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Unit 1 Topic 3 名词技能,技巧提到,说起洪水毒品;药,药物力求达到;目的是,旨在发明,创造目的,意图形容词疗法;治疗提及直接的;直达的谈话,交谈战争可能的秘书,书记目标公平的;(皮肤)白皙的工程师,技师动词医学的;治疗的渔民;钓鱼健身者(被)淹没;(使)淹没死的,无生命的军队发现;找到;了解到社会的创伤,伤口指挥;指导;监督;管理副词孙女,外孙女使兴奋;使激动在楼下;到楼下(外)孙或孙女,孙辈提供到(在)国内外痛,疼痛伤,伤害词组火;火炉痛,疼痛事实上,其实楼梯上(船,火车,飞机)在困难时,在贫困之中楼下偷,窃取国内外木板;布告牌;委员会不服从付款分析下面单词的词性及意思cover-_( ) indirect-_( ) impossible-_( ) unfair-_( )invent-_( ) exciting-_( ) excited-_( ) medicine-_( )treat-_( ) death-_( ) grand -_( ) backache -_( ) upstairs-_( ) keyboard-_( ) obey-_( ) socialist-_( )写出下面动词的过去式-过去分词1feel-_-_ fight-_-_ find-_-_fit-_-_fly-_-_forget-_-_forgive-_-_freeze-_-_get-_-_give-_-_go-_-_grow-_-_hang-_-_have-_-_hear-_-_Section A一. 读1a,回答问题1. How long has Helen been in New York? _2. What does Helen think of living in New York? _3. How is the traffic in New York? _4. How were the streets in the past? _5. Why does Helen advise Bob to come to New York for a visit? _二. 在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.在电话中交谈_2.很长时间_3.那里的交通_4.很快习惯_5.过去常常是_6.改善很多_7.几年前_8.过去_9.相当安全_10.事实上_11.来参观一下_12.亲眼目睹_13.做个报告_14.照顾_15.一个热心人_16.form new words_17.add prefixes and suffixes_18.try to list more words_三. 在文中划出下面的句子并分析1. How do you like living there? 同义句:What _?练习:你认为长城怎么样?a._b._2. But I heard that the traffic there was terrible and almost everyone drove too fast.点拨:hear-听见+宾语,听说+宾语从句 拓展:hear of-听说 hear from-收到的来信思考:2句中的heard在此意思是_, 后面是that引导的_巩固:a. I have never heard of the singer from Africa. 译:_ b. Helen couldnt hear anything because of her illness. 译:_ c. We havent heard from him for a long time. 译:_点拨:the traffic there-那儿的交通,there在此做the traffic的后置定语练习:the food there_ 那儿的生活_ 北京的天气_点拨:drove too fast-开车太快 总结:我们学过的表示“快”的单词有:fast, quick和rapid区别: 1)表示人的动作之迅速,三者都可用,有时可换用。如: a fast / rapid / quick worker 一个_的工人 a fast / rapid, quick / typist 一个_的打字员 2) fast 表示“快”,侧重指速度方面。 如:a.She ran as fast as she could. 译:_ b.You are reading too fast for me to follow. 译:_注意:询问速度或表示钟表走得快等,通常用 fast。如:a. _ _is the fish swimming? - 这鱼游得有多快? b. My watch is_ _ _. - 我的表快 5 分钟。 3) quick 通常表示某一动作来得突然或时间持续很短,有时还含有匆忙之意(但通常不指动作的频率)。如:a.He gave her a quick kiss. 译:_b. He had a quick look at it. 译:_c.She _ _ _ _ and rushed off to work. - 她匆匆吃了早餐就赶去上班。 注意:催人快做(快走等),通常用 quick。 如:快点!- _4) rapid 比另外两词要稍正式些,通常指突然或急速(且连续不断)的动作。如:a. He asked questions in rapid succession(连续).- 他连珠炮似地发问。 另外: rapid 还有一个特殊用法,即指一种有益的高速度(相比之下,fast 和 quick 有时指无益的急速)。如:He has made rapid progress in English recently. 译:_ 3. You will get used to it very soon if you come. 译:_点拨:get(be) used to-习惯于,to在这里是介词 区别:used to-过去常常, to在这里是不定式符号练习:a.我们将很快习惯北京的生活。We _ soon _ _ _ the life _ _. b.他已经习惯步行上班了。He _ already _ _ _ _ to work. c.他过去常常开车上班。He _ _ _ by car.4. They used to be, but the city has improved a lot sin
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