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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上教 案 纸 月 日 第 1 章 第 1、2 课时 总第 1、2 课时课 题Unit 1 what a wonderful time!教 学 目 标(包括知识目标、能力目标、情感目标)1、get information about travel2、talk about your travel experience教 材 分 析(包括教学重点、教学难点)1、some information about the section of warm-up2、situational expressions about talking over the vocation.教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)Communicational, Pair work, Listening Comprehension, TBLT教 学 过 程 设 计教 学环 节时 间安 排主 要 内 容师 生 双 边 活 动 及 教 法 运 用备 注导 入新 课讲 授1010 5 20 Lead-in: say something about travelingWords and expressions:1. ask the students to pronounce;2. play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.Dialogues:TravelingDialogue 1. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.2. Situational expressions:(1) Have you ever been to.?Yes, a wonderful place.No, I wish I could.(2) Did you visit.? Yes, I visited.(3) When did you visit.? I visited.last year/a week ago.(4) How did you get there? I went there by.(5) Do you visit.by train?Pair work Reading Explanation教 学环 节时 间安 排主 要 内 容师 生 双 边 活 动 及 教 法 运 用备 注新 课归 纳总 结布置作 业15 5 5 10 5 5No, I visited the place on foot.(6) How do you like it?exciting.3. Language points:(1) a bit(2) no matter (3) go wrong(4) admission ticket4. Practice: finish the chart finish the dialogue5. Practice the dialogues in pairs.6. Make dialogues about travelingAct out the dialogues in pairs.Sum up:1. Situational expressions;2. Language pointsAssignment:1. Read the new words and dialogues;2. Make a dialogue about traveling.HomeworkExplanationPracticeWriting Oral考 勤见教学日志教学体会(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、导入新课、讲授新课、学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)教 案 纸 月 日 第 1 章 第 3、4 课时 总第 3、4 课时课 题Unit 1 what a wonderful time!教 学 目 标(包括知识目标、能力目标、情感目标)1、To learn the passage.2、To understand the passage.教 材 分 析(包括教学重点、教学难点)1、Words and expressions;2、Situational expressions.教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)Explanation, Group Discussion, TBLT, Reading Comprehension教 学 过 程 设 计教 学环 节时 间安 排主 要 内 容师 生 双 边 活 动 及 教 法 运 用备 注复习讲 授 15 10 5 15 5 Review:1. Read and identify new words;2. Act out the dialogues that they made. Words and expressions:1. Ask the students to pronounce;2. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.Passage:1. Pre-reading questions;2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions;3. Situational questions:(1) We didnt prepare well for the trip.(2)We left our flight ticket at home. (3) We were lucky that the fire at the hotel was put out soon.(4) The bad experience didnt ruin our holiday after all.Pair workOralReadingExplanation教 学环 节时 间安 排主 要 内 容师 生 双 边 活 动 及 教 法 运 用备 注新 课归 纳总 结布置作 业20 10 5 54. Language points:(1)prepare for(2)no matter (3)go wrong(4)arrive at(5)fall asleep(6)put out(7)in time (8)be determined to(9)at the hotel(10)in time5. Read the passage and ask questions.Sum up:1. Situational expressions;2. Words and structures.Assignment:.Read the new words and passageHomeworkExplanationPracticeWriting Oral考 勤见教学日志教学体会(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、导入新课、讲授新课、学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等教 案 纸 月 日 第 1 章 第 5、6 课时 总第 5、6 课时课 题Unit 1 what a wonderful time!教 学 目 标(包括知识目标、能力目标、情感目标)1、 To learn some phonetics2、 To learn the grammar Exclamations教 材 分 析(包括教学重点、教学难点)1、 some phonetics 2、 some use of Exclamations教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)Practice, Pair work, Communicative Teaching教 学 过 程 设 计教 学环 节时 间安 排主 要 内 容师 生 双 边 活 动 及 教 法 运 用备 注复习讲 授1010 15 Review:1. Read and identify new words;2. Read the passage;3. have a dictation. Phonetics:1、 Listen and read the phonetics and the words.2、 Put some words in the proper basket according to the pronunciation of the endings.Grammar: ExclamationWe use exclamations to express our surprise, anger, or other strong emotions. Exclamations are often constructed with how/what or with so/such. For example:How cold it is!You are so sweet!Pair work listening Explanation教 学环 节时 间安 排主 要
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