what kind of opportunity-makers we might become,希望各位想想自己能成为哪种机会制
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