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2022-2023年考博英语-暨南大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题After an( )tour performance, the actress decided to fly to Hawaii to have a full relaxation.问题1选项A.generousB.exhaustingC.favoriteD.numerous【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项generous“慷慨的,大方的”;B选项exhausting“使人筋疲力尽的”;C选项favorite“最受喜爱的”;D选项numerous“许多的”。句意:在一场使人筋疲力尽的巡回演唱会之后,这位女演员决定飞往夏威夷度假放松。根据句意女演员决定飞往夏威夷度假放松可知前面的演唱会让人筋疲力尽所以才想要放松。因此B选项正确。2. 不定项选择题Just about everyone knows the meaning of “value” though youd never know it from the excesses of the Eighties. Clever campaigns often allowed marketers to charge more for their product and reap ever-higher profits. It waked like a dream until suddenly, facing difficult economic times, consumers wake up. Now, to the extent that theyre buying, many consumers are choosing the car that delivers the most for the monkey not necessarily the one they coveted as a status symbol a few years ago, they are shifting to the toothpaste that works from the ones with it slickest promotions. Companies that understand this new consumer have come up with something new: “value marketing”.A word of caution is necessary. In marketing, watchwords quickly metamorphous into buzzwords and value is no exception. Were not taping about ads that merely boast of a products value or even such legitimate sates tools as price cuts and discount: Used correctly, value marketing amounts to much more than just stashing prices distributing coupons. It means giving the customer an improved product, with ads, features and enhancing the role of marketing itself. In value marketing, marketing becomes part of the system for delivering value to the consumer. Instead of merely shaping image, such a program might offer enhance guarantees or longer warranties, ads that educate rather than hype, membership club that build loyalty, frequent-buyer plans, improved communications with customer, through 800 numbers, or package design that makes the product easier to use or more environmentally friendly.These and other value-marketing techniques can be expensive. They can tanker added production and marketing costs added to lower unit prices. Even so, the principle involved in value marketing value for money, an improved product, enhanced nice, and added features, are just that U.S. business needs to enhance its competitiveness in the global marketplace. Thats why it will be all to the good if the commonsensical virtues of value marketing become part of the permanent strategy of U.S. business.1. Consumers have waken up because of( ).2. Many consumers are choosing the commodities( ).3. In the 1980s, people would like to go after the products( ).4. Communications with customers may be improved( ).5. A value marketing program may not include( ).问题1选项A.the poor products they boughtB.the high price they paid for what they boughtC.the difficult economic timesD.a horrible dream问题2选项A.that are preciousB.that are warrantedC.that can show their statusD.that deliver the most for the money问题3选项A.that were most expensiveB.that were up-to-dateC.that could show their statusD.that were in fashion问题4选项A.through annual customers congressB.through the free 800 numbersC.through membership clubsD.through frequent education问题5选项A.daily visits to customersB.longer warrantiesC.membership clubsD.environmentally friendly packages【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:推理判断题。消费者清醒了,因为,选项A“他们买到的差质量的商品”;选项B“他们花高价购买了商品”;选项C“经济困难时期”;选项D“一场噩梦”,根据文章第一段中“Clever campaigns often allowed marketers to charge more for their product and reap ever-higher profits. It waked like a dream until suddenly, facing difficult economic times, consumers wake up.聪明的营销活动往往使营销人员为他们的产品收取更多的费用,并获得更高的利润。它像一场梦一样的突然醒来,由于经历困难的经济时期,消费者清醒了”,由此句可知经历经济困难时期是消费者清醒的导火索,商家提高商品价格,使得消费者花高价购买了商品是消费者清醒过来的根本原因,此处应该选择真正使得消费者不再相信商家任意抬高的商品价格,清醒过来的根本原因,故正确答案为选项B。第2题:细节事实题。许多消费者会选择什么样的商品,选项A“宝贵的”;选项B“有保障的”;选项C“能够展示他们地位的”;选项D“更多的考虑价格”,根据文章第一段 中“Now, to the extent that theyre buying, many consumers are choosing the car that delivers the most for the monkeynot necessarily the one they coveted as a status symbol a few years ago现在,就他们的购买限度来说,许多消费者选择价格最合适的车,而不必要像几年前一样,选择能够代表社会地位的车”,此处是以车为例说明了现在消费者的购买倾向,所以在购买其他产品的时候他们同样也会考虑价格再做出选择,故正确答案为选项D。第3题:细节事实题。在19世纪80年代,人们会追崇什么商品,选项A“最贵的”;选项B“最新的”;选项C“展示他们社会地位的”;选项D“时髦的”,根据第一段中“many consumers are choosing the car that delivers the most for the monkeynot necessarily the one they coveted as a status symbol a few years ago 许多消费者会选择价格最合适的车,而不必要像几年前一样,选择能够代表社会地位的车”,可知几年前,也差不多就是80 年代的时候,人们会倾向于选择能够展示他们社会地位的商品,而不是那些最贵的,最新的或者时髦的,故正确答案为选项C。第4题:细节事实题。与消费者的沟通可能会通过什么来提高,选项A“通过每年召开消费者会议”;选项B“通过免费电话”;选项C“通过会员俱乐部”;选项D“通过经常的教育”,根据文章倒数第二段中“improved communications with customer, through 800 numbers 通过免费电话增加与消费者的沟通”,可知提高与消费者的沟通是通过800免费电话,故正确答案为选项B。第5题:细节事实题。价值营销活动不包括,选项A“每天拜访消费者”;选项B“更长时间的保证”;选项C“会员俱乐部”;选项D“环境友好的包装”,根据倒数第二段中对价值营销活动的介绍,
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