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第一部分 语 法 与 词 汇1.Their victory is out of _C_, for theyve lost too many men.A question B questions C the question D a question2.“Where is your father?” “Oh, _B_”.A he here comes B here he comes C here comes he D here does he come3.Which is the largest number of the following? _C_.A Fifty percent B Two divided by three C Zero point eight D Seventy percent4.The company is very famous _A_ the high quality of its products.A for B in C by D with5Our factory has_D_. A. many fire equipments B. much equipment of fireC. many equipments of fire D. much fire equipment6.My teacher was made _A_ his teaching because of his poor health.A to give up B give up C given up D giving up 7.Sometimes people just say eight-fifteen _D_ a quarter past eight.A out of B ahead of C because of D instead of8.I feel very helpless to see the _B_ telephone bill.A including B increasing C declaring D decreasing9.I havent seen her for years, but I could still _A_ her voice on the phone.A recognize B realize C hear D know10.When I got up this morning, I felt the temperature had_B_.A sunk B fallen C dropped D lowed11.The mountain is _A_ 6.3 kilometers high, but it is not the highest one.A nearly B near C neat D neatly12.Frankly, Id rather you _A_ anything about it for the time being.A didnt do B dont do C will not do D do13.Now we may be able to say _B_ between music and noise.A that what the difference B what the difference is C the difference is what D what is the difference 14.Mary realized she_C_ A is made fun of B was making fun of C was being made fun of D is being made fun of15. It _A_ this way. A used to be done B is used to doing C is used to do D used to do16. I _C_ stay home than go to the cinema.A would prefer B would better C would rather D had better17. Darwin did not mean to attack peoples different religious _B_.A belief B beliefs C believes D believs18.“How did you pay the workers?” “As a rule, they are paid by _C_.”A hour B an hour C the hour D hours19. We must try to avoid these mistakes _D_. A repeat B repeating C be repeated D being repeated 20. Knowledge is more precious than _D_.A something B anything C everything D anything else21.The sports meet was _D_ because of the heavy rain.A called for B called up C called on D called off22. The nearest restaurant is closed, so we must look for food _A_. A elsewhere B nowhere C somewhere D anywhere 23. _B_ the bad storm Tom delivered the newspapers on time.A In favor of B In spite of C In front of D In charge of 24. How long can we_A_against these attacks?A hold back B hold to C hold up D hold out25. Many colleges can _D_ free training courses to help laid-off workers. A offer B pay C receive D manage26.The children are still _B_, waiting for their mother to come back.A waken B awake C wake D awaken27 Internet can provide you with a lot of _D_. A answer B thing C question D information 28. Mike is always losing something. He is a _C_ boy.A careful B hopeful C careless D hopeless 29. If your neighbors are too noisy you can _C_ to them.A compete B combine C complain D compare 30. Dont tell me Helen is still _A_ that red-haired boy!A thinking of B thinking over C thinking out D thinking through31. The light is too _D_ for me to see.A small B dark C smart D dim 32. Under the_C_ from abroad, Japan gave in and agreed to open its rice market to other countries.A force B threat C pressure D in front of 33. The girl was _D_ for cleaning the room thoroughly.A pleased B prayed C practiced D praised34. The meeting _A_ at midnight and we all went home late.A broke up B broke off C broke out D broke down35.The small pocket dictionary was _B_ into a larger one.A. expected B. expanded C. excited D. exhausted36._B_ for the traffic jam, I should have covered fifty miles.A. It has not been B. Had it not been C. Had it been D. Has it not been37. Everything _A_ if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade.A. would have been destroyed B. will be destroyed C. would be destroyed D. will have been destroyed38.I seem to have met you _D_. A. some time B. ago
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