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三年级英语期中试卷听 力 部 分一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,将其序号填入括号里。(10分)( )1. A. arm B. aunt ( )2. A. bag B. bear ( )3. A. cake B. car ( )4. A. box B. book( )5.A. duck B. desk ( )6. A. eight B. eleven ( ) 7.A. sister B. six ( ) 8. A. head B. hand ( ) 8.A. marker B. monkey ( ) 10. A. egg B. leg 二、选出你听到的句子(10分)( )1. A. 我有一本新故事书。 B. 我有一个新水瓶 ( )2. A. 一本英语书。 B. 一本语文书。( )3. A. 咱们去上学吧! B. 咱们回家吧!( )4. A. 这是我的弟弟。 B. 这是我的姐姐。 ( )5.A. 十二点了。 B. 十一点了。( )6. A. Im in Class1,Grade 3 B. Im in Class 2,Grade 3( )7. A. Whats on the desk? B. Whats on the chair?( )8. A. Whos that? B. Whos this?( )9. A. This is my brother. B. This is my mother.( )10.A.Whats in it? B. What time is it?三、按所听的内容给下列单词排序(10分)five marker four chair son( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )eleven aunt desk seven uncle( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、根据所听内容,给下列句子重新排序(10分)( )Hes my uncle.( ) Whos that man?( )Hi, Li Ping!( ) Shes my aunt.( ) Whos that woman?笔 试 部 分五、中英文匹配,写序号(10分) 1Chinese book 2. classroom 3.school 4. nine 5. eight6.sister 7.brother 8. daughter 9.twelve 10. English book( )姐妹 ( )教室 ( )英语书 ( )九 ( )兄弟( )十二 ( )八 ( )学校 ( )女儿 ( )语文书六、选出与所给图片相符的单词(8分)1( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) A.Chinese book A.marker A.chair A.sixB.storybook B.pen B.desk B.seven5( ) .6( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) A.daughter A.ten A.school A.uncleB.son B.eight B.classroom B.aunt七、看图,读单词,填出不同类的单词(2分)( ) ( ) Afather B.mother c.dog A.four B.five C.English book八、选择正确的译文,写序号(10分)( )1.Good morning. A. 早上好。 B.下午好。( )2.Very good. A.你很好。 B.非常好。 ( )3. Glad to meet you. A. 不客气。 B. 见到你很高兴。( )4. One two three. A. 123 B 231( )5. How old are you ? A.你多大了? B.你好吗? ( )6.Whats your name?. A. 你叫什么名字?B.几点了?( )7.Im nine. A. 九点了。 B.我九岁。( )8.What time is it? A.几点了? B.它是什么? ( )9.This is my mother A. 这是我妈妈 B.这是我爸爸( )10. Excuse me. A.打扰了。 B.这是我。九、连线,并写出英文单词对应的中文(10 )father mother( ) ( )grandmother grandfather( ) ( ) Me( )十、情景交际(10分) ( )1.开学了同学们又见面了,是怎么样问候的 A .lets go to school B. Glad to meet you again. ( )2. 你想向朋友介绍自己时应当这样说 A .Whats your name? B. My names Ben( )3.当别人说谢谢你时,你会说: A. Thank you. B. Thats OK( )4. 当你想告诉别人五点了时应当说: A. What time is it? B. Its five. ( )5.当早上和同学见面时,我们应当说:. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon.十一、读句子,图片与句子相符的打“” ,不相符的打“”(6分) Three pencils Five rulers Six cats Nine balls Seven birds Ten pens十二、选出与句子意思一致的图片(4分) ( )1._Whos that man? _Hes my father. A B C( )2._Whos that woman? _Shes my mother. A B C( )3._Whos that woman? _Shes my grandmother. A B C ( ) 4.This is my family. A B C
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