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英文简单道歉信范文导语:做错了事就要主动道歉,那如何道歉呢?。下面是小编整理的英文简单道歉信范文。欢迎阅读及参考。篇一、英文简单道歉信范文Dear Anne,Thank you for your invitation to dinner at your hometomorrow evening. Unfortunately, it is much to my regretthat I cannot join you and your family, because I will befully occupied then for an important exam coming the dayaftertomorrow.Ifeelterriblysorryformissingthechance of such a happy get-together, and I hope that allof you enjoy a good time. Is it possible for you and me tohave a private meeting afterward?If so, please donthesitate to drop me a line about your preferable date. Ido long for a pleasant chat with you. Please allow me tosay sorry again.Regards, Li Ming篇二、英文简单道歉信范文Dear teacher,I am sorry for not handing in my homework in time. I know any explanation can not become my excuse. I promise 1 from now on I will finish my work on time and work hard to live up to your expectation! Thank you for your patient teaching!Yours,* 篇三、英文简单道歉信范文Dear Frank:I am terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost thevaluablebook you were so kindto lendme lastweek. I readiteveryday and intendedto finishitnext month. Last nightwhen I came to my room, it was nowhere to be found. I willtry to recover it as soon as possible. If I fail to findit, I will get a new book for you.But I am afraid it can never take the place of the oldone. Old books are like old friends. Once lost, they canneverbereplaced.Theyareconnectedwithcherishedassociationswhich the new ones can never have. And forthisirrecoverable loss, I am to blame. I was so careless with my things. This is a warning to me to be more careful in the future.Yours truly, 2 Tom篇四、英文简单道歉信范文Dear Prof. Patent,I am very sorry to inform you that I did not manage tocomplete the book report you assigned last week, due to asudden illnessfallingupon me a few days ago. For the pastfew days I have been in hospital with a continuous fever,which has thus prevented me from any academic activity. Ihereby submit the doctors note.I would be very much obliged if you could grant meanotherweek forthe task,as my healthisturning better.Hope you can understand my situation and accept myapology.Yours faithfully, Li Ming篇五、英文简单道歉信范文I am truly sorry that I cannot attend the project meeting to be held on next Tuesday afternoon.The reason is that I am going to take a business to Shanghai by plane that day, so I will be unavailable for the meeting. However, considering the importance of themeeting, I will be grateful if you could(删除 ) send me a 3 brief record of the project progress by E-mail. I willcheck( 用词不当 ) the record and send my feedback to you.Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.Yours sincerely,Li Ming篇六、英文简单道歉信范文Dear Prof. Wang,I m writingto ask you to excuse me fornot being abletokeepourappointment.Ido know thatthisisveryimpolite and must have caused you much trouble.I do reckon thatat presentany explanationis pale andfutile. However I do not want you to misunderstand me. Onmy way to your office,an old ladysuddenlyfainted duetoheartattackon the bus. I stopped a taxiand sent her intoa nearby hospital.I stayed thereuntilher son came, whichspoiled our appointment.I am aware thatour appointmentisof importance.I dohope that you would be kind enough to spare your valuableto meet me. 4 I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely Yours 5
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