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Lesson7 I can see twenty-one pens导学案一、学习内容和要求项目内容要求语音字母组合ir,or复习ir,or的发音规律,了解or在重读与非重读音节中的变化词汇thirty,forty,fifty,twice,doctor能听懂、会说、会拼读,并能根据中文拼写出英文marry,husband能听懂、会说、会拼读was,eraser,ballpoint只要求能听懂和会说语言结构Ican see twenty-one pens能掌握can see及2199的数词的基本用法,并能用数词来替换造句交际用语Could you help me,please?How many pens can you see?I can see twenty-one.能听懂、会说,并能用来进行会话趣味阅读How old is she?能理解课文大意,并能回答与课文内容相关的问题或能根据图片及关键词进行复述二、课时安排: 3课时The first class自学提纲:1、掌握单词2、学习lets talk学习重难点:熟练运用下列句型口头交流1、Could you help me,please?2、How many are there?学习过程:1、自主学习本课单词(Learnthewordsbyyourself.)师简介was的意义。2、学习单词拼读规则:小组合作交流,找出本课字母发音规律,教师相机点拨。3、学习Letstalk.1)、Letslearningroups.(会读talk,并且会翻译)2)、展示交流a.学生自主展示b.学生自纠发音及翻译c.教师评价3)、听录音跟读4)、Practise a.Read by yourself. b.Read in pairs c.Read in groups. d.分角色读e.情景对话4、检测反馈:1)、找出划线部分发音不同的一项。( )A.forty B.four C.our( )A.thirty B.theirs C.bird( )A.forty B.thirty C.today( )A.was B.place C.want2)、找规律填数词ten thirty thirty thirty-two 3)、按要求写句子A、I can see forty apples.(对划线部分提问) B、Is it yours?(否定回答) 5、课后反思The second class自学提纲:1、学习lets learn2、做游戏 A game3、练习 Lets pratise学习重难点:有关数字的特殊疑问句及其答语学习过程:1、ReviewReview the words of lesson 7Review Lets talk.Lets act in pairs.2、Lets learnA、复习2199数字的读写规律及各种学习用具的英文单词B、Learn by yourself.C、Lets practise in groups.D、小组展示,纠正错误 One ask,the other answer.3、A game练习数字叫号,出错的学生唱英文歌曲4、Lets practiceTalk about in groups and actCan you see some desks in the classroom ?Yes,I can.How many can you see?I can see twenty-four.5、拓展交流用其它名词、数字做替换,练习所学句型6、检测反馈:巧填数字 Fourteen + eighteen + fifty-two + + + thirty + + one forty-four + + + + twelve + six thirty-four Sixty forty-three twenty-seven连词组句1) many, how, you, see, can 2) I , try, but, to, try, think 3) does, what, father, your, do 7、课后反思The third class自学提纲Read 能理解故事大意,能根据课文内容做选择题。学习过程1、ReviewA、Review the words of lesson 7B、Review Lets talk.Lets act in pairs.C、Check each other2、学习Read小组合作 (会读会翻译)质疑展示A自主展示 B学生自纠发音及翻译 C 教师评价Lisen to the tape and repeat精心点拨:重点短语及句子1)、“whats the matter with you ?”你怎么了?是一种询问不幸、痛苦、问题等的原因、理由的句式,相当于“whats wrong with you?”2)、“when I married,I was 18,and my husband was 30.”结婚的时候,我18岁,我丈夫30岁。这句话是一个由when引导的时间状语从句,同时此句又是一般过去时的时态。3、检测反馈1) 根据课文内容选择填空:( ) Whats the matter you? A、for B、with C、to( ) I remember. A、dont B、doesnt C、not( ) When I , I 18. A、marry,am B、married,am C、married,was( ) How many can you see? A、ruler B、rulers C、box( ) 60 is 30. A、two B、too C、twice( ) I can try think. A、to B、and C、 2) 补全对话 help me, please? Certainly! Please count the bananas in the fridge. .One, two, three are there? Fourty-two.4、课后反思Lesson8 How many pupils are there? 导学案一、学习内容和要求项目内容要求语音辅音字母p,r,b,d的发音,字母组合th,ow的发音,字母u的长音和短音掌握辅音字母p,r,b,d的发音及字母组合th,ow的发音规律,掌握字母u的长音和短音词汇people,put能听懂、会说、会拼读,并能根据中文拼写出英文American,throw,around,pick,different能听懂、会说、会拼读can,useful,bin只要求能听懂和会说语言结构How many pupils are there?There are forty-two.能掌握how many与there be句型的基本用法,并能用替换词造句交际用语-How many pupils are there in your class?- There are forty-five.能听懂、会说,并能用来进行会话趣味阅读Recycling能理解课文大意,并能回答与课文内容相关的问题或能根据图片及关键词进行复述二、课时安排3课时The first class自学提纲:1、掌握单词2、学习lets talk3、A game学习重难点:熟练运用下列句型口头交流1、Are you in Class Three?2、How many pupils are there in your class?学习过程:1、自主学习本课单词(Learnthewordsbyyourself.)2、学习单词拼读规则:小组合作交流,掌握辅音字母p,r,b,d的发音及字母组合th,ow的发音规律,掌握字母u的长音和短音,教师相机点拨。3、学习Letstalk.1)、Letslearningroups.(会读talk,并且会翻译)2)、展示交流a.学生自主展示b.学生自纠发音及翻译c.教师评价3)教师精讲点拨:“Are you in Class Three?”英语中表述班级时一般名次在前,基数词在后,并且首字母要大写。4)、听录音跟读5)、Practise a.Read by yourself. b.Read in pairs c.Read in groups. d.分角色读e.情景对话4、A gameWhats in the ? Please guess.There are some in it.How many are there in it?There are .Yes./ No.5、检测反馈:填空1) Are you in Three, Five?2) How pupils are there in your class?3) Are there American pupils in your class?4) There are .(四十三)6、课后反思The second class自学提纲:1、学习lets learn2、Listen and number学习重难点:掌握有关数字的特殊疑问句及
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