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Ut2 s ths yur enil I.词汇 A) 用下列所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Loo! Are _(tht) maps 2 her _(be)thechirens other 3.ive _(bx) n the be. 4.r angha two _(child).One is ten theoheris eght. Mum,_(thse) is my rnd. B) 用正确的物主代词填空。 .I m Class2.Ths s _ clas. 7.Wag Hon,ths is_ bag. re you are. 8.he boy i y frend. _ name i Tom 9. This s brd _ nme is olly. 10. he ir ucy._ i on the dek. .补全对话 A) 根据图画及对话内容,补全句中所缺单词。 A: Lok at the pictue. Its An amily(家庭) B: Is ths n _(11) fat A: Yes, _(12) is Ann fathe,read. B:Whos thi _(13) A: ShesAns her ho is he boy, o you_(4) B:Ithin hes Anns _() A: es. Yoar right ) 根据对话内容,补全所缺部分。 A: xcuse me, Wg Do. sth your bag B:_(16) Mba hre._(1)is that ils ba. A: O. _(1) I iyourbag : Oh, yes. Its my ba. A: _(19) C: Thank o very muc. :_(20) III.句型转换-按要求改写下列各句, 每空一词。 21ta pnilbo. (改为复数句) _ ar _. 2. Thank yu. Tht OK.(改为同义句) Thk o. Ta _. 23 Thsar Chinese oks. (改为否定句) Thes _ _ Chines boos. 24. The aridre (改为单数句) e_ a _. 25Those ils.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ .阅读理解 Wang Hua is Chiese oy. He i tweve e isinClassTwo, rade One. Thi hs cat.I ont kowts name. I thin tishe.That is his schol bg. Yo can seea pencibox, anEnglish txtbok(课本), wo Chieetexbooks,sme exercis oos ad anngls-Chieedictionar(英汉词典)n it.i gd friend i Peter. PetersanEnglsh boy.H is wlve, to. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 ( ) Wang Hua ia Chiee boy. ( )2. His in ClassOne,Grde w ( )28. kow h cats Mim. ( )29. You cant see a balin is school ag. ( )30. eter is Chinse, too key: A) 1hse2. is . boxe. chiden 5.this ) 6m 7 yr 8. is 9. Its 0. He II. )11. her 1.h 3. oan4. know 1. roter B) 16 N,it isnt. I thn 8.xcuse me. 19.Her you ar.He it s 20Thats all right. II. 2. The, ncil-boes 22allright 23. are ot 24. is, chil 25. Wht areose . 26-0 TFFT
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