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?k for your Inner Suste nanceInner Sustenance :the thing you refer to when you are sad or confused.(精木申寄托)Whafs your inner sustenance?The originChinese culture: zongthe founderjiaogather to hold aritual(祭祀仪式)Western culture: reagainlegereget togetherGather for the same purpose or belief or faith|: Christianism: Islam: BuddhismChristia nityexWords aboutChristianityHistory ofChristianityBasicBelief*jWords about Christianity Bible The sacred text which records the lives of major figures in Christianity, including Jesus Contains Old and lfew Testaments.: Christmas The celebration of the birth of Jesus held on December 25th. Cross Roman method of execution(死刑)which took the life of Jesus. Now a symbol of Jesus suffering and resurrection(复活). Easter The celebration of Jesus triumphant return to life after dying on the cross.Jesus The central figure of Christianity, believed to be true God, who savea mankind from the torture of hell (监 狱的痛苦)by dying on the cross to grant (准许)them salvati on.弓 Mary Jesus1 mother, who conceived him by the in tervention of the Holy Spirit. Pope The spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic church. Protestantism (新教徒)The branch of Christianity which broke off from the Roman Catholic church at the time of the Reformation. Reformation A movement which resulted in the formation of the Protestant branch of Christianity. A reforming of Christianity which eliminated certain doctrines and practices of Catholicism which were deemed incorrect. Roman Catholicism (罗马天主教)The original Christian religion which descended from the originai Christians in Rome at the time of Christ.History of ChristianityChristianity is based upon the teachings of Jesus(川,稣),a Jew(犹太 人)who lived his life in the Roman province of Palestine (巴勒斯坦) Roman communications networks enabled Christianity to spread quickly throughout the Roman empire and eventually to the rest of Europe, and finally the entire globe.As time progressed, Christianity divided into three major branches The Roman Catholic (人丄教会)branch of Christianity is the successor of the church established in Rome soon after Christs death. It traces (迫溯)its spiritual history to the early disciples (fl 狹)of Jesus Roman Catholicism was originally predominately (占 优势土也) practiced in Ireland, Poland, France and Spain.During the fourth century, the Roman Catholic church split (分 裂)and the Eastern Orthodox (公认的)branch was formedThe split was primarily a political one due to the division of the Roman Empire into western and eastern parts. The two churches became officially separate in 1054. Orthodox churches are largely national, each associated with a particular country. Orthodoxy is comm on in Russia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, the Ukraine, and Armenia.The Protestant branch split from Roman Catholicism during the Reformation during sixteenth and seventeenth century , a series of church reforms in doctrine and practice. This movement challenged the authority of the Pope(罗马教 皇),and became popular in England, Iceland, Swiss, and the Netherlands. Protestantism eventually divided into many denominatio ns(教派).Basic Beliefs of Christianity Believes in one God, while the central figure in Christianity is Jesus (or Christ) The virgin Mary. The Christmas, with hymns(圣歌) and gift giving Not man ,also son of GodLive without sin Performed many miracles(奇迹). His father in heaven Arrested when 33 On the cross The Easter Christians can read of the life of Jesus, as well as his ancestors in the only Christian holy text, the Bible. The beliefs of Christianity can be seen in the words of the Apostles* Creed(使徒信条),which was written to distinguish Christianity from other religions 我和信圣父力能的.制造商的人地。和耶稣基怦,他唯的儿&我们的主;是由圣灵生于圣母玛利亚,受木丢彼拉多,彼钊在十字架I:,死后被埋葬。他陷入地狱;第三天,他起死回生;他今星到人堂坐任釆父上帝的右手边;在那电,他必须审叛生活和死亡。 我相信圣灵神条的基件教教会,共融的*人,宽恕的罪咲.反活的身体,和生命永恒的。阿工The Apostles Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.And with Jesus Christ,His only Son, our Lord;Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,Born of the Virgin Mary,Suffered under Pontius Pilate,Was crucified, died and was buriedHe descended into hell;The third day he rose again from the dead;He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;From there ne shall come to judge the living and the deadI befieve in the Holy Spirit,The holy Christian Church,The Communion of Saints,The Forgiveness of sins,The Resurrection of the body, and the Life everlasting.Amen.Christianity in China more than 10,000,000 ChristiansNearly 12,000 cathedrals(教堂)The Cathedral of Saint Paul in Macao (圣保罗大 教堂)Islam is an Arabic word that means surrender to God.” Believers in Isl
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