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UML China 讲座All-in-One Design ToolPowerDesignerlO. 0与模型驱动开发王晓旳 PowerDesigner 首席架构0币 xwa,ngsyljase com 2004年3月25日议程我的简介-为什么要使用模型驱动开发工具 PowerDesigner 简介 PowerDesigner与业务流程建模 PowerDesigner与对象建模 PowerDesigner与数据建模 PowerDesigner 与 XML建模 PowerDesigner的共 同功能 PowerDesigner 10.0的新功能介紹 PowerDesigner与模型驱动开发 PowerDesigner 的路线图我的简介我的名字是王晓旳(WANG Xiao Yun)我于1978年上北京大学.只上了三个月.我于1979年去法国上学1986年大学毕业后在巴黎的SDP软件公司工作1988年开始开发 PowerDesigner1989年开发在法国出卖AMC*Designor1991年开始在美国出卖S-Designor1995年Powersoft买下了我们的SDP公司1995年 Sybase 又买下 了 PowersoftS-DesignorHAMCDesignor 的名 字改为 PowerDe signer 和PowerAMC从1995年到现在我一直负责PowerDesigne啲设计和开发 我在法国生活了 25年我现在还是中国人ASE为什么要使用模型驱动开发工具为什么要使用模型驱动开发工具?Would You Build a House Without a Blueprint The Architect will do the first high level drawings to validate the concept with its client He will then make a detailed plan for the Builders The Builders will take this blueprint and optimize it based on technical constraintsnAA开发软件的问题 How to improve application quality, reduce development time and ease maintenance? How to model business-driven application? How to design applications in such way that they are easy to change? Different techniques (E/R, UML, BP Modeling) have forced corporations to buy different tools, raising communication and co-ordination issues Lack of central place to store and manage models模型驱动开发工具 To improve application quality, reduce development time and ease maintenance-Use Modeling tool to analyze and design the applications-Use Modeling tool to generate the specification- Use code generators to generate the database, the application code-Use repository to store models and manage versions To model business-driven application and allow applications to be easilly changedUse Business Process Model, UML and Data Model together#ASEPowerDesigner 简介PowerDesigner 的历史Old Releases, focus on E/R modeling and extensions19891990199119921994 Prsoft 1996SybasernLZ11 I-的C粘精喘E命v5ModulesProcessAnalystv6Maturity releaseDataWarehouseNew generation, UML and new techniques1 1O1 1O1 1v7v7.5v8.0v9.0v9.5vlO.Ofirst UMLadded newMore UMLMore UML All UML diagramsSOAdiagram (Class)repository(Use Case,(Activity,UML profilesNETSequence)Component)BP ModelingMDADatawarehouseexte nsions20031999200020012002EJBBusiness Process modelingGartner 说PowerDesigner在数据建模上占世界第一位PowerDesignerMarket share in 2002 was 39%(Document Gartner August 2003)Gartner说PowerDesigner在数据建模上占世界第一位PowerDesignerMarket share in 2002 was 39% (Document Gartner August 2003)Data ModelingMagic Quadrant5 2004#Ability toExecutePowerDesig nerun derthe name”QDesig nerl#OOAD & BPA Market Overview Gartner modeling quadran tsObject Modelingat version 9.5.22003 quadrantBP Modeling at version 10OOA&D Magic Quadrant 2004Challe ngesLeadersBorlandtIBMRational XDEAbilitytoExecuteTelelogicEmbarcadero iLogix- Select.Popkin* MicrosoftComputer AssociatesAs or August 2003Sdtor/ScifoiMicrosoftIBM*IDS Scheer*ma jComputerssociaFeNetPopkinCorelMicrografx*ILOG-Proforma MEGACommerceQuest Gensym Casewise Hyperi onProActivity# Lanner High*Me怕 Software Performa nee Ultimus SigmaFlowToaster* VentannaComputas SIMUL8 Nimbus Partners* TrouxGryph on ProModelPowersim QPR RulesPowerlntel,iC0rp -PtechAs of January 20042004 quadrantFigure 1The Magic Quadrant for BPA. 2004Ability to ExecuteChallengersLeadersNiche PlayersVisionariesNiche Players/isionariesCompleteness of VisionCompleteness of VisionVisionnaryChallenger#Methodological Approaches to SODASource: Gartner不同的建模技术数据建模(E/R, DFD)面向对象建模(UML)商业流程建模(BPA)GaHneT说三个建模技术要连结在一起 Gartner research note decembre 2003 Strategic Planning, SPA-21-5951 - M Blechar Predicts 2004: BPA,UML and Data Modeling Converge Techniques such as business process analysis are converging to provide technical architects, business modelers, developers and database designers consistency, productivity and quality via reuse and code automation. .Vendors such as Sybase (PowerDesigner) and offer single products that span all three markets. Most UML modeling tool vendors already have some BPA and database design support in their tools, and vice versa 14Source: GartnerPowerDesigner Key Features Go
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