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大学生英文自我介绍模板汇总八篇 大学生英文自我介绍篇1 ow do you d WelcometChina!y me s,Imyearsold, I lie i the city of ,I suy ewell.Iam an cive o I lksportsveruch .I am god at sw-ing.Iaso lie riig a ik becsem home isfr fromchl,I ridet so evry day.I hae a brother.Everye oves .Bt hey often copre y bo-herith m.Ti maes me angry.I dont want toe like my brh-er.Inywanto b yelfImkind-heated.I ou nee elp,le comttoe.lltry my beso give h toyou.Ihope a fends . 大学生英文自我介绍 篇2 God mornng! t s rlly my honoo haveis opprtity f a interiew,ihpe can make agood perfoane tday. m onfidntha i can succe n i ill introduc mysl brief i m2yas d,born in shadon povince . i was graatedfr qingao nvesty. yaor is eltronic.an iom bhelor degee fter radtion i the yar o . i pnd s of myime on std,i ve passdce4/6 .and i equird baickdge o y ma dig my school time. in jul X, i bgin work or a sal rivae companya a nical supprt ennee inqingdao cty.becse im capabe f more reponsibiites, soi decidedtochag my jo nd inaugustXX,i lf qindao bei and woke for aforign entrprse automation otwar est enier.bee an to cag woring nvronment, iike tofndaob whch is morechllngng.moroe motoola a gloalcompany, o i l ic gi hemosfrom wrking inthis kn fcompan ennvionmnt that he easn why icom hreto ompete orthis psiti.i m agod team player and pson of get onty to ohes. also i ableto workunde grtrsse. thtsll. thank yo forivi me th canc. 大学生英文自我介绍 篇3 lo,eryone! My name is(中文名) .Yu canasocalm (英语名) ifyou like I oefrm uir1. tis eal reat honor tohave the opportnt fostanding ere. o a rst, would ike thkyoll or istenngtome. Im an ie,cofide gil in thehol,my aourt subject s Im te(班中的职位) of my laso it make sensof ressbiliy higher I alseoy (介绍你的兴趣爱好等) My pe atpresent is to winthscompti.Ifl fail,tough it isaittledisappont,It wo be y confidence. I liee that Il do it betrnetti.I hopeI an aea perfectperfrmaceoay. Thant you!我的名字叫-,你也可以叫我-。我来自初一年级。十分荣幸能有这次机会参加这个比赛,首先,感谢你们的聆听。 在学校,我是一个活泼,自信的女孩,我最喜欢的科目是-,在班中,我担任-一职,它锻炼了我的能力与责任心。我也很喜欢-。目前,我的愿望是能赢得这次比赛。如果我输了,我会有些失望,但是我不会气馁,我相信我下次能做得更好。 希望我今天的表演会比较出色。大学生英文自我介绍 篇4 Good nin, my nameis G, it iseally a great ooro ave thi opportuniyor interview, I would lk o answerwhatever yo a rise,dhpeI can mae a good efomnc toay.m confin tat Ican succeew Ill ntroduce sef briefy, am 20 ears ld,bor in ndg rovince ,east ofchia, n I a currel a siorstdnt t UPCof noraon nd Engineing trol. my majris Infomin a Sgna Pressng, n wlecimymastreree after my rauation injune In thepast 3 yers,Ipend mo of my ie study andesearh, aepsedCET ndI hv cquied baicnowedgeboh nthery andin practceThruh colege ife, earn taace betw tdy and ntetaimen. theway,I h acd sclss Mson secretary or twyears an given hettl of an excellent classler. a few gorou memry onste.Tha s my pride.omimes I prefero sty lne, rading, lstio classic muic, but a ot loely, Iketo chatwith m lssmes, amtk eveythin ,I e lt of intes,uch films,trvels,handwritg,spotsand so on. My fvoriepsislayng basetbal, as, like blggi theinternet.f you ae itested in my blog, u can isi mywebit:,iwill e y hnor.I thnkIma goodeampaer nIm a pesonof gra hnesy others. Also I mble o work under re presure. Thts ll han o fr giving meth chane. Thak u o yur attention! 大学生英文自我介绍 篇5 Good moning, evryn Thak you for aking yo tme. rallymy hono o have hs opportity tke part i thitervw.Now, I ollke oitrouceyselriefly. 大家早上好!感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间。非常荣幸有机会参加本次面试。下面我简单介绍一下我自己。 Mna is DorisI am 23 yars o an born n Qigda. I gradad m Heei niverit of cienc nd Techoogy. My maor iEglish. An I gotmybacelo egree ftr my gauatin als sude Auditin Hei Nrma Unrsit ofScience a chnlogI am vey interested in Engis and stud very ard o this bet. had sed TM-8 ad BEC Vntage I orke ina Americancompa a theeginnig o hs ya.My spoen ngli was iprove lt y comuncatingwith Ae
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