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北大考博英语基础词汇汇编(精华版)Abandon The match was abandoned because of bad weather.cross out wipe out desert/forsake/ leave / depart / discard / relinquish /surrender /withdrawabide We have to abide by the rules of the game. (abide observe discover adapt)Her fame will abide for sure. Last/endure/ continue/persist/remain/stay You have to keep _ with the times.Abreast/ fit in withabsorb He was absorbed in a book and didn t hear you call.engage/occupy/bend over/ be busy withabundant/rich The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish and gameaccess In many schools, students don t have sufficient access to the library.Way/approach/solution/answer/Accessible/available/handy/ready/convenient/obtainable/at handHis words are never in _ with his deeds. (situation accordance according fit)I m in agreement with Mr. Moore. in agreement with/ be compatible with /comply with /conform to/be in proportion toaccount He asked no one s advice; he did it on his own account independentlyYou have to take everything into account/consideration. Attention/regard/respect/mindGive us an account of what happened. Story/reason/information/description/tale/statementHe has been asked to account for his absence. ( describe tell relate answerfor say explain explicate)acquire to acquire a good knowledge of English. Attain/obtain/gain/earn/secureactive He is very active in politics.Energetic/spirited/lively/dynamic/excited/enthusiastic / adapt To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself) to the situation.Adjust/accommodate/alter/vary/arrange/modify/make fitaccustom She is _to living in comfort. (accustomed/used addict be familiar with)admit It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.(allow/admit/accept/permit/receive/confess/ acknowledge/adopt)adequate Their earnings are barely adequate to their needs.enough/sufficient/satisfactory/plenty/ampleadvantage The great advantage we have over them is that they are short of money.Benefit/gain/upper hand interest/profit/harvest/crop/earnings/returnsAim His aim is to win the game.Purpose/intention/goal/end/target/objective/motive/destinationAmass He amassed a great fortune in twenty years.Accumulate/assemble/gather/increase/collect/compile/heap up/store upMass/bulk/quantity/load/amount/volume/accumulation/pile/heap/crowd/multitude/pack/gangFigure/digit/measureambitious These young men were ambitious for success and money.Eager for/longing for/ hopeful for/wish for/crave for/be set on/be bent on/beintent uponamount His debt now amounts to 1,000 pounds.Add up to/approximate/total/sum upThe future of her marriage is supposed to be decided by the amount of money.sum/measure/quantity/price/valueangle Try looking at this affair from a different angle. aspect/view/point ofview/opinion/belief/attitude/impression/notion/idea/thought/conception/judgment/theory/outlookannounce He had to announce the death of Johnson before the board.Proclaim/broadcast/report/state/declare/notify/tell/make knownanticipate A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do.expect/ look forward to/await/foresee/hope foranything but The hotel is anything but satisfactory. Not at allThe apparent things might not tell of the truth.apparent obvious seeming evident clear plainapart Apart from his nose, he is quite good-looking.Apart from the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.Except for / other than /but / but for / besides/moreover/also/too/as well/inaddition He was appointed member of the committee.Name/elect/nominate/choose/assign/vote forappeal I appeal to him for help. implore/plead/begapply Please apply to the secretary for further information.The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.approve Many people don t approve of the plan. disapprovelike/prefer/endorse/accept/think well ofarise The company s losses this year arise almost entirely from the new taxes.Rise raise rouse arouse ariseOriginate/ derive/stem/ flow/come/emerge/appear/show up/turn up fromartificial/artistic Her painting is a great artistic creation.ashamed/shameful embarrassed/embarrassing frustrated/frustrating humiliated/humiliatingAshamed of having acted so rashly, David apologized to Amy for having accusedhim.acquaint I m sure Betsy is the girl whom you will be glad to get acquainted with.associate/link / touch / join / unite / combine / connect /go with / run with/mingle with / relateI assume that success is a sum of mistakes.Assume think suppose presume suspect understand take for grantedassure I can assure you of my support
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